need help with iphone movable button? - iphone

does anyone know what component this app is using???
I know it use uipagecontrol to control the page
but i don't know what they use to control the button

They are probably using three20's TTLauncherView control or they might of made their own version of it
More info:

You can move any UIView, and a UIButton is a UIView subclass. Just set its frame property.


Display UITableView like UIActionsheet style?

I have been trying to display UITableView like UIActionsheet showFromRect: style. Is there any way to do it programatically or Do I need to use image for that.
Please check the below image...
Here is the link for Custom UIPopOverController for iphone.
It will resolve your purpose. :)
I too was having the same situation and i have done this by using LeveyPopListView.
Try this one.
Make your own UIView which should have UITableView and Arrow image. Implement custom init method which will accept CGRect and from that rect display that Arrow image.

Navigation in a UItoolbar in iOS

Take a look at this picture:
I have something like a toolbar includes some buttons. user can move to left and right as you see. I know how to set the button in toolbar, but I don't know how can I fix this kind of navigation on the toolbar. Is it possible in the toolbar?
If yes, how?
if no, do you know any control in iOS that can help me?
It might be worth browsing through Cocoa Controls. They really have a lot of excellent pre-made custom controls for iOS and the Mac.
Personally, I would just create my own custom UIScrollView subclass which contains some UIButtons. Then set the scrollview to scrollView.pagingEnabled = YES after setting a correct content size.
Apple has an excellent guide on using scrollviews with paging here:

Safari Reader font-size control like popover

Safari has a nice popover that is used for controlling the font size. I'm talking about that one:
It's pretty nice, and my question is - how to implement something exactly like this?
Thank you!
There are many projects in github about popoverview, such as this
One way to implement this is to add a transparent view that takes up the whole screen so that when I touch outside the popover content, it'll dismiss. And the rest you need to do is just add some subviews to your transparent view.
Simple Really, If you want to use a popover then you can see this code PopOver Link
Or you can simply create a UIView containing 2 buttons , let this UIView rollout an animation whenever the UIButton on the bar is clicked and so on and so forth. Let me know for further queries :)

How to add a UIButton in the background of other UI elements using Interface Builder?

I have to add a UIButton in the background of a View I already layout and position different UI elements on. I need to do this to resign first responder when user leave keyboard. But this button goes to foreground and I really don't know how to proceed. Any idea ?
Thx for helping,
UIButton is a subclass of UIview You have a UIView in place now change its class from inspector, and make the style default so it looks like a plain view but with other controls inside it(as it is basically a view ). Wire it and use it
Jackson Sunny Rodrigues
I found the solution. I just needed to add the button in the top of the UI elements list in the Objects panel.

How do I add a touch event to a subview of UIView?

I'm trying to build by very first app so excuse my ignorance. I love the sample code that Apple put together here called ViewTransitions:
I want the transition to occur after a user taps the screen once instead of the button like the code does.
Change the inherited class of your xib to be UIControl.
Implement the touch events in your view.