Get all options in a select menu - jquery-selectors

How do I get all the options (text,not the value) of a select menu by by specifying its id

var textArr = $("#mySelect").map(function() {
return $(this).text();
Demo here. And see


Checking if an element is present in protractor-cucumber-framework

I am having an e2e testing pack with protractor-cucumber-framework and Chai for asserting.
I have a Feature file with a data table as below.
Scenario: Menu Validation
Given I am on the home page
When I do Hover over the menu item I should have the menu dropdown
|menu1 |
|menu2 |
|menu3 |
I have the step definition as below.
When(/^I do Hover over the menu item I should have the menu dropdown/, (dataTable) => {
let rootMenu : Array<string> = Array.from( dataTable.rawTable )
rootMenu.forEach((ele) => {
element([0])).isPresent().then(function(present) {
Even if the menu element ID is not present this test step never fail, I checked further the expect(present).to.equal(true); never get executed. I am not sure what I am missing.
can you try this instead
When(/^I do Hover over the menu item I should have the menu dropdown/, async (dataTable) => {
let rootMenu : Array<string> = Array.from( dataTable.rawTable )
for (let i; i < rootMenu.length; i++) {
let ele = = rootMenu[i];
expect(await element([0])).isPresent()).to.equal(true);

In vscode how to add multiple options to the status bar

I am planning to add multiple options to the status bar. Is it possible?
Like, If we click on the language type of a file we see multiple options in the same way.
how to create it?
Use vscode.window.createStatusBarItem to place an item on the status bar. When the item is clicked, it runs a command, that itself runs vscode.window.showQuickPick to prompt the user to select from a list of items.
export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext)
createStatusBarItem(context) ;
function createStatusBarItem(context: vscode.ExtensionContext)
// register a command that is invoked when the status bar
// item is clicked.
const myCommandId = 'myExtension.statusBarClick';
context.subscriptions.push(vscode.commands.registerCommand(myCommandId, async () =>
const pageType = await vscode.window.showQuickPick(
['shell', 'fetch rows, list in table'],
{ placeHolder: 'select type of web page to make' });
// create a new status bar item that we can now manage
const item = vscode.window.createStatusBarItem(vscode.StatusBarAlignment.Right, 100);
item.command = myCommandId;
item.text = `my command`;
item.tooltip = `status bar item tooltip`;;

How to remove selection after replace in vscode API

while creating an extension for vscode I got stuck in selection, now the problem is when I replace some range of textEditor through an api it replaces that range as well as make that range selected. For snippets this is a good idea but my extension requirement is not to select replaced text, I searched in api but did't find anything related to remove text selection (Selection occurs when the document is empty)
editor.edit((editBuilder)=>{ //editor is an object of active text editor
editBuilder.replace(textRange,text) // text = 'dummydummydummy'
}) //after this I got the following output
editor.edit(builder => {
builder.replace(selection, newStr);
// The edit call returns a promise. When that resolves you can set
// the selection otherwise you interfere with the edit itself.
// So use "then" to sure edit call is done;
.then(success => {
console.log("success:", success);
// Change the selection: start and end position of the new
// selection is same, so it is not to select replaced text;
var postion = editor.selection.end;
editor.selection = new vscode.Selection(postion, postion);
I believe that this is happening because the edit is being applied within the current selection. edit returns a promise that is resolved when the edit is applied, and you can use this to set the selection after the edit is successful:
editor.edit((editBuilder) => {
editBuilder.replace(textRange, text)
}).then(success => {
if (success) {
// make selection empty = editor.selection.anchor
let editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;
let selection = editor.selection;
editor.edit(builder => {
builder.replace(selection, newStr);
see: TextEditorEdit API Doc

how to add protractor locator for add click function in this menu

I have two menus 'Setup' and 'Reports' with sub-menus 'admin users','Reports dashboard','partner dashboard','partner relationship' etc marked with red color.
I want to navigate or click using protractor locators but unable to find how to select these menus that have no id and common CSS. I want something like this
var userTypes = element.all(by.repeater('t in user_userTypes'));</br>
From what I see, these elements are navigation menu items, Setup and Reports are high-level menus and Admin Users, Reports Dashboard, Partner dashboard, Partner Relationship and Grading Data are submenus. To open a submenu, I assume, you should click the appropriate menu.
Let's make a reusable function that would accept a menu label and a desired submenu label and use by.repeater() locator filtering the menus by text:
function selectMenu(menuLabel, submenuLabel) {
var menu = element.all(by.repeater("mi in menuItems")).filter(function (menu) {
return menu.all(by.tagName("a")).first().getText().then(function (text) {
return text.indexOf(menuLabel) === 0;
}).first();; // open up menu
var submenu = menu.all(by.repeater("s in mi.subMenuItems")).filter(function (submenu) {
return submenu.all(by.tagName("a")).first().getText().then(function (text) {
return text.indexOf(submenuLabel) === 0;
}).first();; // select submenu
Usage samples:
selectMenu("Setup", "Admin Users");
selectMenu("Reports", "Reports Dashboard");
Define a method and pass the 'hrefValue', filter by anchor tag.
var clickParticular = function(hrefValue){
element.all(by.tagName('a')).filter(function(element, index) {
return element.getAttribute('href').then(function (text) {
return text === hrefValue;
}).then(function(filteredElements) {
filteredElements[0].click().then(function() {

Jquery: get the text of the selected option in this

If the input is a select type, I want to get the text of the selected option, not the value.
This is what I have so far:
$('.encodageField').live('change', function(){
if( $(this).is('select') ) {
val = $($(this) + 'option:selected').text();
alert (val);
val = $(this).val;
alert (val);
So I need the text of $(this) the changed select. How do I use 'this' in combination with 'option:selected' as a selector.
try this
val = $('option:selected', this).text();
I think this should be equivalent to Leigh's answer