How do I disable the tiles happening in leaflet? I just want my image to show fit to window and zoom single image - leaflet

Leaflet framework seems like perfect solution, however it is using tiles to zoom. I want to source a single file and have it fit to window and zoom based on image being much larger than container.
I cannot find anywhere to disable tile feature. If I did would it break zoom functionality?

Welcome to SO!
Sounds like you overlooked Leaflet Image Overlay.
There is also a tutorial, although you may not need the CRS.Simple part.


How can I add a button in Mapbox to toggle the measure tool on and off?

I'm using this Mapbox example for creating a measuring tool.
However, I want to have a small icon button that toggles the tool on and off. I don't always need to measure distances. Much like the polygon draw example here:
I can't quite figure out how to do it. Any direction would be great here. I'm still learning.
SOLVED: I took a better look at the mapbox draw documentation and saw that it supports length as well. This meant I was simply able to switch out the area.

Ideas for custom, zoomable floorplan with interactive markers?

I'm looking to implement a widget that shows a floorplan with a custom image. It needs to have markers that show specific points on the plan, and the markers should pan and zoom with the floorplan so they remain in the same position relative to the plan. Imagine a normal map with markers, but I want to show a floorplan image instead of map data.
I've seen this video which uses a GridView: however I don't think it's the best solution for my scenario, as my floorplan images may have different numbers of markers that won't fit in to the grid resolution/dimensions.
Any ideas which widgets/libraries would help me achieve this?
Please let me know if you want more clarity on my goal

Leaflet zoom in further and stretch tiles

When I zoom in far enough on my map, the TileLayer disappears and I see a bunch of tiles that say "Map data not yet available". I believe these tiles may be coming from the provider, but I am not sure (I am using ESRI WorldImagery dataset).
Is there any way to, at a certain zoom level, just force the tiles to stretch, instead of requesting the tiles for that zoom level? I am ok with some blur, but I do need to zoom in further.
I tried playing around with the zoomOffset option, but whenever I put something there other than 0, my tiles just never load (all grey).
This can be solved by using two of the options of L.TileLayer.
First, set maxNativeZoom to the highest zoom level your tiles provide (the last zoom level before the "Map data not available" starts to appear - this tells Leaflet to stop requesting new tiles when zooming in beyond this level; stretched tiles will be used instead.
Second, set maxZoom to whatever zoom is appropriate; you might not want this to be more than a couple of levels higher than maxNativeZoom, since the stretched tiles will start to look pretty horrible.
You can find out more about the details by checking under "Options" in the documentation for L.TileLayer:

Zooming a hotspot when it clicked

I have to make some hot spots on my image , so that when i click anyone of them they zoom.
For example consider the image
When i click that butterfly then it zoom
Please provide a good solution
Following are my thinking
Use a button and click it and add a subImageView and zoom it.
Zoom a particular region of this image when touch at that place.
Both ideas have their limitations.In first i have to create a saperate image and also my app size will become very large.
and limitation of second is that it will not zoom exact required image.
I was also thinking of masking but i think that is also not very good way, because this is just a sample, i have many images like this and can be many hot spots on a single image.
please guide.
If you are dealing we rather large images you should check out CATiledLayer, which are very fast and efficient to use.
Check out this blog post, including the demo app:

iPhone - Image overlay MapKit framework?

I can see with iOS4 you can now tile an image on google maps (Been looking at the TileMap example from apple). This is great as this is what I want to do, but from what I can see I need to know the GEO reference of the image so I can raster the images with the appropriate zoom levels, etc. What I have is an artist image, which is a map of a specific area and I want to overlay this image on google maps.
Am I missing something here, but can this be done with a none standard map and having different zoom levels?
The main reason why I need to use google maps is because of the GPS functionality, so the user will know where they currently are on the map.
Georeferencing is how you "pin" your image to the world. It is a tricky process, but not too hard once you dig into it.
You've already found the TileMap example code - that is the first step.
Next, check out There you will find links and some binaries that you can use to process your image into georeferenced tiles.
If you don't know the lat/long coordinates for your image, you can use Google Earth to interactively overlay the image onto the map, and then copy the coordinates out.
Good luck!