How to prepare iPhone app to be able for upgrading to the latest version available on AppStore - iphone

How to prepare app to be able for upgrading to the latest version available on AppStore

While setting the CFBundleVersion is something I always do, the displayed app version and and upgrading is handled in iTunes Connect and not something you actually "prepare" from a code perspective.
a) Logon to iTunes Connect.
b) Choose "Manage Your Applications"
c) Click the app you want to upgrade
d) Click "Add Version" - this is where you will supply the version number
e) Fill out the information as you would with any app.
Once approved the upgrade availability is handled by the end user's iTunes and alerts them that an upgrade is available. I have yet to use it, but I believe Apple has added the ability to choose when an approved app is released.


App Store not showing update button when new version is available

I have released the update of iOS app on iTunes. It is available on App store but neither it is showing in 'updates' tab nor it is updating automatically. Finally i uninstalled the old version and installed the new version from the app store.
This iOS app is developed in phonegap.
You should wait a few hours before a device finds the updated version of your approved application. The application update needs to be distributed to multiple servers dedicated to the App Store.
It is possible to manually check for updates on your device since iOS 11. Tap near the top of the screen near the ‘Updates’ text, then hold and pull down, then release.
Please note that you will not get the update automatically when you see a download button on your application page in the App Store. This means that the version on your device is signed with a different certificate than the released version in the App Store. Simply click on the download button to resolve this.
Hope this helps!
It's an open bug from apple side since last 5 years which is still yet to be fixed.
For reference kindly check their official site :

IOS - Old version of app being installed from the app store

I released an update to my app 2 days ago. Since then I have heard from users that they are getting the old version of the app.
The really odd part is that the user is seeing the new app description and screenshots in the app store.
I have figured out how to reliably reproduce the issue. Is this something that I can fix myself? I've contacted Apple and searched the web but have found nothing so far.
To get the old version:
Go to appstore. Find SocialPar.
Click to install the app.
While it is downloading, go back the iPhone main screen (spingboard). You will see the app installing.
You now have the old version of the app
To get the new version:
Go to appstore. Find SocialPar.
Click to install the app.
Wait in the appstore for the install to complete,
Click open
It will prompt for passwords to itunes account
It will install again
Click open again
You now have the proper version of the app.
I am wasting a lot of money promoting my app right now and its killing me that my marketing efforts are driving people to install an old version of my app.
Can anyone reproduce this with their apps?
Apple is now allowing users to download older versions of your app.
You can prevent this by going to iTunes connect and visiting your app's "Rights and Pricing" section. At the bottom there's a "Manage iCloud download settings for this app" link where you can exclude older version from being available.
This is probably related to iCloud as I was having a very similar problem. If you have previously downloaded your app on any device then when you download it on a new device, it will download the same version as you previously downloaded. You then get the option to update to the latest version.
Confused me to start with!

Submitting New Version Of The App To The App Store

I have an iPhone app that was accepted in the App Store almost a month ago. Now i have updated my app with some new features and added iOS 7 support etc.
This is actually the first very first time i am going to submit a new version of the same app to the App Store.
As far as it seems, i have to go to iTunes Connect > Manage Your Apps, select the app and then click on "Add Version" and add the version number and whats changed in the new version. Go back and add the updated screenshots and then using Xcode, i can submit it for the approval.
The question is that is there anything else that i am missing and that i should do in order to submit the new version of the app? As i said i am doing it for the very first time. Thanks!
Things you may wan't to consider:
submitting any new in-app purchases with the new version of the app
make sure your app version and short app version is higher than the one in the version currently in the app store, otherwise you will not pass validation
run validation before submitting so you can see if you get any warnings, sometimes there may be collision with Apple private apis. If they are in your code, I'd suggest to rename your methods
The only thing you need to do now is to update the version number and the build number in your Xcode application, archive your app and submit on the AppStore.
On iTunes Connect you set the new version number :

Worklight: Releasing another version of App on Apple Store, will it require re-install

I want to know as we release a version (v1.0) of an App on Apple Store and later on we release another version (2.0) of the same App on Apple Store.
Now in this case; being in Worklight approach:
If 2nd version contains native code changes, Will it go to all users without re-install of the old version of the App?
OR, users using old version of the App, must delete old version of the App and then install latest version?
Any specific changes that we have to do in the Worklight App, or on WL Server side or anywhere else.
This question is only about when we have native level changes between the versions.
If any link for more info given will be much regarded.
A thread with similar question and my answer/opinion: IBM Worklight: Upload application to Worklight Server / App Store
If you're upping the application version and submit the application to the App Store, the update process is similar to that of any other app on the App Store (remember, a Worklight Hybrid application is still contained inside a "native shell").
The end result is that users of v1.0, will receive an update notice for v2.0 of the same app and the app will simply be updated.

Developer rejected State?

Got 2 versions of app in appstore 1.0 and 1.1 , But both are not live in the App Market. Now I had rejected the app for the version 1.1 which was in the developer release status.
But since I have rejected it, i'm unable to find the the way to re-upload my new version to the appstore again.
I want to re-upload the binary, since I have rejected my previous version.
In iTunes Connect, go to the page with details of your new version and click the "Ready to Upload Binary" button again. Note that you won't have the opportunity to edit your keywords after this.