How to test iPhone app on iOS 3.1.3? - iphone

I have an iPhone app which I need to test in an older version of iOS. In the iPhone Simulator, under the Hardware->Version menu, there are the options 3.2 and 4.0. Is it possible to test the app on an older version of the iOS? If so, how do I make it happen?

Unless you kept your old build of xcode (that has the 3.1.3 simulator) or you have a device running 3.1.3 you are more than likely out of luck.


can app(target os below 4.3) run on ios6

Just wonder if the app(target os below 4.3) can run on ios6.
xcode 4.5 can not build the target below 4.3, does this mean ios6 does not accept app with os target below 4.3?
Welcome any comment
Almost all apps built for older iOS versions will be able to run on future iOS versions. However, you will have difficulty building older iOS apps to newer iOS devices. Also, be careful when you release. I had been working on one of my apps in iOS 4, and it was rejected for crashing. I updated my xcode and realized some of the old code didn't work in iOS 6.
an app targeted below 4.3 should be able to run on iOS6 devices as long as the app is built with an xcode less than 4.5. at least that was the case with an app I work on and it didn't seem to cause any problems (that i'm aware of). the difference is if you want to update that app using xcode 4.5 you'll have to change the target build to at least 4.3.

iPhone 3.2 simulator

I'm working with a legacy app with a deployment target of 3.0. I have a crash being reported on iOS 3.1.3 for iPhone. In xcode 4 the only 3.x simulator I see listed is iPad 3.2
How do I test iOS 3.1.3 for iPhone?
See Install xCode 3.2.3 w/ iPhone SDK 4, get "Base SDK missing", can't see other SDKs for an extended discussion of this topic. Also, links to older Xcode and iOS SDK versions can be found at
Buy a used iPhone or iPod Touch that has 3.1.3 installed and don't update the iOS on it. I have a 3G with 313, no cell service and just use it for testing on wifi. This is also useful to see check what the performance is like on a slower phone.
However, many 3.1.3 crashes are caused by using a 4.0 API call or object that is only in 4.0. You can find those problems on the 3.2 simulator.
It's not possible actually with Xcode4. If you can get old version of Xcode3.1 with iOS SDK 3.1 and install it side by side with Xcode4 then it may be possible.

Can't debug on Simulator 3.2 anymore

I have recently updated XCode (3.2.4) and the SDK (4.1).
When debugging I can only debug using:
iPad Simulator 3.2
iPhone Simulator 4.0
iPhone Simulator 4.0
How do I use the iPhone Simulator for 3.2? Is it available?
iOS 3.2 never ran on the iPhone. It was iPad-only. And Apple considers iOS 3.1 too old to maintain support for.
There is no iOS 3.2 for iPhones. Only iPhone OS 3.1.x and lower, and iOS 4.0 an up.
To test on iPhone OS 3.1.3 (or earlier), you will need an actual device running that OS version. Many developers buy a used older model iPod Touch for just this purpose.
Apple is no longer accepting apps that run on iPhone OS versions prior to 3.0.

How do I use the iPhone Simulator in 3.2 (not iPad Simulator)

I'm fixing my app to be a universal binary. Testing on the simulator seems to default to the iPad. For small corrections like checking orientations and small UI updates, the only way I can find to get the iPhone version is to plug in my iPhone and build and run on device.
Loading the debugger takes valuable time, when running on simulator is so much faster for this kind of work. Can I set the simulator to default to iPhone for this? Setting it to 3.1.3 doesn't work because of the 3.2 code I have in the binary for the iPad.
The Hardware -> Device, and ->Version menu choices in the simulator quits my app. When I relaunch, it goes back to the iPad. The app is not installed in the simulator
If you don't have the latest xcode, get it.
Set the project info to build for 3.2, but in the build drop down pick iPhone Simulator 4.0 and it will open in the iPhone simulator instead of the iPad simulator.
That is the dilemma: if you want to use OS 4 on the iPhone, you have to use iPhone SDK 4, which comes with XCode 3.2.3.
Previously I used iphone_sdk_3.1.3_with_xcode_3.2.1__snow_leopard__10m2003a, where the simulator was fine, but now after I update the iPhone to OS 4 (which is by iTunes), I cannot use the SDK 3.1.3 any more, and the simulator 3.2 which comes with SDK 4 actually does not work for iPhone at all!
Even when you specify the "iPhone OS Deployment Target" to "OS 3.1.3", and an iPhone-frame shows up in the iPad simulator, many functions are not responding at all.
Does Apple have an official answer to this dilemma?
I finally solved this problem myself.
First, install new version of xCode, which is xCode 4.
Then set project scheme to iphone simulator and run app in xCode several times.
And re-install xCode 3 and the problem will be gone away!

Why do my xcode builds always go to the iPad simulator instead of the iPhone simulator?

I just installed the latest SDK from Apple so I can start learning iPhone / iPad app development. However, I'm having a stupid issue: all my builds get run in the iPad simulator instead of the iPhone simulator, and I have no idea how to change it.
For now, the iPhone Simulator 3.2 SDK is iPad-only. Test using the iPhone Simulator 3.1.2 SDK
edit: as of the upcoming 4.2 SDK, the iPhone and iPad versions of iOS have been unified under a single SDK.
On your build selector dropdown, (where you select device or simulator), there's now a new option that lets you choose the "Active Executible." Choose "iPhone Simulator."
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