can app(target os below 4.3) run on ios6 - iphone

Just wonder if the app(target os below 4.3) can run on ios6.
xcode 4.5 can not build the target below 4.3, does this mean ios6 does not accept app with os target below 4.3?
Welcome any comment

Almost all apps built for older iOS versions will be able to run on future iOS versions. However, you will have difficulty building older iOS apps to newer iOS devices. Also, be careful when you release. I had been working on one of my apps in iOS 4, and it was rejected for crashing. I updated my xcode and realized some of the old code didn't work in iOS 6.

an app targeted below 4.3 should be able to run on iOS6 devices as long as the app is built with an xcode less than 4.5. at least that was the case with an app I work on and it didn't seem to cause any problems (that i'm aware of). the difference is if you want to update that app using xcode 4.5 you'll have to change the target build to at least 4.3.


Debugging iPhone 3GS xcode 4.2.1

I recently upgraded xcode to 4.2.1 (with macOS 10.7.3).
I have two iphone which one is 4GS and the other is 3GS. And when I upgraded both phone to iOS 5.1, 4GS works well but 3GS not works with following error message.
The version of iOS on “Test iPhone” does not match any of the versions of iOS supported for development with this installation of the iOS SDK.
xcode says it support from iOS 5.0 (9A334).
And I want to know if this is from my mis-configuration of device or officially iPhone 3GS is not supported yet.
Is there anyone who suffers similar problem ?
Well, you may want to go to xcode 4.3.1, which was released recently along with the 5.1 SDK.
After the installation you will have to re-install simulators for older iOS and debug support for older devices respectively even older iOS versions.
Out of the top of my head: In the top left corner of xcode in the drop down list where you select your build target and the targetting device/simulator there should be some menu item "install more simulators" or so. Click on that and follow the GUI. It is quite selfexplaining but the downloads may take some time.
To develop in iOS 5.1 you have to upgrade sdk to latest one. I cant understand how you'r 4Gs worked fine

How to test iOS 5.0 app on Xcode 4.2?

I can change my deployment target from 3.0 to 4.3 and test that my application is compatible with all these versions but how can I test if my application is compatible with all versions including iOS 5.0? Any idea regarding the same? Also note that I have iPhone 3GS with iOS 4.0.2 and need to test in iOS 5.0. Hope to get a good help. Thanks.
Eventually, you'll need to get a device that has iOS 5 installed. Without that, you can only test this in the iOS 5 simulator.
Also note that changing the deployment target is not enough to test if your app is compatible with that OS version. Basically, this just means that you promise that it'll run from this version upwards, but it doesn't enforce that you don't use any APIs that might not be available there.
I you wanna do it properly, you will have to get every device there is, with every version you want to support ... that is, imho, overkill. I just test my Apps on the 4.3 and 5.0 Simulator in XCode and on my 5.0 iPhone 4. And have not had any problems with that 'til now.
BTW you should update your 3GS to 5.0.1.
To test in the simulator with iOS5, you can set the OS version with the Version submenu of the simulator's Hardware menu.

compatibility between ios 4.x and 5?

I develop with xcode 4.1 and I'm testing my app with the iphone simulator 4.3. My application will work on ios 5 ? should i update to xcode 4.2 , I have not completed my application if I do the update now, I risk nothing?
Your application will work on iOS 5 but is hightly recommended to update your Xcode to 4.2 with all the iOS 5 sdk and new API's.
You should also test on iOS 5 if possible. Normally an app will run fine on iOS 5 even if it's built for iOS 4. It's your call on updating to the new Xcode–or if you even want to build or iOS 4.
You will have to test on iOS 5 in order to see whether works correctly. Generally an app will be compatible with a new version of iOS, but it might get some new bugs, this will depend on the APIs and libraries you used. You cannot say whether an app will run perfect on iOS 5. Therefore an upgrade to Xcode 4.2 is inevitable in order to correctly test your app on iOS 5.

iPhone 3.2 simulator

I'm working with a legacy app with a deployment target of 3.0. I have a crash being reported on iOS 3.1.3 for iPhone. In xcode 4 the only 3.x simulator I see listed is iPad 3.2
How do I test iOS 3.1.3 for iPhone?
See Install xCode 3.2.3 w/ iPhone SDK 4, get "Base SDK missing", can't see other SDKs for an extended discussion of this topic. Also, links to older Xcode and iOS SDK versions can be found at
Buy a used iPhone or iPod Touch that has 3.1.3 installed and don't update the iOS on it. I have a 3G with 313, no cell service and just use it for testing on wifi. This is also useful to see check what the performance is like on a slower phone.
However, many 3.1.3 crashes are caused by using a 4.0 API call or object that is only in 4.0. You can find those problems on the 3.2 simulator.
It's not possible actually with Xcode4. If you can get old version of Xcode3.1 with iOS SDK 3.1 and install it side by side with Xcode4 then it may be possible.

Publishing iPhone app that supports iOS 3.1 plus

We are about to issue version 4.0 of our iPhone app and have had some complaints recently that previous versions are only available from iOS 4.1 plus. I know that to change this I can set my Deployment Target (In Project>Build) to iOS 3.1. However, I've run through the app on an emulator and again on my iPhone (uses iOS 4.2) but I'm not able to test on anything older as everyone here has the same iOS or 4.3. Can I safely assume that just by changing the Deployment Target and testing the app on later models that the app will run safely on later versions like 3.1.
We are familiar with the reason why people with older iPhones wont upgrade to iOS 4.0 and above, so we would like to accomodate them but not if it means the app is unsound and we have no way of testing it.
No, just because it compiles and runs on newer version of the SDK does not mean that it will work on older versions. If you're using features that are only available in iOS 4+ you'll need to check for their existence before using them; your app will crash otherwise.
There are some subtleties that you'll probably miss the first time too (or at least I did). In short, there's no real alternative to testing.
for the problem you have you need to install older versions of xcode having ios 3.0 support and you need to check whether it's working on the same or not as there are lots many changes in os 4.0 and above so it's definite that the application will not work with the ios 3.0, 3.1 available device and it will crashed.
Just install older version of SDK and test on simulator , if works then fine else you need to make code according to ios version 3.0 and ios version 4.0 in your code by differentiating the os and run the code accordingly.