iPhone app rating popup code - iphone

Does anyone know of open source code available to implement a popup to the user after so many days or so many instances of the app to prompt the user to rate and review the app on the app store?
I've seen this already with a few apps I own.
Thanks in advance for your help.

This isn't ideal, i personally find it abit ugly, but it's easy to implement and reactivates when a new version is released and more importantly works.


Flutter, Detecting that other apps are launched

I'm trying to develop an app that prevents a user from starting other application when my app is running. The scenario:
my app starts the timer
app detects launch of another app (could be anything other than my app)
if it detects, it cancels some achievements
Can anyone help? I saw some solutions on this topic, but could not find anything in Flutter.
Any ideas would help.
Thank you.
There is a few ways to do that but easy one to observe your app situation, you can use WidgetsBindingObserver to detect your app is background or not.
But if the case is not being background it is just depending to launch an app so there is a few ways which suggest in this answer you can try them.

Gift Application through SKStoreProductViewController

I've seen many apps which link buttons to the SKStoreProductViewController to download a specific app or specific music. This is how it is built and looks like:
I already know that it is possible to gift you app through a link to the appstore application like HERE. Now I want to know: " Is it possible to gift your app through this controller?" I wondered because many apps use this SKStoreProductViewController to download specific apps through an ad or something similar.
I would be glad if someone know if it's possible and maybe how...
Thanks in advance.
As far as the documentation goes - you can't do that.

How to disable Challenge Friends Button in Games Center?

How can i disable Challenge Friends Button? Please help me!!!
I'm pretty sure, thats not possible.
The moment you add support for Achievements or Leader-boards to your app and that app is run on iOS 6+ "Challenges" will be available to the user.
Note, challenges are not to be confused with multiplayer, to support challenges under iOS 6 you don't need to change anything in your code ;)

Twitter login without webview

In my app i have my own form for sign-in Twitter.
Is it possible login without standard webview (with popup from bottom) ??? I mean without framework which uses the most app from AppStore
Maybe some examples...
Thanks advance.
All hail WWDC: This is definitely what you want. That is, if you will use new APIs. This one only works with iOS 5.
Please remember to click the hollow check mark if this answer works for you. People are much more likely to answer your questions if you do.

Update iPhone app info without going through apple

i was wondering, i have a little experience making iPhone apps but no coding background in anything and was wondering.... Is there a way to update your iPhone app with new text, pictures, colors, links, etc. without manually doing it from Xcode then having to get the new version approved by apple.
I was hoping to be able to update it from possibly from my website. Any easy way to do this? Preferably the easiest solution. Thanks in advance
There is, but you have to design the application to do it from the start. Instead of reading from the app itself, the app reads from a content management system (CMS) or even just a text file stored on your website. Many apps work this way, but you will need to design the app with this in mind.
For the amount of things you need updated, I would create a iPhone optimized version of your website and in your app, all you would need is a web view that takes the user to your website. So to change content, you could just change your website and the user will think that the app is getting updated. One thing to keep in mind though, if the user doesn't have internet connection or if there internet is slow, the site my not show up at all or be very slow to respond and load. Hope this helps.