MVC submit form to different controllers -

Is it possible to post the same form to different controllers?
Each page could be post only to form action url, but may be some how i may say to button to which url form should go?
e.g i have one form and two submit buttons, one button will post form to one controller/url (eg /action/view) anther button submit form to one to another controller/url (eg /action/anothervew).

You can definitely do this, use JQuery (or just javascript) to attach a function to the onclick event of the button(s). Then use that function to change the URL that the form posts to and then submit the form.
JQuery would be something like:
$('#button1').onclick(function(){ $(this).action = url1; $(document).submit();});
$('#button2').onclick(function(){ $(this).action = url2; $(document).submit();});

You will need to use javascript for this. When the button is clicked have the javascript modify the form's action property to the appropriate controller and then submit the form.

We've done this before using javascript, as mentioned in other answers, and that's probably the correct way to go. An alternative, however, is to post to a single controller method which contains logic to decide where to send the form data off to.
Effectively, you submit the form to the controller, and the resubmit that data based on the text or id of the button clicked using an if statement in the body of the controller action.


emberjs form submission in modal window

Looking over this example:
Everything works fine to open/close the modal, but form submission does not work.
For example, take the modified jsbin example:
I have an action on submit in the form tag, yet clicking Submit does not submit the form. In other words, it doesn't seem to be recognizing the action on the form tag. Any ideas?
You're expecting the sendForm action to fire but you don't declare it anywhere.
Have a look at his JSBin:
I added the sendForm action in ModalController

Ember Form Submission

I am trying to implement a payment module in ember. I have created a form and on the form action have assigned the server address to which form will be submitted.
<form action="" id="payment_form">
In simple jquery I am supposed to do something like this
var onSuccess = function(transaction){
var onError = function(error){
$('#my_form').mondido({type:"ajax", success:onSuccess, error:onError});
But I want to wrap it around in some action in the controller. The problem is when I do something like this
<form action="" id="payment_form" action{{someFunction on="submit"}}>
the action is being called twice. I have to click on the submit button twice to get it going in the first attempt and then it is being submitted twice.
Any thoughts how to go around with it?
Its probably because you have two actions defined in your form. Try to remove
from your form tag, and handle the form submission in your controller.

How to find in GSP from which action of controller its been called?

I am new to grails and i got stuck with another issue.
I have two form's in my single GSP search.gsp and have two actions in my controller serach and results.
Now when i click on search button in one of my GSP file it takes me to search action which renders me search.gsp.At this time it should display me only first form in it. when i click results button in that form it will take me to results action.which has code line.
this will take me back to search action but now i want to display 2nd form in search.gsp..
My problem is
how can i make search action once to run with out parameter's and once with parameter's?
how to determine in GSP from which action its been called?
with Advance thanks.
Depending on how different your forms are, you may want to consider having two separate GSP files (e.g., search.gsp and results.gsp). Use render(view:'action', model:[...]) to render a different view in the controller. This is often clearer that a single file with lots of conditionals.
Otherwise, you can find out the action using ${params.action}, so for example:
<g:if test="${params.action == 'search'}">
Text to show if the action is search
Text to show if the action is results
I would suggest you to separate your result page as template (_search.gsp), and render it from your result action. So that's how you will have different forms in different files.
By the way template is nothing but an ajax response, google it for detail about template in grails.

Disable form validation in MVC2

Is it possible to programatically disable form validation in MVC2?
I'm hoping there is some kind of command that I can put in a custom ActionMethodSelectorAttribute, making it possible to prefix ActionResults where I want form validation disabled.
The reason for this is that I have a form with multiple buttons, one button adds a new row to a child object of the model - which consequently creates a new row on the form.
This works fine, but validation is fired for the form each time "add" is pressed, and so the new fields flag up validation errors before the user has a chance to enter data.
I've found an alternative solution to this.
Rather than use multiple form buttons, I've used a custom html helper which produces a "Add" link.
This helper places the current Model in TempData and produces a Link to Add/{id}.
I'm not sure this is the cleanest solution, but it allows child elements to be added without validation firing. To tidy things up a bit, I specified the form as such:
Html.BeginForm(view, controller, new { id = Model.ID })

How to post partial view to another controller method

I have a one form tag inside my Index.aspx view. Index.aspx contains several partial views and using the same model to render them.
Now when any partial view is posting the form with submit button form is posted to OneActionMethod. But I want for some partial views to post form to OtherActionMethod.
How can I achieve this, without using action links, just with submit button in this particular patial view?
I`ve wrote the update in comments to this question. Answer is still not clear to me.
i believe a little javascript will get ur job done. u have to hook the submit event of the form and change the action attribute of the form. remember action is attribute of form not of a submit button. in jquery u can do something like
else if(isSecondSubmitButton)
return true;
You sound like you are trying to program "WebForms" style in MVC.
Why do you have one big form enclosing all of your partials? Separate them into unique forms, and have each one post to it's appropriate action.
EDIT: With your further clarification, the only thing I can think of (aside from redesigning to use individual forms, which does lead to problems if they want to share data), is to post to a single action, and then route the request to a private member within the controller for ActionA or ActionB depending on a particular form element.