MATLAB: Using interpolation to replace missing values (NaN) - matlab

I have cell array each containing a sequence of values as a row vector. The sequences contain some missing values represented by NaN.
I would like to replace all NaNs using some sort of interpolation method, how can I can do this in MATLAB? I am also open to other suggestions on how to deal with these missing values.
Consider this sample data to illustrate the problem:
seq = {randn(1,10); randn(1,7); randn(1,8)};
for i=1:numel(seq)
%# simulate some missing values
ind = rand( size(seq{i}) ) < 0.2;
seq{i}(ind) = nan;
The resulting sequences:
ans =
-0.50782 -0.32058 NaN -3.0292 -0.45701 1.2424 NaN 0.93373 NaN -0.029006
ans =
0.18245 -1.5651 -0.084539 1.6039 0.098348 0.041374 -0.73417
ans =
NaN NaN 0.42639 -0.37281 -0.23645 2.0237 -2.2584 2.2294
Based on the responses, I think there's been a confusion: obviously I'm not working with random data, the code shown above is simply an example of how the data is structured.
The actual data is some form of processed signals. The problem is that during the analysis, my solution would fail if the sequences contain missing values, hence the need for filtering/interpolation (I already considered using the mean of each sequence to fill the blanks, but I am hoping for something more powerful)

Well, if you're working with time-series data then you can use Matlab's built in interpolation function.
Something like this should work for your situation, but you'll need to tailor it a little ... ie. if you don't have equal spaced sampling you'll need to modify the times line.
nseq = cell(size(seq))
for i = 1:numel(seq)
times = 1:length(seq{i});
mask = ~isnan(seq{i});
nseq{i} = seq{i};
nseq{i}(~mask) = interp1(times(mask), seq{i}(mask), times(~mask));
You'll need to play around with the options of interp1 to figure out which ones work best for your situation.

I would use inpaint_nans, a tool designed to replace nan elements in 1-d or 2-d matrices by interpolation.
seq{1} = [-0.50782 -0.32058 NaN -3.0292 -0.45701 1.2424 NaN 0.93373 NaN -0.029006];
seq{2} = [0.18245 -1.5651 -0.084539 1.6039 0.098348 0.041374 -0.73417];
seq{3} = [NaN NaN 0.42639 -0.37281 -0.23645 2.0237];
for i = 1:3
seq{i} = inpaint_nans(seq{i});
ans =
-0.50782 -0.32058 -2.0724 -3.0292 -0.45701 1.2424 1.4528 0.93373 0.44482 -0.029006
ans =
0.18245 -1.5651 -0.084539 1.6039 0.098348 0.041374 -0.73417
ans =
2.0248 1.2256 0.42639 -0.37281 -0.23645 2.0237

If you have access to the System Identification Toolbox, you can use the MISDATA function to estimate missing values. According to the documentation:
This command linearly interpolates
missing values to estimate the first
model. Then, it uses this model to
estimate the missing data as
parameters by minimizing the output
prediction errors obtained from the
reconstructed data.
Basically the algorithm alternates between estimating missing data and estimating models, in a way similar to the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm.
The model estimated can be any of the linear models idmodel (AR/ARX/..), or if non given, uses a default-order state-space model.
Here's how to apply it to your data:
for i=1:numel(seq)
dat = misdata( iddata(seq{i}(:)) );
seq{i} = dat.OutputData;

Use griddedInterpolant
There also some other functions like interp1. For curved plots spline is the the best method to find missing data.

As JudoWill says, you need to assume some sort of relationship between your data.
One trivial option would be to compute the mean of your total series, and use those for missing data. Another trivial option would be to take the mean of the n previous and n next values.
But be very careful with this: if you're missing data, you're generally better to deal with those missing data, than to make up some fake data that could screw up your analysis.

Consider the following example
X=some Nx1 array
Y=F(X) with some NaNs in it
then use
Now interpolate over X1 and Y1 to compute all values at all X.


min of row on Matlab GPU with arrayfun

I would like to find the index of the smallest value resulting from some computation, like the nearest value, using Matlab gpuArrays.
However, in the arrayfun scenario the min function doesn't seem to offer the functionality.
With the following code:
function grid_gpu_test
gridSize = 8;
grid = gpuArray(rand(gridSize));
all_c=1:gridSize; % because : is not supported
function X = min_diff(row)
X = min(abs(grid(row,all_c)-grid(row,1)))
rows = gpuArray.colon(2, gridSize)';
arrayfun(#min_diff, rows)
I get the following error:
Too few input arguments supplied to: 'min'. Error in 'grid_gpu_test' (line: 9)
Is there a way to achieve this? I know that using min(gpuArray) works normally when it's not in arrayfun, but I want to achieve this with an operation that doesn't simplify into matrix operations.
I'm a little confused by your question, because your code errors out when you try to run it on the CPU. By making rows go 2:(gridSize+1), then it exceeds the size of grid.
In any case, I think here rather than arrayfun, you want to use bsxfun (or implicit expansion if you have R2016b or later). Here's the bsxfun version.
grid = gpuArray.rand(8);
% I think what you're trying to compute is the difference
% between each column of "grid" compared to the first column
difference = bsxfun(#minus, grid(:,1), grid);
% To find the minimum difference, and its column, use
% the following form of MIN
[val, col] = min(difference, [], 2)
Here I'm using the "reduction" form of min, and I want to reduce across columns, so I need to pass in the 2 as the third argument. The second argument is [] to tell MATLAB that you want the "reduction" form of min, rather than the element-wise form of min. (Note that gpuArray/arrayfun supports only the element-wise form of min, which explains the error you're seeing).
Based on the extra information in the comments, perhaps xcorr2 is what you're after (this works on the GPU).

Replace certain elements of matrix with NaN (MATLAB)

I have a vector, A.
Some of the records in A must be replaced by NaN values, as they are inaccurate.
I have created vector rowid, which records the last value that must be kept after which the existing values must be swapped to NaN.
So the vector I wish to create, B, would look as follows:
I am at a loss as to how to do this. I have tried to use
to start selecting out the data from vector A. I am expecting to be able to use sub2ind or some sort of idx to do this, possibly an if loop, but I don't know where to start and cannot find an appropriate similar question to base my thoughts on!
I would very much appreciate any tips/pointers, many thanks
If you are not yet an expert of matlab, I would stick to simple for-loops for now:
B = A;
for i=1:length(rowid)
B(i, rowid(i)+1:end) = NaN;
It is always a sport to write this as a one-liner (see Mohsen's answer), but in many cases an explicit for-loop is much clearer.
A compact one is:
B = A;
B(bsxfun(#lt, rowid.', 1:size(A,2)))=NaN;

Diffusion outer bounds

I'm attempting to run this simple diffusion case (I understand that it isn't ideal generally), and I'm doing fine with getting the inside of the solid, but need some help with the outer edges.
global M
for diffusive_steps=1:500
for i=2:size-1;
for j=2:size-1;
%we're considering the ij-th pixel
It's a pretty simple piece of code, and I know that. I'm not very good at using Octave yet (chemist by trade), so I'd appreciate any help!
If you have concerns about the border of your simulation you could pad your matrix with NaN values, and then remove the border after the simulation has completed. NaN stands for not a number and is often used to denote blank data. There are many MATLAB functions work in a useful way with these values.
e.g. finding the mean of an array which has blanks:
nanmean([0 nan 5 nan 10])
ans =
In your case, I would start by adding a border of NaNs to your M matrix. I'm using 'n' instead of 'size', since size is an important function in MATLAB, and using it as a variable can lead to confusing errors.
blankM([1,end],:) = nan;
blankM(:, [1,end]) = nan;
Now we can define 'M'. N.B that the first column and row will be NaNs so we need to add an offset (25+1):
M = blankM;
Run the simulation through,
m = size(blankM, 1);
n = size(blankM, 2);
for diffusive_steps=1:500
oldM = M;
newM = blankM;
for i=2:m-1;
for j=2:n-1;
and then extract the area of interest
finalResult = M(2:end-1, 2:end-1);
One simple change you might make is to add a boundary of ghost cells, or halo, around the domain of interest. Rather than mis-use the name size I've used a variable called sz. Replace:
and then compute your diffusion over the interior of this augmented matrix, ie over cells (2:sz+1,2:sz+1). When it comes to considering the results, discard or just ignore the halo.
Even simpler would be to simply take what you already have and ignore the cells in your existing matrix which are on the N,S,E,W edges.
This technique is widely used in problems such as, and similar to, yours and avoids the need to write code which deals with the computations on cells which don't have a full complement of neighbours. Setting the appropriate value for the contents of the halo cells is a problem-dependent matter, 0 isn't always the right value.

MatLab Missing data handling in categorical data

I am trying to put my dataset into the MATLAB [ranked,weights] = relieff(X,Ylogical,10, 'categoricalx', 'on') function to rank the importance of my predictor features. The dataset<double n*m> has n observations and m discrete (i.e. categorical) features. It happens that each observation (row) in my dataset has at least one NaN value. These NaNs represent unobserved, i.e. missing or null, predictor values in the dataset. (There is no corruption in the dataset, it is just incomplete.)
relieff() uses this function below to remove any rows that contain a NaN:
function [X,Y] = removeNaNs(X,Y)
% Remove observations with missing data
NaNidx = bsxfun(#or,isnan(Y),any(isnan(X),2));
X(NaNidx,:) = [];
Y(NaNidx,:) = [];
This is not ideal, especially for my case, since it leaves me with X=[] and Y=[] (i.e. no observations!)
In this case:
1) Would replacing all NaN's with a random value, e.g. 99999, help? By doing this, I am introducing a new feature state for all the predictor features so I guess it is not ideal.
2) or is replacing NaNs with the mode of the corresponding feature column vector (as below) statistically more sound? (I am not vectorising for clarity's sake)
function [matrixdata] = replaceNaNswithModes(matrixdata)
for i=1: size(matrixdata,2)
cv= matrixdata(:,i);
modevalue= mode(cv);
cv(find(isnan(cv))) = modevalue;
matrixdata(:,i) = cv;
3) Or any other sensible way that would make sense for "categorical" data?
P.S: This link gives possible ways to handle missing data.
I suggest to use a table instead of a matrix.
Then you have functions such as ismissing (for the entire table), and isundefined to deal with missing values for categorical variables.
T = array2table(matrix);
T = standardizeMissing(T); % NaN is standard for double but this
% can be useful for other data type
var1 = categorical(T.var1);
missing = isundefined(var1);
T = T(missing,:); % removes lines with NaN
matrix = table2array(T);
For a start both solutiona (1) and (2) do not help you handle your data more properly, since NaN is in fact a labelling that is handled appropriately by Matlab; warnings will be issued. What you should do is:
Handle the NaNs per case
Use try catch blocks
NaN is like a number, and there is nothing bad about it. Even is you divide by NaN matlab will treat it properly and give you a NaN.
If you still want to replace them, then you will need an assumption that holds. For example, if your data is engine speeds in a timeseries that have been input by the engine operator, but some time instances have not been specified then there are more than one ways to handle the NaN that will appear in the matrix.
Replace with 0s
Replace with the previous value
Replace with the next value
Replace with the average of the previous and the next value
and many more.
As you can see your problem is ill-posed, and depends on the predictor and the data source.
In case of categorical data, e.g. three categories {0,1,2} and supposing NaN occurs in Y.
for k=1:size(Y,2)
[ id ]=isnan(Y(:,k);
I feel really bad that I had to write a for-loop but I cannot see any other way. As you can see I made a number of assumptions, by using median and round. You may want to use a threshold depending on you knowledge about the data.
I think the answer to this has been given by gd047 in dimension-reduction-in-categorical-data-with-missing-values:
I am going to look into this, if anyone has any other suggestions or particular MatLab implementations, it would be great to hear.
You can take a look at this page the firs a1a, it says transforming categorical into binary. Could possibly work. (:

What's the best way to iterate through columns of a matrix?

I want to apply a function to all columns in a matrix with MATLAB. For example, I'd like to be able to call smooth on every column of a matrix, instead of having smooth treat the matrix as a vector (which is the default behaviour if you call smooth(matrix)).
I'm sure there must be a more idiomatic way to do this, but I can't find it, so I've defined a map_column function:
function result = map_column(m, func)
result = m;
for col = 1:size(m,2)
result(:,col) = func(m(:,col));
which I can call with:
smoothed = map_column(input, #(c) (smooth(c, 9)));
Is there anything wrong with this code? How could I improve it?
The MATLAB "for" statement actually loops over the columns of whatever's supplied - normally, this just results in a sequence of scalars since the vector passed into for (as in your example above) is a row vector. This means that you can rewrite the above code like this:
function result = map_column(m, func)
result = [];
for m_col = m
result = horzcat(result, func(m_col));
If func does not return a column vector, then you can add something like
f = func(m_col);
result = horzcat(result, f(:));
to force it into a column.
Your solution is fine.
Note that horizcat exacts a substantial performance penalty for large matrices. It makes the code be O(N^2) instead of O(N). For a 100x10,000 matrix, your implementation takes 2.6s on my machine, the horizcat one takes 64.5s. For a 100x5000 matrix, the horizcat implementation takes 15.7s.
If you wanted, you could generalize your function a little and make it be able to iterate over the final dimension or even over arbitrary dimensions (not just columns).
Maybe you could always transform the matrix with the ' operator and then transform the result back.
smoothed = smooth(input', 9)';
That at least works with the fft function.
A way to cause an implicit loop across the columns of a matrix is to use cellfun. That is, you must first convert the matrix to a cell array, each cell will hold one column. Then call cellfun. For example:
A = randn(10,5);
See that here I've computed the standard deviation for each column.
ans =
0.78681 1.1473 0.89789 0.66635 1.3482
Of course, many functions in MATLAB are already set up to work on rows or columns of an array as the user indicates. This is true of std of course, but this is a convenient way to test that cellfun worked successfully.
ans =
0.78681 1.1473 0.89789 0.66635 1.3482
Don't forget to preallocate the result matrix if you are dealing with large matrices. Otherwise your CPU will spend lots of cycles repeatedly re-allocating the matrix every time it adds a new row/column.
If this is a common use-case for your function, it would perhaps be a good idea to make the function iterate through the columns automatically if the input is not a vector.
This doesn't exactly solve your problem but it would simplify the functions' usage. In that case, the output should be a matrix, too.
You can also transform the matrix to one long column by using m(:,:) = m(:). However, it depends on your function if this would make sense.