Open source web browser for iPhone - iphone

Is there any open source web browser for iPhone?

Here is an article about some available web browsers for the iphone, none of which I believe are open source. Double check to be sure though:
You may also want to check out sunrise which is open source, but I don't think it's available for the iphone yet.
Other then that, I think you may be out of luck :(

Webkit is open source. You can start with that.


How to check application HTML page on iPad?

Is there any tool where we check our code online in iPad or tablet online?
I found one link, it is only for iphone. Does anybody know same type of link where we check our code for iPad or tablets?
If you're using Google's Chrome browser and if you open up the Developer Tools you will see a nice device emulation option, and you can choose from a lot of predefined devices or enter your own resolution:

Open many instances of child Browser in Phonegap

I'm checking on the possibilities of creating a browser app using phonegap. To launch a new window, I used the Child Browser plugin. Is it possible to open many instances of a child browser like how we can open many windows in our default mobile app?
If so, can I switch over between the windows like a native app? Pls guide me regarding this.
Thanks in advance
As referenced from the README on GitHub, I'm not sure this is possible, as it denotes that it is a singleton.

PhoneGap (iPhone / Xcode 4) All links open in Safari

I installed PhoneGap in Xcode but every link I place in the HTML open in Safari, is there a way to get around this? (Even window.location = ''; opens safari)
Also does anyone know how you can start with a remote address instead of a local?
Late response, but here's what I found out if anyone stumbles across this that doesn't require using the ChildBrowser plugin mentioned earlier.
Cordova.plist (found in the Supporting Files folder) has some settings for determining this behavior:
The URLs need to be added to "ExternalHosts" in order for them to be whitelisted (add as
many as needed & you can use * as a wildcard).
Set "OpenAllWhitelistURLsInWebView" to YES.
There might be other settings worth configuring there as well, but those two should prevent links & window.location from opening via Mobile Safari.
I've never used it, but often see others referencing the ChildBrowser plugin, which looks like it may fit your needs. You can check out the readme.txt for more info.

iPhone Browser Live Testing

I'm using win7.
and i have website which i want to test it with iPhone browser environment.
which it's use most flash (jISFR).
this is the website i talking for,
may you can see menu navigation is using flash jSIFR, which it's seems not work in iPhone, and want to fix it. of course i need iphone Testing for it.
Is there somebody know how i can test it with iphone browser?
may there is a software can do it?
or a website give service like that?
Not a perfect solution but you might be able to test it on the Android browser instead. The SDK runs on all major OSs and is free to download and install. Just make sure that flash support is turned off. I'm pretty sure iPhone and Android both use WebKit so you should get similar behaviour on both.
You could use the iPhone simulator if you have access to a Mac.
There are sites like this:
but this one doesn't work very well, at least not for this particular request. Go there and point it at - it renders the Flash block on the top right hand side just fine on my desktop computer (Firefox3 Mac OS X), but have a look here:
to see a screen grab of that page from my iPhone... Note the big grey block where the flash bit should be...

iPhone code browser?

I want to be able to read code on my iPhone in the bus every day. Ideally, I'd like to be able to download a package, extract it to a folder, put it on the iPhone, and be able to just browse through the code (folders & files and all). Don't need to be able to edit, just read.
Is there a good solution for this? If there is not, could it be a good first project to teach myself iPhone development? or would it be too big a chunk for a first bite? (right now I mainly just do python web app development)
Check out the Airsharing app. When you run the app, it creates a server on your network (when sharing is enabled) and provides you an ip address you punch into a browser. You then upload files to the device via an ajax interface. Later on, you just open up the app and click the file you want to read and it displays on the screen. I've fiddled with it and it does preserve code highlighting.
You might also check out the new MobileMe iDisk app that just got released today. It looks like a slick way to share files between the iPhone and a Mac (and the cloud). You need to be a MobileMe subscriber, though.