Open many instances of child Browser in Phonegap - plugins

I'm checking on the possibilities of creating a browser app using phonegap. To launch a new window, I used the Child Browser plugin. Is it possible to open many instances of a child browser like how we can open many windows in our default mobile app?
If so, can I switch over between the windows like a native app? Pls guide me regarding this.
Thanks in advance

As referenced from the README on GitHub, I'm not sure this is possible, as it denotes that it is a singleton.


Making Chrome web app standalone desktop program

Google announced that they drop support for web apps in Chrome.
Basically, web app is a local HTML/CSS/JS app that runs in a separated custom "standalone" Chrome window.
Is there any way (preferably easy), to convert this web app to a real desktop app that not depend on Chrome in anyway? Using maybe NodeJS? If yes what is the right way to do it?
You could try one of these tools: (for Mac only)
Don't know about "easy", but it seems to me that the natural evolution is to Electron or NW.js, and both of these are mentioned in the Google blog article on this subject. (I'm moving to Electron.) Both have advantages over Chrome Apps, mostly that they are true desktop applications. To cite one example, you can now manipulate the menu bar, something out-of-bounds for Chrome Apps.
Pure JavaScript code in your Chrome App, such as anything to access the internet, should move over directly. Same for much UI stuff, as you're still using a browser window for the UI. The app will, however, have to be restructured.
Added Note: Chrome Apps ran on 4 platforms: MacOS, Windows, Linux, ChromeOS. Electron and NW.js apps won't run on ChromeOS. So, the ability to write a four-platform completely binary-portable app is going away.

How to launch an external website from a chrome app?

I'm looking to link to a sign up page on an external webapp via a chrome app. The simplest way to manage this seems to be to open a new tab in the chrome browser (not a new webview in a new window of the app).
Tabs seem deprecated and a webview appears very unofficial and unsafe. Basically, is there a way to effectively do this:
Sign up
And the bigger question of course: is there a better way to approach what seems like a simple problem?
Your conceptions, "Tabs seem deprecated and a webview appears very unofficial and unsafe", seem very strange. tabs is simply not enabled for Apps, and <webview> is alive and well.
But if you must open it in the browser, will do the trick. See also this question.
Edit: Also, upcoming is the chrome.browser.openTab API. Leave your feedback if you have use cases for this feature.

one application registered with two ICON on IPhone?

Our customer has a particular request for my project.
how to use short-cut to launch our application?
what I am trying to do is create an standalone application does nothing except to launch my main application to skip some step go to more depth level?
maybe one application is registered with two icons, one is for main process, one is to do short-cut process.
is that possible?
I have searched this site, someone mentioned to create an application to launch another application? is there an example or a piece of code?
Thanks in advanced.
This is probably technically feasible with a custom url schemes, but I doubt that Apple would approve the "shortcut" app for release in the App store.

Windows mobile application and javascript communication

Is it possible to create communication between running program context and javascript ?
for example, iPhone have good example about it under webkit development on iPhone.
It's possible to invoke this command stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString from webview in the application scope on Obj-C and iPhone platform. I'm looking to same thing in windows mobile 6 or greater versions.
Any comments would be appreciated.
This question has some links about hosting a web browser control on an application.
I guess it's possible to catch events from the page, or maybe just from the url change that you can use to trigger an action on the application.
PhoneGap has a WiMo prototype here. You have a web browser control in your application, then call out to C# by setting the href and intercepting in the Navigating event.

Is it possible to browse Safari bookmarks from within another iPhone application?

I hope I overlooked something, but I haven't been able to find anything about reading/loading Safari bookmarks while using another application.. Is that possible? I want users to be able to copy existing bookmarks to a list in my application.
Thank you very much
Not through the existing SDK or APIs but some threads suggest, through jailbreaking, you can access the file at:
It would be useful but no, I'm not aware of any official method of importing Safari's bookmarks.