DisplayName attribute in List Views for ASP.NET MVC - asp.net-mvc-2

in my current asp.net mvc project I'm using the built in functions for displaying resourcebased text as headers for my textboxes and stuff. In Create and Edit views this is accomplished by using the HtmlHelper LabelFor method like this:
Html.LabelFor(model => model.InternalTitle)
BUT, the default in the asp.net mvc 2 template is List views (that generates a table based on an IEnumerable<>) is the headers hardcoded like this:
Is there a nice way to get the same result as in the Create and Edit views here aswell?
I have looked at the LabelFor<> method but cannot figure of how to make that work.
Of course i could just use the Resource property that is used on my domainmodelproperty. But i think it will look even better if there was some way to use the LabelFor method or something similar.
I do not want to invent the wheel once again by implementing my own reflectionbased helper method and i think that this should be in there by default, or at least i hope so....

To get the display name of a model property you should call ExpressionHelper.GetExpressionText.


Display System Categories in TYPO3-FE

I am trying to build my first own extension with the Extension Builder. Up to now everything worked really well, but now I've got a problem and am not able to find a solution:
My extension looks like this: You can add new Entries in the backend under List (the entry on the right panel). These entries are then shown in the frontend.
While adding new entries there is the possibility in the horizontal navigation bar to link this entry to specific categories. I've already done this with every entry.
But how can I display this category in the fronted. It should be just one <div> like Linked Categories: CATEGORY.
It seems like there is no ViewHelper which can display all linked categories.
I've already googled a lot, but this just confused me more: It seems like its not possible with a simple ViewHelper. There was a solution, where one had to edit the controller. But I did not like this because then I can not continue working with the Extension Builder or it becomes overwritten.
I also looked in the code of tx_news. It seems like all categories are in a variable there, which can be looped. But in my extension <f:debug>{categories} was always NULL.
Is there no ViewHelper which can display the categories, or anything else? Maybe a good tutorial (I am good in PHP, but new to TYPO3).
Thank you very much in advance,
P.S: I am using TYPO3 CMS 7.6.9
the Extension Builder is just a 'kickstarter' that helps you define your models and actions, relations etc ... It will not do more then that. So once you created your extension draft, it's best to forget about the extension builder and try to understand the structure of an extbase extension (the MVC, TCA, localconfig, typoscript,...). If you need to add a new property, do it manually. You will learn a lot more about your extension and how it works.
Having this said, you will have to adjust your extansion yourself to add categories. There are a few ways to do it: you can add your own category system by adding your own category Model, or use the TYPO3 category API
There is also no plug&play category viewhelper. If you like to be able to list your entries by category, you will need to adjust your controller.
You can add some functionality to an existing on, for ex. your listAction so that it reads arguments send to this action (a list of categories you like to filter on) or create a new one called for example categoryAction.
extbase reference :
stackoverflow question about categories in a controller:
Controllers and Template (how to filter results correctly or give arguments via backend?)
bottom line:
- skip extension builder
- learn how to adjust the MVC yourself
you can always join the TYPO3 slack channel :
it's free and people are very helpfull
good lcuk

ASP>net MVC reusable partials

Having worked with .net in both winforms and ASP.net for a few years I am now starting to get into MVC (a little late I know). One major confusion for me is the concept of reusable 'components', similar to the concept of a usercontrol in webforms.
For example, I would like to have a number of 'widgets' within the members area of my site, one of which is the details of the logged in users account manager. I can create this as a partial however when the page loads the data needs to be passed in as part of the ViewModel / View Data. I would like to use this widget in a number of different sections which would then mean that I need to put the code to pass the data in into a number of different controllers. This seems to violate the DRY principle, or am I missing something here? I would ideally like everything to be encapsulated within the 1 partial which can then be used in any page.
You can go three ways:
1) For simple controls without much logic, you can create new instance of the custom view model for the control:
Html.RenderPartial("YourControl", new YourControlViewModel () { Param1="value1", Param2 = Model.AnotherValue });
2) If you need some back end logic for the control, you can use
Html.RenderAction("ActionName", "SomeControllerName", RouteValuesDictionary);
It will call standard controller action, use the view, and insert the resulting output back to the page. You can add [ChildActionOnly] atribute to the controller method to ensure that the method will be available only from the Html.RenderPartial. It is slightly violating the MVC principle (view shouldn't call controller), but its great for widgets, and it is used in the Ruby on Rails world without much issues. You can check great article from Haacked
3) Create custom html helper for tasks like custom date formatting, calculating etc..
In your case, I would choose the number two.

Zend Framework Navigation - dynamically adding parameters

I am experimenting with Zend_Navigation to build breadcrumb for a web site. I created an XML file which lists the hierarchy of pages. Things are working fine for the most part except for pages that have dynamic parameters.
For example, there is a group page which has the URL " www.../groups/gid/1001". The id 1001 is dynamic so it changes for different groups. Because of that I cannot put it in the XML file. In that case, ZF generates a link without including any parameters, which of course won't work.
One solution I found is dynamically injecting the parameters to the Zend_Navigation object. This is working fine except that I need to do it for each action or controller.
Is there a better way to handle it? Does ZF have any classes to do this work?
I will appreciate any feedback.
And/or start reading here: http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.navigation.introduction.html
At which point do you know the group ID to use in the navigation?
If it's early enough, you could simply create your own bootstrap init method to insert the navigation item, just remember to call $this->bootstrap('navigation') at the top of your method, eg
protected function _initCustomNav()
$navigation = $this->getResource('navigation');
// add custom item
return $navigation;
Disclaimer: I'm pretty sure the navigation resource is just called 'navigation'

Zend Framework - How to implement partials which contain logic

I have a layout which works fine. This layout contains several partials, which display adverts, a side column a slideshow, etc. All of these are likely to change depending on which page (module/controller/action) of the site you are on.
What is the best way of doing this correctly? In the past I have assigned variables to my view inside my controllers, these are then passed to the partial which then displays the correct slideshow or advert. This seems ugly and not entirely correct for an MVC application.
Does anyone have any other methods of doing this?
Partials are just another view scripts.
My advice is: newer put your logic into the view scripts. Your may store the logic in:
models (remember, that you can create your own models, extending, or not extending the basic database models, eg. data hydrators)
view helpers (with parameters)
services (dependent on models, returning models)
combination of the above
Then use view helper or pass the ready data (model) to different partials.
Tip: Dependency injection is a good thing.

Site navigation for an 'Admin' application in ASP.NET MVC

I've made an Area project for my ASP.NET MVC application called 'Admin'.
This will contain all the logic for the Administration section of the site, where the users can add/remove pages, etc.
There's a menu at the top, of things the user can manage. (E.g. 'Content', 'Users', etc)
For each of these, I'm making a controller ('ContentController', 'UsersController', etc)
I'm wondering how to setup the navigation, as there seem to be varying approaches.
One approach is to use MvcSiteMap, which involves creating a '.sitemap' file and decorating actions on my controllers with an 'MvcSiteMapNode' attribute.
The problem with the above is that it's complicated to implement (especially in an Area project, because of the way Areas work in ASP.NET MVC). It also seems like overkill.
I've come up with a different way, which is to decorate each controller with my own attribute. Then I have a helper method that renders my navigation by using reflection to loop through every controller, pick out the ones that have that attribute, and then add them to the navigation menu.
What are your thoughts on the above method? Can you think of an even simpler way of doing this?
So I've done it my way - an attribute on each controller, then a static method that reads all the attributes on application start (using reflection) and keeps them in memory.
So far this has worked perfectly, and I haven't needed any of the advanced features of MvcSiteMap.