Preload UIView To Minimize Delay While Running Iphone App - iphone

I have an iphone app that has one view that needs to fetch a lot of data off of a variety of internet sites. Therefore, the amount of time required for it to load is unacceptable. I was wondering if there is any way to load the view during the 'applicationDidFinishLaunching' method so the delay is at the startup of the app instead of midway through navigation.
Thank you very much!

You want to load the view as quickly as possible, and then launch a background thread or asynch request to pull the data down.
Making your application sleep during initial load isn't advisable. I believe SpringBoard will terminate any application which takes longer than 30 seconds to finish loading.
It's a bad user experience to have the app do something without visible feedback to the user (animated UIActivityView for example)

Have you already considered loading the data asynchronously? While it's loading, the UI doesn't get blocked. For example you can show a nice loading-wheel when your app is loading the data. This is how all good apps do this.

If the initial view has a separate viewController than your 'data' view, you could add a reference to the dataView to the appDelegate and then do something like:
if (self.curAccountManager == nil) {
self.curAccountManager = [[accountManagerController alloc] initWithNibName:#"accountManager" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
if (![self.curAccountManager isViewLoaded]) {
UIView *tmpView = self.curAccountManager.view;
tmpView = nil;
This will load the view. But if it's doing a lot of loading, when the user switches to it, it might not respond well. I would suggest you follow the suggestion above and in your data view load the data asynchronously so you can at least show the user status or partial results.


Loading background data and launch image

I have read the apple guidelines and I know it says you shouldn't do that but hear me out as I would like to know if what I am doing is bad practice.
When my application loads up, in the app delegate, a web call is made which sets up the order of the tabs, as well the content within it. Web call is like this
WebCalls *wc = [[WebCalls alloc] init];
[wc setWebCallDidFinish:^(NSString * json) {
// set up tab order here, as well as stores the JSON in a file on the phone
// Also code here to download images and cache them on phone
self.window.rootViewController = self.tabBarController;
[self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
[wc getData:phoneNumber];
Now this code works great but the problem is what will happen when app starts is
Launch image shows for a second (which is not very long, sometimes it's half a second or less so just annoying)
Screen goes black for about 2 seconds while json is parsed and images downloaded etc
Then first tab controller is shown
What I want is a seamless transition between the splash screen and the first screen so the user never sees black screen.
What I was thinking of doing is something like this
Change iPhone splash screen time
In the answer given, the guy pushes a view forward to be the splash screen. Would it be bad practice to push that view forward, and then in that screen do the web calls which gets json data, and downloads images, then dismiss the view and have the tabcontroller view become main view?
Or how else would I prevent this delay? Is it bad practice to have a large enough web call like this in AppDelegate?
If this is bad practice to push a view forward while doing background loading, what else would you recommend? Would it be better if I just make the tabController the main rootViewController first and do the webCall in the first tab shown instead, then update the tabs when this web call finished? I was considering this one, but the tab order could be in any order after the web call is made, so not sure what tab will be shown first.
Would be grateful for your input
In the answer given, the guy pushes a view forward to be the splash screen. Would it be bad practice to push that view forward, and then in that screen do the web calls which gets json data, and downloads images, then dismiss the view and have the tabcontroller view become main view?
This is the way to do it. It's generally bad practice to download stuff from applicationDidFinishLaunching, what happens if the phone is not connected to the internet?
Present a simple view controller (using presentModalViewController:controller animated:NO with a UIActivityIndicator and a label describing what's going on, and then dismiss it when loading finishes (or it it fails, just display an error and deny access to the app). Remember to also check for airplane mode and notify the user.

synchronously load html content in UIWebView

im using a UIWebView to show html content in my app, the app contains two arrows to navigate between topics just like a RSS reader app, but when the user hits up or down arrow, the next topic doesn't show up until the data come back and the user still able to interact with the UI which is a bit confusing,
My question: how to block the UI when user moves to the next/back topic ? in other words how to make loadHTMLString:baseURL: works as a synchronous calling ? thanks !
You can let the load happen asynchronously, but set the web view's userInteractionEnabled property to NO. (then back to YES, on the didFinishLoad callback).
Or you could put up a clear colored view (with userInteractionEnabled set to NO) above the web view that has an activity indicator and button that lets the user cancel the load.
An even better idea would be to place two other web views offscreen and start loading them for page N-1 and N+1. When the user presses a page arrow, swap frames with the corresponding prefetched web view.
Try this -
You don't actually want to block the UI. If you do that, there is a very high probability that Apple will reject your app once you send it in for app store submission. Anything that even remotely makes the application feel unresponsive will weigh heavily on you. Instead, create a background thread using GCD or performSelectorInBackground, handle your loading in that, and then once the loading is done, make all of the information available to your UIWebView all at once and alert it to render the display.
If you are in a pinch and have a UIPageViewController and still want to use a UISynchedWebView to ensure that a page has loaded before you run javascript, you can run a block on the main thread's event queue. Still has a slight delay while the javascript runs but won't cause recursion in the run loop.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self.webView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#""]]]; // self.webView is a UISynchedWebView
NSLog(#"url:%#", [self.webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:#"window.location.href;"]); // shows instead of about:blank

MBProgressHUD dismissal

I have a MBProgressHUD that shows when data is being pulled on the background asynchronously. Sometimes when the network is slow this will take forever. So as of now I am just hiding it after 30 seconds if it hasn't been dismissed. What is a good way to dismiss this HUD for a slow network connection?
I would say that the best solution is probably to keep the HUD up the whole time the data is loading so that the user knows that something is happening, and perhaps give them an option to cancel it if that is appropriate for your app. Alternatively, if it is possible for you to load and display the data piecemeal (i.e. before you have the entire set of data), then you should just display the HUD until you have enough data that you can start displaying something in the UI that the user can interact with.
Basically, what you want to avoid is a situation where it could appear to the user that nothing is happening and the UI is essentially blank with nothing for them to do.
Implement MBProgressHUD delegate
it will be called every time whether if it is fast or slow network connection,In case of slow network connection there will be a time out and this delegate will be fired,remove the hud from the superview in this delegate
[HUD removeFromSuperview];

asihttprequest crashes my app

I have a navigation based app. Press a button on main view, then I push a new view to the navigation controller. All pretty basic stuff.
When the new view is loaded, I do an ASIHTTPRequest to fetch some json data, which is a list of image urls.
Then I do a for loop, create a bunch of ASIHTTPRequests, add them to a queue and then run the queue.
But if I click on the back button before the queue is finished, the app crashes, this app displays houses and lets say you pick the wrong house, click back very quickly, before any photo is displayed, bumm crash.
This thread explains my problem real well, except I do cancel all requests on view did unload, set delegate to nil and release the queue.
Still I crash. I crash pretty much every time if I use 3G, but on wifi it is real hard to make it crash, but quite doable.
In almost 80% instances the debugger jumps to this line in ASIHTTPRequest.m
(void)requestReceivedResponseHeaders:(NSMutableDictionary *)newResponseHeaders {
if ([self error] || [self mainRequest]) { return; }
--> if (delegate && [delegate respondsToSelector:didReceiveResponseHeadersSelector]) {
Many many cases it jumps to :
(void)requestReceivedResponseHeaders:(NSMutableDictionary *)newResponseHeaders {
if ([self error] || [self mainRequest]) { return; }
---> if (delegate && [delegate respondsToSelector:didReceiveResponseHeadersSelector]) {
Ad in a handful of instances it goes to my main loop
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
--> int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, nil); with SIGBART error [pool release]; return retVal;
I am using MBP and MacPro, latest OS X, Xcode 4.0.2 and I test on all apple devices except original iPhones.
I really don't want to re-write my whole app, but is there anything else out there that compares with ASIHTTPRequest ?
Try cancelling and unsetting the delegate in -viewWillUnload rather than -viewDidUnload. I suspect the window of time in which it's actually unloading (between calling those two UIViewController methods) is the time period when you're crashable. The delegate has gone away, but you haven't told your ASIHTTPRequest object that yet.
The error is that the delegate is still set.
I have found 2 ways to fix this.
The way I consider ugly is that you make a universal delegate that does all network traffic and is instantiated when the app is first run. I actually used the app delegate and listen to nsnotification center messages. It works like a charm, the app never crashes, but I think it is not optimal.
The best way is to not set the delegate and not use "setDidFinishSelector", but instead use "setCompletionBlock:^". This will only work on devices running iOS 4.0 and up, which is more than 90-95% and growing. This is just an awesome way and will not crash the application.
You won't find anything better that ASIHTTPRequest, the problem will be how you are using it and vanishing delegates on navigation are a common problem to have to deal with.
It sounds like your problem relates to the viewcontroller that is handling the queue being destroyed due to user navigation. I find the best way of solving these issues is to have a central model class that handles all my communications and keep that class throughout the application lifecycle.
That way you don't get unexplained crashes when delegates have vanished unexpectedly.
Option 2
Another approach can be to disable user navigation until the network operation completes. Put a modal view over the entire screen that shows a uiactivityview so the user knows their actions are being blocked. Then you can fade the modal view off when the data has arrived. If you design the screen nicely with a gradient so the background just dims a bit, this can look OK. But it's not really the best approach - you should fix the delegate AWOL instead.
We probably need to see more of the code relating to the queue creation, destruction etc to find the exact issue.
Your application delegate can own an array of request queues. The array lives independent of the state of the navigation controller stack and associated views. Instead of tying requests to a view controller in the nav stack, and having to do UI tricks to block popping back to a parent view, you could add requests to an app delegate queue instance, or stop all requests and empty the queue, etc.

modal view while importing data

I'll start with a confession here... I'm a real newbie to Objective-C & iPhone programming (started studying in February & coding in March), I have a project that's very ambitious for that level of experience & a very tight deadline to catch an opportunity to give my app a field trial.
My app is Core Data driven & downloads all of it's data on first run which is a choice made because it will be used on sites where 3G network access may not be reliable. I'd like to present a modal view while this happens, nothing fancy just a bit of text to explain, a progress bar or activity indicator, a graphic to pretty it up & button becoming visible when the job is done. I've tried a couple of approaches & failed dismally so no code for that as all but the XIB has been trashed.
At the moment I'm running this code in applicationDidFinishLaunching ...
[self checkDataAndLoadIfNeeded];
[window addSubview:rootController.view];
[window makeKeyAndVisible];
rootController is a TabBarController with nested NavigationControllers. checkDataAndLoadIfNeeded is a method that checks a default for the data being loaded & if it is not YES presents an alert. The delegate method for dismissing the alert then a custom class, DataLoader, which goes about downloading & importing the data.
What's happening is that the rootController view becomes visible before the alert does & the table on the first tab doesn't load any data until the next run of the app. I'm wondering if that data not loading is because I'm doing that in viewDidLoad & whether I'd do better to have it in viewWillAppear or viewDidAppear. When I tried loading the modal view I've built my rootController view still became visible first & my modal view didn't become visible until the data had finished (or almost finished) downloading (the Done button became visible immediately).
Can anyone offer suggestions as to how I can make this work?
Cheers & TIA, Pedro :)
Sounds like your rootController is not watching for changes in the data. It should not matter if the element is displayed already or if the data loads first. If the data loads later then the UI element should notice that the data is updated and then refresh itself.
Depending on your app design, you should look at the NSFetchedResultsController class and implement it along with its delegate methods. This class is designed to watch the NSManagedObjectContext for changes and when data is saved out to disk, update its delegate with what has changed.