Does Bing Allow Image Sitemaps Like Google? - bing

Does Bing allow images in their sitemaps like Google?
Please see the Google example below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns=""

It's Google the only search engine currently which supports Image sitemaps. The other search engines may successfully parse these sitemaps but they will likely ignore the tags related to the Image sitemap extension.
Note that in your example there's an error, and is likely that this is what causes parsing difficulties for Bing. The Image schema hub is located at
That is, you need to replace the following bit:


Specify sitemap language (same language for all sitemap)

According to Google, you can specify languages in a sitemap like this:
However, I just need to specify that ALL the sitemap/website is in Spanish, which means it's not a multi-language sitemap, it's a one-language sitemap but that language happens to be "Spanish".
Should I include a hreflang tag for each and every URL? or is there a better way to do this, like specifying it in the header section?
No, setting header for the sitemap xml only sets it for the sitemap.xml and not all locations declared in the sitemap. You have to declare it for all locations.
Checked with the URL inspection tool to see if there are any errors with Google trying to index your site.
If you had access to the server, you can set Link response header alongst the following lines.
add-header Link <$scheme://$host$request_uri>; rel="alternate"; hreflang="es"
Header set Link "<%{REQUEST_SCHEME}://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}>; rel=\"alternate\"; hreflang=\"es\""
Also, you could set the "lang" attribute on the "html" tag or "link" tag of every page in your website. You can use a template for this if your site is built using a static site generator.
If you only have access in Cloud console, you have to make an entry for every location in your website in the sitemap.xml.

Sitemap not really working in typo3 9.5.x

I'm trying to get a sitemap working in Typo3 9.5.x. If I go to https://domain.tld/?type=1533906435 I get the following page.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/typo3/sysext/seo/Resources/Public/CSS/Sitemap.xsl"?>
<sitemapindex xmlns="">
So far so good. But the link in there should take me to the actual sitemap, but instead takes me straight to the root page without any redirection. This happens on 2 different sites. I didn't configure anything special, just enabled the seo system extension and included the static template as described here.
When I submitted the sitemap to Google's Search Console, it said "could not fetch", but the next day the status was "Success" and it discovered URLS. I guess Google crawled the root page and found the links on it.
How do I get the sitemap working or is there a bug somewhere?
The index.html part in the path to the pages sitemap looks weird to me.
Can you please try to open the loc url without the index.html part?
If you can see the sitemap then, we have to take a look where this index.html is coming from.

Error while Submitting SiteMap to Google Webmaster tools?

I was trying to submit my sitemap to google webmaster tools but it returns the error like “ Your Sitemap appears to be an HTML page. Please use a supported sitemap format instead. ” I am using YOAST SEO and i tried to use XML Sitemap Generator plugin for wordpress.
enter image description here
So how can i fix this issue..
Check that your sitemap.xml file is actually properly formatted XML. You can use the XML validator here for example:
If it's a generated sitemap file it may contain errors making it validate as HTML or other by the Google Webmasters Tools

Where on the website should I put RDF/XML code?

I'm trying to put on a website. First I made JSON-LD but the website is not allowing any script in the head element. Then I converted it into RDF/XML format below.
Now, where on the website should I put this for Google to read it. Should I put in the head element?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""
<schema:Organization rdf:nodeID="genid1">
<schema:name rdf:datatype="">National Public Radio</schema:name>
<schema:name rdf:datatype="">GloboCorp</schema:name>
<schema:url rdf:resource=""/>
<schema:url rdf:resource=""/>
If you want to include it in the HTML document, you would have to use a script element (just like with JSON-LD). This script element doesn’t have to be part of the head, you can place it in the body. An alternative is to provide the RDF/XML in its own file and link it from the head, or offer it via content negotiation.
That said, Google Search doesn’t support RDF/XML. For their search result features, which make use of, they only support these syntaxes:
JSON-LD (in script)

Submit Site-map to for multi-store in web master in magento

Hello my magento store has multi-store view for diff. language. now i need to submit sitemap for all but i am not able to submit because in magento all sitemap generate under sitemap folder and sub folders based on store code.
its generate like that storewise, other
Any one have idea how to submit sitemap for all store in google webmaster ?
THanks in adavanc..
You can add a sitemap_index.xml file in the top magento folder. Then you can tell the crawler where to go.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sitemapindex xmlns="">
Before you do this update the line in robots.txt to link to your index file
Sitemap: <sitemap_location>