Error while Submitting SiteMap to Google Webmaster tools? - google-search-console

I was trying to submit my sitemap to google webmaster tools but it returns the error like “ Your Sitemap appears to be an HTML page. Please use a supported sitemap format instead. ” I am using YOAST SEO and i tried to use XML Sitemap Generator plugin for wordpress.
enter image description here
So how can i fix this issue..

Check that your sitemap.xml file is actually properly formatted XML. You can use the XML validator here for example:
If it's a generated sitemap file it may contain errors making it validate as HTML or other by the Google Webmasters Tools


Unable to read sitemap: Google Search Console

Sitemap could not be read
General HTTP error
1 instance
We encountered an error while trying to access your Sitemap. Please ensure your Sitemap follows our guidelines and can be accessed at the location you provided and then resubmit.
HTTP Error:500enter image description here
Refer to the posts:
There can be errors in the code of the page or the structure. Google has set certain parameters based on which it decides to validate the submitted URLs and sitemaps.
It will be better if you can share the link of the problematic page so that one can try to catch what might be the issue.
For example:, this is an autogenerated sitemap by WordPress. and submitted in Google search console without any issue.

Sitemap not really working in typo3 9.5.x

I'm trying to get a sitemap working in Typo3 9.5.x. If I go to https://domain.tld/?type=1533906435 I get the following page.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/typo3/sysext/seo/Resources/Public/CSS/Sitemap.xsl"?>
<sitemapindex xmlns="">
So far so good. But the link in there should take me to the actual sitemap, but instead takes me straight to the root page without any redirection. This happens on 2 different sites. I didn't configure anything special, just enabled the seo system extension and included the static template as described here.
When I submitted the sitemap to Google's Search Console, it said "could not fetch", but the next day the status was "Success" and it discovered URLS. I guess Google crawled the root page and found the links on it.
How do I get the sitemap working or is there a bug somewhere?
The index.html part in the path to the pages sitemap looks weird to me.
Can you please try to open the loc url without the index.html part?
If you can see the sitemap then, we have to take a look where this index.html is coming from.

Webmaster Tools sitemap submission

Can anyone tell me how to add a site map in Google Webmaster Tools?
Go to the Sitemaps tool (also under Crawl → Sitemaps) and click "Add/Test Sitemap", enter the relative URL to a sitemap for that property and choose Submit.
You have to add this Sitemap to your Webmaster Tools: /sitemap_index.xml If you choose a "Sub-Sitemap" not all of your sites will be indexed.

slew of 404 errors on google webmaster tools to plugins/feedback.php file

Got a notification from google webmaster tools that the number of 404 errors have gone up considerably, on inspecting the crawl errors I see a lot of errors to something that shouldn't there:
webmaster tools
I checked the source code but didnt find a mention of said URL so dont know where google is getting is from. This plugin directory doesn't even exist. Its a WordPress installation so theres a wp-content/plugins folder but no plugins/ folder.
What could be going on.. why is google trynna index a non existent URL and getting a 404.
Site URL is
Any help would be appreciated.
This URL comes from Facebook Comments plugin. As it is not absolute URL, Google crawler thinks it is pointing to your website.
This probably didn't happen before either because:
1) Google crawler recently started execute more and more javascript - If this is the case, we could encounter more problems like this with 3rd party scripts on our website.
2) maybe Facebook comments plugin didn't have relative URLs
Tell Google not to crawl these URLs by adding them to robots.txt
Disallow: /plugins/feedback.php
I'm seeing the same thing on my wordpress site. First occurrence was 11/23. There are now around 500 urls and growing.
I've grepped the wordpress codebase and can't find where that path is being constructed and discovered by google.
To fix the 404 report in Webmaster Tools I've added a 301 redirect on '^/plugins/feedback.php' to the homepage. And then marked all as 'Fixed' in Webmaster Tools.

How we can add javascript in joomla article?

I have to convert an HTML site into joomla.Some Content of the site contain javascript which is not supported by the joomla article. so please tell me how can i do.
just switch to jce editor in joomla