How to mark position of iPhone on Google Map? - iphone

I want to make a webpage with a Google Map that marks the geographical position of my iPhone, how do I go about this?
I've looked into the Google Map API section on markers - so I can make a static marker, but I don't know how to pull the GPS data from my iPhone.

Answer is here: iPhone current user location coordinates showing as (0,0)


is it possible for me to highlight the country area on Google map on searching specific country in iPhone programming

Basically i want to search specific country on MAPVIEW and then highlight the area of searched country. is it possible in iPhone app. this is the web link same thing implemented in asp
visit plz
I am not sure if you need to pay for it but dyngeometry has an API under the address
If you query a city name as SOAP or HTTP(GET/POST) request they return you the coordinates with that you can draw your polygon on google map.
For drawing polygons you can refer to
How to draw polygons with CGPath?
filled antialiased poly cocos2d

Tile Overlays in iPhone App

There is a webpage I am looking at that displays a Google Map (via javascript), but certain areas of the map have an overlay (textures appear different than the rest of the map, etc.). From what I can gather, this is done on the webpage via a getTileURL function, which depends on the zoom level and current coordinate.
I am interested in portraying this same overlay in my iPhone application, which currently has a mapView set up. Is there anyway to implement the same sort of getTile function in objective-c for a mapView?
If someone could please provide some sample code or point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

Is there any way to get the lat long of MKMapView of touch position - iPhone SDK

How to get the latitude and longitude of touch position on map view?
I want to drop a pin where user touches just like google's javascript API does.
Is it possible in iphone SDK? Tutorial would be a great help.
MKMapView has a method, - (CLLocationCoordinate2D)convertPoint:(CGPoint)point toCoordinateFromView:(UIView *)view that can be used to get the longitude and latitude that any specified point would fall on.
To get the touch position, if you're fine with limiting yourself to iOS 3.2 and above, by far the easiest thing to do is to add a UITapGestureRecognizer to the relevant MKMapView.
assuming the current lan/long is the center of the screen ...
know the distance between the touch position and the center of the screen + know each pixel how many hours/degrees and some simple calculation you will get the lat/long of the touch position
you might get the degrees/hours per pixel from the zoom level maybe ?
am not an iphone guy , but this is an idea that might help :p

get google coordinates by touching the map. iPhone

How to get the coordinates by touching the map. Like i want to place a pin where I have tapped on the google map in iphone application.
Kindly explain me with an example.
Best Regards,
Naveed Butt
You can create a draggable pin with the new sdk. Check this out Map kit annotation

iPhone - Image overlay MapKit framework?

I can see with iOS4 you can now tile an image on google maps (Been looking at the TileMap example from apple). This is great as this is what I want to do, but from what I can see I need to know the GEO reference of the image so I can raster the images with the appropriate zoom levels, etc. What I have is an artist image, which is a map of a specific area and I want to overlay this image on google maps.
Am I missing something here, but can this be done with a none standard map and having different zoom levels?
The main reason why I need to use google maps is because of the GPS functionality, so the user will know where they currently are on the map.
Georeferencing is how you "pin" your image to the world. It is a tricky process, but not too hard once you dig into it.
You've already found the TileMap example code - that is the first step.
Next, check out There you will find links and some binaries that you can use to process your image into georeferenced tiles.
If you don't know the lat/long coordinates for your image, you can use Google Earth to interactively overlay the image onto the map, and then copy the coordinates out.
Good luck!