What kind of role does static class play in web application? - class

if I have the following class, will I run into a problem if 100 people are requesting the page at the same time? If there is only one copy of UpdateUser, will all the requests have to queue up and wait for their turns? Thank you.
public static UserManager
public static void UpdateUser(int UserID)
// this process takes up 2 seconds
UserDataAccessor DA = new UserDataAccessor();

It depends on what all your other code is doing, but that particular code will not cause any problems.

In general, if you are writing a web application using Java servlets, you need to design your classes to allow for multiple threads. The application server you deploy your code into will call this one class many times, possibly simultaneously if there are many users at once. This is quite common.
The code you posted here looks fine. There are field variables being shared between threads. Each thread of execution will invoke your method and create a DA variable that is private to the thread.


Is it possible to implement a module that is not a WPF module (a standard class library, no screens)?

I am developing a modular WPF application with Prism in .Net Core 5.0 (using MVVM, DryIoc) and I would like to have a module that is not a WPF module, i.e., a module with functionality that can be used by any other module. I don't want any project reference, because I want to keep the loosely coupled idea of the modules.
My first question is: is it conceptually correct? Or is it mandatory that a module has a screen? I guess it should be ok.
The second and more important (for me) is, what would be the best way to create the instance?
This is the project (I know I should review the names in this project):
HotfixSearcher is the main class, the one I need to get instantiated. In this class, for example, I subscribe to some events.
And this is the class that implements the IModule interface (the module class):
namespace SearchHotfix.Library
public class HotfixSearcherModule : IModule
public HotfixSearcherModule()
public void OnInitialized(IContainerProvider containerProvider)
//Create Searcher instance
var searcher = containerProvider.Resolve<IHotfixSearcher>();
public void RegisterTypes(IContainerRegistry containerRegistry)
containerRegistry.RegisterSingleton<IHotfixSearcher, HotfixSearcher>();
That is the only way I found to get the class instantiated, but I am not a hundred per cent comfortable with creating an instance that is not used, I think it does not make much sense.
For modules that have screens, the instances get created when navigating to them using the RequestNavigate method:
_regionManager.RequestNavigate(RegionNames.ContentRegion, "ContentView");
But since this is only a library with no screens, I can't find any other way to get this instantiated.
According to Prism documentation, subscribing to an event shoud be enough but I tried doing that from within my main class HotfixSearcher but it does not work (breakpoints on constructor or on the event handler of the event to which I subscribe are never hit).
When I do this way, instead, the instance is created, I hit the constructor breakpoint, and obviously the instance is subscribed to the event since it is done in the constructor.
To sum up, is there a way to get rid of that var searcher = containerProvider.Resolve<IHotfixSearcher>(); and a better way to achieve this?
Thanks in advance!
Or is it mandatory that a module has a screen?
No, of course not, modules have nothing to do with views or view models. They are just a set of registrations with the container.
what would be the best way to create the instance?
Let the container do the work. Normally, you have (at least) one assembly that only contains public interfaces (and the associated enums), but no modules. You reference that from the module and register the module's implementations of the relevant interfaces withing the module's Initialize method. Some other module (or the main app) can then have classes that get the interfaces as constructor parameters, and the container will resolve (i.e. create) the concrete types registered in the module, although they are internal or even private and completely unknown outside the module.
This is as loose a coupling as it gets if you don't want to sacrifice strong typing.
is there a way to get rid of that var searcher = containerProvider.Resolve<IHotfixSearcher>(); and a better way to achieve this?
You can skip the var searcher = part :-) But if the HotfixSearcher is never injected anywhere, it won't be created unless you do it yourself. OnInitialized is the perfect spot for this, because it runs after all modules had their chance to RegisterTypes so all dependencies should be registered.
If HotfixSearcher is not meant to be injected, you can also drop IHotfixSearcher and resolve HotfixSearcher directly:
public void OnInitialized(IContainerProvider containerProvider)
I am not a hundred per cent comfortable with creating an instance that is not used, I think it does not make much sense.
It is used, I suppose, although not through calling one of its methods. It's used by sending it an event. That's just fine. Think of it like Task.Run - it's fine for the task to exist in seeming isolation, too.

apache bean unable to serialize due to interface that I want to mock

unable to serialize DoFnWithExecutionInformation{doFn=com.orderly.dataflow.RosterFileReader#60ec7684, mainOutputTag=Tag, sideInputMapping={}, schemaInformation=DoFnSchemaInformation{elementConverters=[]}}
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unable to serialize DoFnWithExecutionInformation{doFn=com.orderly.dataflow.RosterFileReader#60ec7684, mainOutputTag=Tag, sideInputMapping={}, schemaInformation=DoFnSchemaInformation{elementConverters=[]}}
I am not sure this is possible. I understand in apache beam, these functions must be serializable for scaling out but during test time I also want to mock where we read from.
Is there some kind of context or something I can create to inject the interface which is mockable for reading?
Here is my code
public class RosterFileReader extends DoFn<String, PractitionerStandardOutputDto> {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RosterFileReader.class);
private final String projectId;
private GCPBucketStorage storage;
public RosterFileReader(String projectId, GCPBucketStorage storage) {
I am wondering if there is a context I can send in? GCPBucketStorage.java is OUR API since googles was not that mockable. In this way, we have full control of throwing exceptions and testing recovery as well as other scenarios.
EDIT: I would be willing to settle for some code like this
if(isRunningLocally) {
storage = new MockStorage();
} else {
storage = new GCPBucketStorageImpl();
it basically kind of sucks having test code like that in production code, but this END to END test has already caught bugs!!!!!! bugs that are missed in the unit testing that people are doing. We generally do not do single class or unit testing and only do what twitter calls Feature Testing since it allows huge refactors without touching tests -> https://blog.twitter.com/engineering/en_us/topics/insights/2017/the-testing-renaissance.html
I can reach into the Mock using static fields I guess(Again, I hate doing that but this test is so valuable having it end to end truly)
EDIT 2: Is serialization a ton like hadoop where you have to define classes to deploy along with the main jar? Perhaps I just need a document to make GCPStorage and GCPBucketStorageImpl serializable (and MockStorage as well most likely since it is in production code :( ) -> The if..else is totally worth it on the integration bugs we are finding pre-CI so people don't break the code on master ever.
This looks very promising -> https://gist.github.com/jlewi/f1cd323dc88bd58601ef
Will update post after trying.
Actually, just making the interface serializable seems to work in test (not tested in production yet) Along with this last line in the production code that is ugly(and I wonder if I can inject this instead) ->
yup, pretty ugly to have test code in production :(. Of BIG worth note is instead of injecting the interface, I inject GCPBucketStorageImpl.java (our prod implemntation) and now pass in the mock(which subclasses the prod class <---- This is done so we get test validation on someone modifying production class to not being serializable in which case we would not catch the issue.

Testing GWTP presenter with asynchronous calls

I'm using GWTP, adding a Contract layer to abstract the knowledge between Presenter and View, and I'm pretty satisfied of the result with GWTP.
I'm testing my presenters with Mockito.
But as time passed, I found it was hard to maintain a clean presenter with its tests.
There are some refactoring stuff I did to improve that, but I was still not satisfied.
I found the following to be the heart of the matter :
My presenters need often asynchronous call, or generally call to objects method with a callback to continue my presenter flow (they are usually nested).
For example :
this.populationManager.populate(new PopulationCallback()
public void onPopulate()
In my tests, I ended to verify the population() call of the mocked PopulationManager object. Then to create another test on the doSomeStufWithTheView() method.
But I discovered rather quickly that it was bad design : any change or refactoring ended to broke a lot of my tests, and forced me to create from start others, even though the presenter functionality did not change !
Plus I didn't test if the callback was effectively what I wanted.
So I tried to use mockito doAnswer method to do not break my presenter testing flow :
doAnswer(new Answer(){
public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable
Object[] args = invocation.getArguments();
return null;
I factored the code for it to be less verbose (and internally less dependant to the arg position) :
doAnswer(new PopulationCallbackAnswer())
So while mocking the populationManager, I could still test the flow of my presenter, basically like that :
public void testSomeStuffAppends()
// Given
doAnswer(new PopulationCallbackAnswer())
// When
// Then
verify(populationManager).populate(any(PopulationCallback.class)); // That was before
verify(this.myView).displaySomething(); // Now I can do that.
I am wondering if it is a good use of the doAnswer method, or if it is a code smell, and a better design can be used ?
Usually, my presenters tend to just use others object (like some Mediator Pattern) and interact with the view. I have some presenter with several hundred (~400) lines of code.
Again, is it a proof of bad design, or is it normal for a presenter to be verbose (because its using others objects) ?
Does anyone heard of some project which uses GWTP and tests its presenter cleanly ?
I hope I explained in a comprehensive way.
Thank you in advance.
PS : I'm pretty new to Stack Overflow, plus my English is still lacking, if my question needs something to be improved, please tell me.
You could use ArgumentCaptor:
Check out this blog post fore more details.
If I understood correctly you are asking about design/architecture.
This is shouldn't be counted as answer, it's just my thoughts.
If I have followed code:
public void loadEmoticonPacks() {
executor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
pack = loadFromServer();
I usually don't count on executor and just check that methods does concrete job by loading and saving. So the executor here is just instrument to prevent long operations in the UI thread.
If I have something like:
public void onAccountEvent(AccountEvent event) {
I will check first that we subscribed for events (and unsubscribed on some destroying) as well I would check that onAccountEvent does expected scenarios.
UPD1. Probably, in example 1, better would be extract method loadFromServerAndSave and check that it's not executed on UI thread as well check that it does everything as expected.
UPD2. It's better to use framework like Guava Bus for events processing.
We are using this doAnswer pattern in our presenter tests as well and usually it works just fine. One caveat though: If you test it like this you are effectively removing the asynchronous nature of the call, that is the callback is executed immediately after the server call is initiated.
This can lead to undiscovered race conditions. To check for those, you could make this a two-step process: when calling the server,the answer method only saves the callback. Then, when it is appropriate in your test, you call sometinh like flush() or onSuccess() on your answer (I would suggest making a utility class for this that can be reused in other circumstances), so that you can control when the callback for the result is really called.

Singleton pattern using PHP

I am trying to create a dynamic navigation class.
class myApp_Helper_Breadcrum{
protected $navigationArray=array();
private static $_instance = null;
public static function getInstance()
if (!isset(self::$_instance)) {
self::$_instance = new self();
return self::$_instance;
private function __construct() {
$this->navigationArray = array();
public function popin($popInElement){
public function displayLinks()
//print array
In boostrap I did following
Now in my controller I am calling as follow
$nlinks= Zend_Registry::get('nlinks');
The problem is, even if this class is singleton the constructor is called again and again which makes my array to initialize. what I am trying to achieve is to keep pushing the items in the navigation array as I navigate the site.
Any idea why it is like this in ZF?
PHP isn't running like Java would where you have a JVM to maintain the state of your classes. In Java you can have a singleton behave exactly as you describe, but in PHP all the classes are refreshed with each subsequent call to the web server. So your singleton will stay in place for the duration of that call to the server, but once the response is sent then you start over again on the next call.
If you want to maintain state through successive calls you need to use the $_SESSION to keep track of your state.
My answer above deals with PHP in general and not the Zend Framework specifically. See my comment below.
Try to define your component as below:
class MyApp_Helper_Breadcrum
private static $_instance = null; // use private here
public static function getInstance()
if (self::$_instance === null) { // use strictly equal to null
self::$_instance = new self();
return self::$_instance;
private function __construct() // use private here
// ...
// ...
I ran into the exact same problem.
The problem is that the persistence of your classes are on the request scope.
And with zend, you can even have multiple requests for a page load.
PHP is a shared nothing architecture; each
request starts in a new process, and at the end of the request, it's all
thrown away. Persisting across requests simply cannot happen -- unless
you do your own caching. You can serialize objects and restore them --
but pragmatically, in most cases you'll get very little benefit from
this (and often run into all sorts of issues, particularly when it comes
to resource handles).
You may want to use Zend_cache, for persistence
Even though this is old, I would like to add my 2 cent.
Zend DOES NOT create a singleton, that persists across multiple requests. Regardless of the interpretation of the ZF documentation, on each request, the whole stack is re-initialized.
This is where your problem comes from. Since bootstrapping is done on each request, each request also re-initializes your helper method. As far as I know, helpers in ZF 1.x CAN'T be singletons.
The only way I see this being implementes ar you want it to be, is using sessions.

Dynamic configs with Structuremap

Here's what I am trying to accomplish with Structuremap.
On each we request, database connection strings and web service urls used in our clients will vary based on some business logic. Currently, our sql and web service client implementations receive the configs in their constructors.
I wanted to use profiles, only to discover that it is not possible to use them per request.
In our team, we're having a debate over two solutions:
1- Pass a config factory into the registry that can resolve which configurations to use
when the container needs to instantiate something.
Problems I see is that we might have to use HttpContext.Items, as most of the app objects are not instantiated in structuremap and it seems hard to get the current request context from within the factory.
2- Instantiate containers for every different configurations and decide which container to use depending on the business logic.
Problems I see is the load time, the memory consumption and maybe the lifecycles of objects. So, I don't seem to find any real problem here, it just feels wrong to me to have multiple containers.
1- Do you see other problems?
2- Any better idea?
3- Which one would you choose?
Thank you
and it seems hard to get the current request context from within the factory.
I don't mean HttpContext, I mean the request data. For this app, it is a wcf request object.
it seems hard to get the current request context from within the factory.
Not sure why it seems that way. Wouldnt the following do the trick?
ObjectFactory.Configure(config => {
.Use(() => { return new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current); });
var service = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<Service>();
public class ConfigurationFactory
public ConfigurationFactory(System.Web.HttpContextBase context)
public class Service
public Service(ConfigurationFactory Configuration)