Color slider puzzle - iphone

I was going through the iPhone samples available here.
There is one sample code named Color Slider Puzzle, but the link to the download is not working.
Does anyone have a working download link to this sample code?

This specific sample may have been removed by Apple, but you will find plenty of samples here:
iOS Reference Library: Sample Code


Convert video to GIF

I'm building an iOS app which requires me to allow the users to record a 15sec clip (with UIImagePickerController for example) and then convert it into an animated GIF. How could I achieve this? Is there any library/framework available for such task?
This gist code piece may help you.
It shows how to export frames into a gif image.
I don't believe there is any existing library that would do a straight conversion for you. There's a lot of libraries for displaying animated GIFs - far fewer native Objective-C libraries for creating them.
Fortunately, iOS does have support for saving as GIFs. There's an existing StackOverflow answer that covers how to create animated GIFs in-depth here:
Create and and export an animated gif via iOS?
...there's also a library on GitHub that abstracts the lower-level stuff away, although it's not been maintained for a while (link here).
All you'll need to do is create an array of the frames you want to convert into your GIF. I strongly recommend you don't try and convert every single frame in your 15 second video, if only because you'll end up with a very large GIF at a frame-rate that's too high. You would be better off picking every other, or even every 3/4 frames from your video sample. Capturing images from video is also pretty well documented on iOS.
I recently created a library called Regift for converting videos to gifs on iOS. Hopefully it will help anyone coming to this in the future :)

Remove image background(ID Card) and prepared it for OCR

I want to integrate OCR in an iOS application. I have found some helpful tutorials, specially This Article: How To: Compile and Use Tesseract (3.01) on iOS (SDK 5), helped me a lot. Now I can read plain text from any image which has a clear background. But I want to read information from an ID card which doesn't have clear background at all!
I have also found some answers regarding removing background in stackoverflow, for example: Prepare complex image for OCR, Remove Background Color or Texture Before OCR Processing and How to use OpenCV to remove non text areas from a business card?
But those solutions are not for iOS. I understand the steps, but I need an iOS example and if it is using Core Image, than it would be better for me.
I have no problem in OCR end, but my problem is to remove the background.
Initial Image:
After removing, the image should look like this:
Can you refer me an iOS example? or Is it possible to refer me an iOS example to remove all the color without Black color?
the best way to detect a card in sence is traing a cascade classifier.
Training is not a very small project. the count of the sample images should be more thank 10K.
Once you get the trained cascade classifier, you can detect the the card quickly.
The detection is very quick on iOS, but the tesseract recognition is not very fast,

iPhone video recording app with label on top

The idea of the app is that the phone records some footage and on top of that should be a label which changes value throughout the filming process. How can the label be added on to the final movie? Is it possible to directly integrate the label to the movie while recording? Any helpful tips or links will be highly appreciated.
Check AVFoundation's reference of AVAssetWriter.
Besides that, there are plenty examples and questions out there on that component - also here on StackOverflow.

Creating an animation of an app's screenshots?

I am creating a how-to animation of an iphone app. I have got all the screenshots of the app. Wondering what the best tool is to create a short video/animation of these jpgs in your opinion?
Hey, if you go to my site where i've showcased my app, you can see the full source code there - it was just a simple jQuery slideshow inside an iPhone 4 png :)
Please update the post with the source code as the link no longer works.
Essentially, it's like benhowdle89 said. You can take any jQuery slideshow, adjust the image dimensions to the area inside your iPhone 4 .png, and you're pretty much done.

iPad flip-clock with Core Animation

I'm trying to make the flip-clock animation, I find this tutorial very interesting
but I still can't make it work.
If someone did it and could share is experience or even the code source that will be really nice.
P.S: if you have other tutorial link please share them.
What, exactly, do you need help on?
At the moment, there is some sample code available at Google Code:
Referenced from:
check this out:
Flip Transform
I actually made a small framework out of the tutorial. Check:
It contains two main classes:
JDFlipNumberView (animated digits)
JDDateCountdownFlipView (a date countdown, just init with a date, set a frame and there you go.)
In any case, you just need to do three steps:
Init the class
Set a target value (or a date)
Start the animation
I don't know if you can use this but who knows. There's a HTC hero theme for the iPhone, installable on jailbroken iPhones. This is not at all interesting, except for one feature of the theme. It has the flipclock. This theme shows the time on the homescreen exactly like you want. You can download the sourcecode of the theme here. You might have to dig into the code but the flipclock is there somewhere!
Good luck and I hope you'll be able to make your application work like a charm!