How can I find low regions in a graph using Perl/R? - perl

I'm examining some biological data which is basically a long list (a few million values) of integers, each saying how well this position in the genome is covered. Here is a graphical example for a data set:
I would like to look for "valleys" in this data, that is, regions which are significantly lower than their surrounding environment.
Note that the size of the valleys I'm looking for is not really known - it may range from 50 bases to a few thousands. Defining what is a valley is of course one of the questions I'm struggling with, but the previous examples are relatively easy for me:
What kind of paradigms would you recommend using to find those valleys? I mainly program using Perl and R.

We do peak detection (and valley detection) using running medians and median absolute deviation. You can specify how much deviation from the running median means a peak.
In a next step, we use a binomial model to check which regions contain more "extreme" values than can be expected. This model (basically a score test) results in "peak regions" instead of single peaks. Turning it around to get "valley regions" is trivial.
The running median is calculated using the function weightedMedian from the package aroma.light. We use the embed() function to make a list of "windows" and apply a kernel function on it.
The application of the weighted median :
center <- apply(embed(tmp,wdw),1,weightedMedian,w=weights,na.rm=T)
Here tmp is the temporary data vector and wdw the window size (has to be uneven). tmp is constructed by adding (wdw-1)/2 NA values at every side of the data vector. the weights are constructed using a customized function. For the mad we use the same procedure, but then on diff(data) instead of the data itself.
Running Sample code :
# make.weights : function to make weights on basis of a normal distribution
# n is window size !!!!!!
make.weights <- function(n,
type <- match.arg(type)
x <- seq(-1,1,length.out=n)
out <-switch(type,
out <- out/sum(out)*n
# score.test : function to become a p-value based on the score test
# uses normal approximation, but is still quite correct when p0 is
# pretty small.
# This test is one-sided, and tests whether the observed proportion
# is bigger than the hypothesized proportion
score.test <- function(x,p0,w){
n <- length(x)
if(missing(w)) w<-rep(1,n)
w <- w[!]
x <- x[!]
if(sum(w)!=n) w <- w/sum(w)*n
phat <- sum(x*w)/n
z <- (phat-p0)/sqrt(p0*(1-p0)/n)
p <- 1-pnorm(z)
# is a modification of embed, adding NA strings
# to the beginning and end of x. window size= 2n+1 <- function(x,n){
extra <- rep(NA,n)
x <- c(extra,x,extra)
out <- embed(x,2*n+1)
# running.score : function to calculate the weighted p-value for the chance of being in
# a run of peaks. This chance is based on the weighted proportion of the neighbourhood
# the null hypothesis is calculated by taking the weighted proportion
# of detected peaks in the whole dataset.
# This lessens the need for adjusting parameters and makes the
# method more automatic.
# for a correct calculation, the weights have to sum up to n
running.score <- function(sel,n=20,w,p0){
if(missing(w)) w<- rep(1,2*n+1)
if(missing(p0))p0 <- sum(sel,na.rm=T)/length(sel[!]) # null hypothesis
out <- apply(,n),1,score.test,p0=p0,w=w)
# : function to calculate the running median and mad
# for a dataset. Window size = 2n+1 <- function(x,w,n,cte=1.4826){
wdw <- 2*n+1
if(missing(w)) w <- rep(1,wdw)
center <- apply(,n),1,weightedMedian,w=w,na.rm=T)
mad <- median(abs(x-center))*cte
# Create series
n = 1000
series <- diffinv(rnorm(20000),lag=1)
peaks <- apply(,n),1,function(x) x[n+1] < quantile(x,probs=0.05,na.rm=T))
pweight <- make.weights(0.2*n+1)
p.val <- running.score(peaks,n=n/10,w=pweight)
The sample code above is developed to find regions with big fluctuations rather than valleys. I adapted it a bit, but it's not optimal. On top of that, for series larger than 20000 values you need a whole lot of memory, I can't run it on my computer any more.
Alternatively, you could work with an approximation of the numerical derivative and second derivative to define valleys. In your case, this might even work better. A pragmatic way of calculating the derivatives and the minima/maxima of the first derivative :
#first derivative
f.deriv <- diff(lowess(series,f=n/length(series),delta=1)$y)
#second derivative
f.sec.deriv <- diff(f.deriv)
#minima and maxima defined by where f.sec.deriv changes sign :
minmax <- cumsum(rle(sign(f.sec.deriv))$lengths)
op <- par(mfrow=c(2,1))

You can define a valley by different criterion :
volume (depth*width)
You might also have valley in a big mountain, do you want these too ?
For example there is a valley here : 1 2 3 4 1000 1000 800 800 800 1000 1000 500 200 3
Try to explain with more details how YOU (or any expert in your field) would choose the valleys given the data
You might want to look at watershed

You might want to try the peak detection function to identify the regions of interest. The desired minimum width of the valleys can be specified with the span parameter.
It might be a good idea to smooth the data first, to get rid of the noise peaks like the one in the right "valley" of the blue graph. A simple stats::filter should be enough.
The final step would be to check the depth of the found "valleys". This really depends on your requirements. As a first approximation, you can simply compare the peak value with the median level of the data.


What does the rt() function in R generates?

At first, I thought I understood what will the rt() function in R generate - I thought it generates random t-valuesfrom the specified t-distribution.
For example, this function tdist <- rt(10000,19) generates, I interpreted, 10,000 t-values from a t-distribution that based on n=20 (df=19), with mean=0 and standard deviation=1.
Is that the case, or does it generate average scores (means) that are to be found under the specified t-distribution?
If the latter is the case, how can I generate from a t-distribution 10,000 times a n=20 sample with specifications mean=0, sd=1?
Thank you in advance!
Yes, rt(n, df) generates n random samples from t-distribution with df degrees of freedom.
with mean=0 and standard deviation=1.
True about distribution mean (though sampled mean would be different), but standard deviation for t-distribution is ALWAYS not a 1, but a bit larger, equal to sqrt(df/(df-2)), sqrt(19/17)=1.057 in your case.
Lets put some code (MS R open 3.5.3, Win10 x64)
q <- rt(10000, 19)

Matlab Confidence Interval with normfit/fitdist/paramci differ from manual calculation depending on the number of elements. Why?

I am testing some confidence interval calculation, however, I have noticed differences using the Matlab functions normfit/fitdist/paramci from the manual calculation. Please have a look to the code below, and test the data with more elements. As the data size increases the differences are smaller. Does someone have a clue/solution/explanation?
%% Cleaning service
clear all; close all;
%% Data and processing
conf = norminv([0.025 0.975],0,1); % for 95%
data = normrnd(0.158,0.0265,10,1); % Change the third argument to 100, 1000, 1000, ...
[mu,sigma,muci,sigmaci] = normfit(data,.05); % for 95%
pd = fitdist(data,'Normal'); ci = paramci(pd,'Alpha',.05); % for 95%
xplus = mu + conf(2)*sigma*(1/sqrt(length(data)));
xminus = mu - conf(2)*sigma*(1/sqrt(length(data)));
Difference = [ci(1,1)-xminus ci(2,1)-xplus]
A "typical" confidence interval for a mean will actually use critical values from the t-distribution, not the normal - this will mean slightly wider intervals, wider at small sample sizes. As sample size increases, the t critical values converge to the normal critical values. I'm not a Matlab programmer these days, but I'd be curious if a canned function such as paramci will use the t-distribution instead of the normal.
So, this work is in R, not Matlab, but I'm hoping that I'll produce some numbers you'll recognize. Let's say for a sample of size n=10, mean=5, sd=2...
n <- 10
mn <- 5
sd <- 2
A 95% CI using normal critical values would be constructed "by hand" like so:
mn + qnorm(c(0.025, 0.975))*sd/sqrt(n)
# 3.76041 6.23959
and a 95% CI using t critical values like so:
mn + qt(c(0.025, 0.975), n-1)*sd/sqrt(n)
# 3.569286 6.430714
# ...note slightly wider
At n=500, the two become indistinguishable.
n <- 500
mn + qnorm(c(0.025, 0.975))*sd/sqrt(n)
# 4.824695 5.175305
mn + qt(c(0.025, 0.975), n-1)*sd/sqrt(n)
# 4.824269 5.175731
These are all manual calculations that I'm hoping will match what Matlab does in a similar scenario. If not ... then I can always retract my answer ;)

Assessing performance of a zero inflated negative binomial model

I am modelling the diffusion of movies through a contact network (based on telephone data) using a zero inflated negative binomial model (package: pscl)
m1 <- zeroinfl(LENGTH_OF_DIFF ~ ., data = trainData, type = "negbin")
(variables described below.)
The next step is to evaluate the performance of the model.
My attempt has been to do multiple out-of-sample predictions and calculate the MSE.
predict(m1, newdata = testData)
I received a prediction for the mean length of a diffusion chain for each datapoint, and using
predict(m1, newdata = testData, type = "prob")
I received a matrix containing the probability of each datapoint being a certain length.
Problem with the evaluation: Since I have a 0 (and 1) inflated dataset, the model would be correct most of the time if it predicted 0 for all the values. The predictions I receive are good for chains of length zero (according to the MSE), but the deviation between the predicted and the true value for chains of length 1 or larger is substantial.
My question is:
How can we assess how well our model predicts chains of non-zero length?
Is this approach the correct way to make predictions from a zero inflated negative binomial model?
If yes: how do I interpret these results?
If no: what alternative can I use?
My variables are:
Dependent variable:
length of the diffusion chain (count [0,36])
Independent variables:
movie characteristics (both dummies and continuous variables).
It is straightforward to evaluate RMSPE (root mean square predictive error), but is probably best to transform your counts beforehand, to ensure that the really big counts do not dominate this sum.
You may find false negative and false positive error rates (FNR and FPR) to be useful here. FNR is the chance that a chain of actual non-zero length is predicted to have zero length (i.e. absence, also known as negative). FPR is the chance that a chain of actual zero length is falsely predicted to have non-zero (i.e. positive) length. I suggest doing a Google on these terms to find a paper in your favourite quantitative journals or a chapter in a book that helps explain these simply. For ecologists I tend to go back to Fielding & Bell (1997, Environmental Conservation).
First, let's define a repeatable example, that anyone can use (not sure where your trainData comes from). This is from help on zeroinfl function in the pscl library:
# an example from help on zeroinfl function in pscl library
fm_zinb2 <- zeroinfl(art ~ . | ., data = bioChemists, dist = "negbin")
There are several packages in R that calculate these. But here's the by hand approach. First calculate observed and predicted values.
# store observed values, and determine how many are nonzero
obs <- bioChemists$art
obs.nonzero <- obs > 0
# calculate predicted counts, and check their distribution
preds.count <- predict(fm_zinb2, type="response")
# also the predicted probability that each item is nonzero
preds <- 1-predict(fm_zinb2, type = "prob")[,1]
preds.nonzero <- preds > 0.5
Then get the confusion matrix (basis of FNR, FPR)
# the confusion matrix is obtained by tabulating the dichotomized observations and predictions
confusion.matrix <- table(preds.nonzero, obs.nonzero)
FNR <- confusion.matrix[2,1] / sum(confusion.matrix[,1])
In terms of calibration we can do it visually or via calibration
# let's look at how well the counts are being predicted
output <-, obs=obs))
ggplot(aes(x=obs, y=preds.count), data=output) + geom_point(alpha=0.3) + geom_smooth(col="aqua")
Transforming the counts to "see" what is going on:
output$log.obs <- log(output$obs)
output$log.preds.count <- log(output$preds.count)
ggplot(aes(x=log.obs, y=log.preds.count), data=output[!$log.obs) & !$log.preds.count),]) + geom_jitter(alpha=0.3, width=.15, size=2) + geom_smooth(col="blue") + labs(x="Observed count (non-zero, natural logarithm)", y="Predicted count (non-zero, natural logarithm)")
In your case you could also evaluate the correlations, between the predicted counts and the actual counts, either including or excluding the zeros.
So you could fit a regression as a kind of calibration to evaluate this!
However, since the predictions are not necessarily counts, we can't use a poisson
regression, so instead we can use a lognormal, by regressing the log
prediction against the log observed, assuming a Normal response.
calibrate <- lm(log(preds.count) ~ log(obs), data=output[output$obs!=0 & output$preds.count!=0,])
sigma <- summary(calibrate)$sigma
There are more fancy ways of assessing calibration I suppose, as in any modelling exercise ... but this is a start.
For a more advanced assessment of zero-inflated models, check out the ways in which the log likelihood can be used, in the references provided for the zeroinfl function. This requires a bit of finesse.

Modifying matrix values ± a specific index value - MATLAB

I am attempting to create a model whereby there is a line - represented as a 1D matrix populated with 1's - and points on the line are generated at random. Every time a point is chosen (A), it creates a 'zone of exclusion' (based on an exponential function) such that choosing another point nearby has a much lower probability of occurring.
Two main questions:
(1) What is the best way to generate an exponential such that I can multiply the numbers surrounding the chosen point to create the zone of exclusion? I know of exppdf however i'm not sure if this allows me to create an exponential which terminates at 1, as I need the zone of exclusion to end and the probability to return to 1 eventually.
(2) How can I modify matrix values plus/minus a specific index (including that index)? I got as far as:
x(1:100) = 1; % Creates a 1D-matrix populated with 1's
p = randi([1 100],1,1);
x(p) =
But am not sure how to go about using the randomly generated number to alter values in the matrix.
Any help would be much appreciated,
Don't worry about exppdf, pick the width you want (how far away from the selected point does the probability return to 1?) and define some simple function that makes a small vector with zero in the middle and 1 at the edges. So here I'm just modifying a section of length 11 centred on p and doing nothing to the rest of x:
p = randi([1 100],1,1);
% following just scaled
somedist = (abs(-5:5).^2)/25;
% note - this will fail if p is at edges of data, but see below
Then, instead of using randi to pick points you can use datasample which allows for giving weights. In this case your "data" is just the numbers 1:100. However, to make edges easier I'd suggest initialising with a "weight" vector which has zero padding - these sections of x will not be sampled from but stop you from having to make edge checks.
x = zeros([1 110]);
somedist = (abs(-5:5).^2)/25;
nsamples = 10;
for n = 1:nsamples
p = datasample(1:110,1,'Weights',x);
% if required store chosen p somewhere
For an exponential exclusion zone you could do something like:
somedist = exp(abs(-5:5))/exp(5)-exp(0)/exp(5);
It doesn't quite return to 1 but fairly close. Here's the central region of x (ignoring the padding) after two separate runs:

Software solutions for visualizing similarity/dissimilarity between pairs of people

I have calculations of the similarity/dissimilarity between any two pairs of ~1200 people on a scale of 0-1.
I would like to visualize these relationships on an X-Y plane. Are there are any software tools that can take these relationships and put people close to each other who have high similarity and far away from each who have high dissimilarity?
You need to use Multidimensional Scaling. The objective is to identify a transformation of your data that will express the relative differences in similarity with linear distances in 2 dimensions. You will want to use classical or metric based scaling for this.
Here is an example with R:
The code is fairly straightforward. The magick is all in cmdscale and the use of vegdist to create the distance matrix for cmdscale. Then you can use R or export the data somewhere else for visualization.
## load libraries
library(ggplot2) # for charting
library(vegan) # for jaccard
## simulate some data - 1200 rows, 5 features/cols/fields
features <- matrix(abs(rnorm(1200*5)),ncol=5)
rownames(features) <- paste("P", seq(1:1200), sep="")
## calculate jaccard distances
d <- vegdist(features, method = "jaccard")
## Multidimensional Scaling
fit <- cmdscale(d,eig=TRUE, k=2)
# prepare the data for plotting
mds <- data.frame(
x = fit$points[,1],
y = fit$points[,2],
name = rownames(features))
# plot
ggplot(mds, aes(x=x,y=y,label=color=name)) + geom_text(size=1)
## bonus visualization! - a dendrogram
fit <- hclust(d, method="ward")