how to display just 10 rows in uitablView iphone application - iphone

I have a large data to be displayed in Tableview cell can anybody tell me how to show just 10 of them after click display button.
and then add more 10 when user click on load more button.
Thanks in advance.

In the "number of rows i in section method" return a integer wich initially is 10. When the "load more" button is clicked add 10 to the integer and reload tableview.

You need to go give this a try first. People here will be very willing to help, but this isn't a "code it for me for free" site.
Here's the idea: Load your 10 out of however many items into an array or NSDictionary or what have you. Initialize your table with the same number of rows as you have in that data object (in -tableView:numberOfRowsInSection:).
Then build a view in the .tableFooterView property that maybe reports on how many of the elements are being displayed out of how many, and has a button to load more. Attach a target to that button to call a function that loads the next 10, and calls -reloadData on your UITableView.


Using addHeaderView in Android

On clicking the button following happens to the ListView:
1. Through addHeaderView the header is displayed.
2. SimpleCursorAdapter displays data from the database table.
Now when I click the button again then the header duplicates, in the list while the data from the table is correctly displayed.This keeps happening every time the button is clicked.How to solve the problem.
The Adapter does not provide HeaderView-s and doesn't count them.
Use ListView.getHeaderViewsCount() to get the number of header views. This is how you can avoid adding unnecessary views.

Show less records initially in UITableView in iOS SDK

When I hit the server i am getting multiple records, but I want to display only three records for each section in UITableView initially.
Later on user press more button I want to display more records.
Can any one please give any ideas on these.
Thanks in advance.
control your numberOfRowsInSection.
Return 3 initially when user presses more update the row count to your data(possibly an array) count and reload the section.
You can see this sample . If you just want to display few records at launch time n later on want to load more cells, this might help you ..

Getting started with PopoverView and Display Item on Label in ipad

I am making a sample application where I am using UIPopoverView to display the list of items.
I am following this link for my sample application.
In the above link tutorial, a "movies list" appears. When the button is clicked, a pop over appears,but when I select the movie name it is not getting displayed on label.
can anyone tell what is happening or anything should be added in the code. I am not able to display the selected items on the label.
Check the connections of buttons and the respective actions. Debug the code placing the break point. I think u have missed something from the tutorial.
print the string whatever you are selecting .And print the label text also.Check whether you are getting the strings correctly or not.So that you came to know where the mistake is.

"Load More" in UITableView

I'm loading an RSS feed into a table view. I'm going to load 10 entries and then would like it say "Load More" in the last cell or somewhere below the last cell, so when the user clicks on Load More, the rest of the RSS feed gets loaded. Since the RSS comes off of my web site, I can program it to get the 10 or all entries on the server side (using a query string or something).
The question is how to render a table such that the last cell has a Load More link that the can clicked to call a method to load the rest of the feed (and then when the entire feed is loaded there is no more "Load More" link).
Due to the way that UITableView's work (i.e.: they request cells/cell content as required) what's the value in the 'load more' link? (Especially as you'll presumably need to load the RSS feed in its entirely anyway.)
In other words, shouldn't the act of the user scrolling the table view be sufficient?
It's also potentially a bit confusing from a User Interface perspective - would having a "load more" at the bottom load older posts or newer posts? Where would these posts appear? At the top of the view or the bottom? (I'm presuming that you're ordering the cells in "most recent first" order, as this probably makes sense if you're consuming a feed.)
However, if you really want to do this I'd suggest initially making your data source only tell the UITableView that it has "n"+1 elements, the +1 being a cell that contains your "load more" text. (You could format the cell to look different, using the backgroundView method, etc. on the UITableViewCell you supply.)
When the user selects this final cell you'll need to capture this as per usual, work out if it's the fake "load more" cell and if so, tell the data source that it should reveal all of its contents to the UITableView. Then you can simply get the table view to reload itself (via the reloadData method) and all should be well.

UITableView form

I am having very annoying issue. I have one form page with 5 custom cells. Each of them has one text field. On the bottom I have one button. In an onclick button function I am gathering values from each of the 5 described text fields.
My problem is that if my keyboard is up, I will get the values of not all but just visible text fields, the ones I don't see are null.
How to override this?
Separate data you have from your interface, that is store your textfield values in some other place right after you finish input. And access your data there.
UI elements are not intended to store data, but just to display it and allow input - as you can see in your case if you do not see a particular element you cannot be sure that it actually exists.
This might solve your problem..
1. Register your viewcontroller for KeboardNotifications
2.When keyboard will appear resize the view so that all fields will be visible.
3. When keboard will disappear just resize it back and continue..