Getting started with PopoverView and Display Item on Label in ipad - iphone

I am making a sample application where I am using UIPopoverView to display the list of items.
I am following this link for my sample application.
In the above link tutorial, a "movies list" appears. When the button is clicked, a pop over appears,but when I select the movie name it is not getting displayed on label.
can anyone tell what is happening or anything should be added in the code. I am not able to display the selected items on the label.

Check the connections of buttons and the respective actions. Debug the code placing the break point. I think u have missed something from the tutorial.

print the string whatever you are selecting .And print the label text also.Check whether you are getting the strings correctly or not.So that you came to know where the mistake is.


segue code crashes after all tasks are done?

I am doing this for an online class. The code seems to be the same as the instructor’s, which is working in their video. Yet, every time I run it, it updates the text field in the second view controller, then crashes. All this app is supposed to do is take an input in the text box on the first screen and display it in the label on the second screen after the user presses the “button” button.
Here’s the link to the entire file (it’s a very simple program).
You have attached something and removed it from viewcontroller. That's why storyboard was looking for reference of it. You have to remove that reference from storyboard also, Please have a look in this screenshot. Remove warning sign variable and run your application.

FadeInImage does not what I expect it to when filtering

This might be a bug but I'm not sure.
I'm trying to make a list of users in the app that I'm making. With to the left of all the users a picture of that user. Everything goes well when in loads in. The users that have a picture get them loaded in. The users that don't have one keep a placeholder image. So far so good.
But when I start filtering the records it gets messy. I have a search bar at the top. But when I start searching. All the names are still correctly displayed (the ones that are within the range of the search) but the images don't correspond with the correct users any more.
Please explain if I'm doing something wrong. But this might be a bug because this does not happen when I use the normal Image class. Only when I use the FadeInImage class
Underneath two screenshots to explain my problem. The first screenshot is when I boot the app. The second is after I pressed the button. Notice how the error.jpg url is standing next to the working image in screenshot 2.
I made a small example project to make it easy to reproduce this.
To reproduce, wait for the top image to load in. The second one will 404 but that is intended so it keeps its placeholder and after that click the button. You will see the 404 url next to the picture that was actually loaded from the web.

How do I get a pop-up to display on my iphone application?

I would like to know how to display a pop-up with some text, in an iphone application that I am developing. The part of the app I am talking about consists of some text pulled in from a plist file, all this happens in a view controller object which also consists of a button. When the user presses the button, I would like to show a pop-up window (not a small alert like the one obtained using UIAlertView but one similar to the pop-up ads that appear when you launch certain apps on the iphone, with the background dim and a window with a close button etc etc..), ya so anyway I would like to know how to achieve this, mainly if there is any pre-defined class that can make this happen. Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
You could use MBProgressHUD for this. You can add custom views in it and it also has the dimBackground property to dim the containing view and many other useful things.

UISearchBar - what is "search results button" for?

(Duplicate of this question, but I figured I could try again, since that one wasn't answered...)
The UISearchBar on the iPhone has an option showsSearchResultsButton. When you turn it on, it shows a button with horizontal lines inside the search bar, and you can implement a callback that will be called when the user presses it.
The thing is, I can't find a single place on the Internet where it says what the intended purpose of this button is. I know I could make it do anything, but I'd like to know what it's actually for. Should it show a history of searches, or all items without filtering, or what?
It's simply to show search results when tapped.
Where Apple uses this is in their iPad App Store application. If you go to the Categories tab you'll see various app categories. Search for an item, you'll get a list of results, and when you press "Done" you are shown the categories screen again. Your previous search term is still listed in the search field, but now the Search Results Button appears in the field. After tapping this, a UIPopOver is displayed, showing a text list of the results from your last search.

Small popup for instructions... How?

I am trying to get a popup appear the first time an app is started. Just to give you an idea check the new version of foursquare. A small popup (like a comic) appear explaining where the checkin button is located. Then if you tap anywhere it goes away. I googled for the last hour but I have not found anything at all and I have no idea on how to do it.
Anyone can point me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance,
You can show a customized UIlabel on app's load and then use performSelectorAfterDelay: and hide the label inside this method. For the tapping thing you can add a UITapGesture on your view to notify if some tap's occurred and hide the label if it's still there.
You can have a look at TapKu by Devin Ross