iPhone Developer Community voice over IP - iphone

Anyone know if there exists any Broadcast/Groups system online that allows developers to become connected in real time to be able to voice chat and keyboard chat, specific to their needs, something a little more immediate as opposed to forums/stackoverflow/pm software.
I for example would like to join a voip chat related to mapkit for iPhone... So while I'm working with mapkit for the next few days, I'd like to become connected with likeminded developers, and from there add them to my friends list or something...
Unless I've just missed it, I'm not aware of anything like this...and if it doesn't exist, there's a free startup company idea for someone...

I am not aware of any VOIP chat forum but I do know that there is a text chat rooms option on stackoverflow. You can either create your own chatroom or join one of the existing ones, like:


SWIFT: Controlling a view on another users device

This is a simple question on a (probably) complicated topic.
I'm in the process of trying to build an app in which multiple users are invited into a session by a single user.
If they accept, I would like the session admin/host's device to control the views on the devices of all the users in that session.
I have searched high and low, Google, StackOverflow, Treehouse etc. but whenever I suggest multiple users or type the question as I have here I get responses that demonstrate how to make an app capable of supporting multiple users on one device, or similar.
The question is simply: is what I want to do possible? Is it safe? Does anyone have a resource that would get me started in learning about how to code this scenario.
Thanks in advance,
Easy as pie - you use PubNub for exactly that.
demo similar to your problem:
(That demo is in-browser, but it's equally easy to do inside an app - assuming you're an experienced app developer of course!)
more demos:
I can tell you're new at mobile development. Do understand that:
A) In general programming is extremely difficult. Programming mobiles in particular has a lot of fussy knowledge needed as well as broad general engineering skills.
B) We really live in the "age of BAAS" - "platforms" such as PubNub, FireBase, Parse, Realm, Couchbase and so on. (These days you can't really be an "app programmer" .... you can't get a job "programming an iPhone". You get a job doing Firebase development, happening to be on iPhone - you know?)
I believe Apple has documentation on this very topic:
The trickier part will be how do you send back and forth data that allows the host to "control" the views of the other devices. If by "control" you want to let the host control things that are outside of your app (like a screen share) I don't believe that will be possible.

Adding chat functionality to a game using telegram api

I want to add chat functionality to a game I have developed using Unity, and I'm going to use Telegram for that. I didn't found telegram api documentation enough helpful, and it seemed to have steep learning curve specially for advanced features.
So I searched for something that could give me a high level tool, and I found Telegram Cli (also in Python) and Telegram Bot Api. But I don't know that they can be used to develop a chat app. Telgeram Bot is suggesting that is used for creating telgeram bots, not chat app instances. Also Telegram Cli seemed to be a command line version of desktop app.
Anyway what I want to add is chatting with friends, adding other players to friend list, and other thing that a chat application has.
My question is: Can I use either telgeram bot api or telegram cli to create something like a chat application? or I have to use Telegram Api and MTProto?
If I have to use the second method, I would really appreciate some sample code or a simple guide.
Also I have read other questions like this and this. Second one is really good, but I don't understand VB.net. Some C-Like language or python is really better.
and I have read documentation pages like Creating an Authorization Key (Sample) or Creating an Authentication Key, and they weren't enough helpful. TL Language is quite complicated too (IMHO).
Edit: Since it might be ambiguous, I want to use Telegram Api to add chat In my game.
you didn't mention specifically if you want players to chat inside your app or out of your app in telegram?
out of your app: well, you could just create telegram.me/username links inside your app and when a user clicks it. Telegram app would open and he would start chatting with the opponent just right away.
this method is:
easy (no special coding required)
familiar UI
not limited to game users
some might not have telegram installed already and would be forced to download and extra app to use your game
it would be out of your control (who knows when their service might not )
inside your app: you'd have to write your own telegram client, which is not easy and going by telegram rules, like getting pin codes for signing in and other stuff, I don't think it would work for you. Instead if you try to write your own game messaging system yourself, I guess you'll spend less time and get better results.
good amount of coding
have to go by an extra signing process for users
need to keep up with updates and changes

Cloudkit social app - how to start

I have a great app idea but im a not too experienced developer so i have no idea if it this is possible, I was thinking about a app were everyone has a unique username linked to their iCloud account (a easy way to find friends like snapchat) and every user can create a mission were they have to specify the objective, the reward and the usernames that they want to challenge.
How do i start with this? is it possible? Damn i have so many questions
I already have a small client but im not sure if it will be cloud kit compatible
Thank you
Well, If you want to start a social app that is based on CloudKit, then maybe you could try a quick start with: https://github.com/evermeer/EVCloudKitDao
The user list is based on your address book contacts that also have installed the app and the chat functionality is already fully functional. Maybe you could play around with it and then come back to stack overflow with more specific questions.

How to implement Bayeux Protocol in iOS Application

I am doing a interactive iPad app where there will be a scenario when my app will be opening in multiple iPad devices at the same time,and they can join a group photo share, where one user selects a photo of his choice and that selection will be seen live by other users in their devices too who are joined to same group.
I have just got to know that this kind of behaviour can be achived through Bayeux Protocol using Javascript,Dojo for Web application. So, is there any framework that can achieve this feature in iOS platforms or is anyone know how to integrate Bayeux Protocol in xcode.
I have no idea about it, so any help and suggestions will be appreciated so that i can atleast get started with this feature.
Forget about Bayeux Protocol and implementation details.
For stuff like that, such as connecting people that use the same app on similar device, and share their actions and so on, I think that considering GameKit (even if you application is not a game, as you still connect people that will use the application on different devices at the same time, and actions of one user will be refered on other user's devices) might be a good option.
See for example the GKPeerPickerViewController to connect users to each others, the GKTank example and so on.

How the game will search for other online users and will display the list of all users?

I am asking this question as a small part of my question series regarding game programming .
Refer this question as the main one .
Now suppose I want to develop one small board game on iphone that is multiplayer . so how it will handle how many users are online and displaying them .
Suppose it is an online multiplayer casino game .
Then suppose it have to show currently playing tables and users on them .
So what can we do in iphone to do this sort of thing .
Thanks .
You're essentially asking what is referred to as 'matchmaking' in PC and console games.
The notion of displaying all currently online players or active matches is an early one in online multiplayer gaming, and I think it's seen its time. Instead, try and offer your players two options: Play with your friends or play against people of your skill level.
Showing someone a complete list of tens/hundreds or even thousands of games/players is just going to overwhelm them. People are much more comfortable knowing they're playing against people they know (and trust not to be unsportsmanlike) or at least that they're playing against someone of comparable skill level. These 2 concepts are often called 'buddy based matchmaking' (or friend lists) and 'automatch' or skill based matchmaking.
Unfortunately, from what I've seen in the GameKit framework, neither are fully supported, at least as far as playing on non LAN connections. You're going to have to either develop that yourself (and very few iPhone developers are going to have the resources to create and host it), or see if someone like OpenFeint, ngmoco (plusplus), Chillingo (Crystal) etc match your needs. OpenFeint seem to be talking about matchmaking on their site and plusplus offer buddy based challenges. The OpenFeint signup process is the easiest and you get access to their SDK right away for development without prior approval.
Now here's one final thing to consider: smaller games aren't going to have the player base to have enough concurrent players around so that everyone will always find a suitable match at any time of the day/week. Unless you have promotion and publisher backing, or a breakaway hit, picking an automatch based solution is not your best bet and shouldn't be your only mode of matchmaking. Ideally your game should allow for some turn based form of game play, so you can play asynchronously. That model has worked great for games like Words With Friends.
You need a server, you gameclient will contact it to get assigned to a partner. This is call matchmaking (google it to learn more).
I think there are OpenSource solutions (or at least frameworks) for this. But I don't know them. I know however Exit Games Neutron and Photon and I think there are free licenses for private / educational use.