Using Netbeans Swing UI Builder with an eclipse project - netbeans

I have an eclipse based Swing project and want to import that in Netbeans. the latest version 6.9 of netbeans does provide import of eclipse project, however the GUI builder does not act on the java files .Thus, we can't do a preview for the Swing UI for the imported project.
Is there a work around for this ?
thanks in advance

Netbeans GUI builder uses an intermediate xml file to generate java source (a file with ".form" extension. It cannot reverse engeener hand written java gui code.
Use WindowBuilder instead


How can I use this javafx library?

I am trying to design gui on java.
I will use this javafx library
I downloaded this lib but how can I used it?
I added external jar on my javafx project but I can not make any sample code work.
I'm working with eclipse neon and java 8. By the way I set up javafx. It is okay.
Do I need anything else for using this library?
I have gradle and maven plug-in my eclipse IDE.
Don't directly download this file, use something like maven or gradle for this:
If you scroll down on this page: you will find the copy-paste parts.
There even is an example-project using that lib:

How to combine m2e and e(fx)clipse?

I want to create a new project in Eclipse Kepler using the two plugins e(fx)clipse (for JavaFX 2) and m2e. The goal is, to have a Java FX project that I can build with maven from eclipse and that has the folder structure of maven, but I want to use the Java FX SceneBuilder from within Eclipse.
Both plugins have own project types and create different folder structures, so I have to do some stuff manually to combine them. Any ideas?
This is not difficult to do in eclipse. The way I did it was as follows:
1) Create the java project/structure first using a maven archetype (I can not remember the specific one, but a generic java one would do).
2) To use the JavaFX functionality of e(fx)clipse, just make sure the JavaFX libraries are included in the Libraries of you Build Path.
3) To use SceneBuilder, make sure that the executable is configured in Window|Preferences|JavaFX screen.
NB: if you are using a java version that has javaFX already in it (e.g. java 8 or a recent java 7 releaase) then you don't need to add a separate JavaFX library in the build path. This was only necessary when JavaFX was not bundled with the rest of the JDK, which is no longer the case.
Good luck.

How to use Netbeans plugin?

I'm using NetBeans 7.2.1 and I'm new to Java (but I program in C# for most of the time).
I recently downloaded, installed and activated a plugin (nbm file) from I had been struggling on how to "Import" or "Package" it within my JFrame application in order for me to start writing the code.
Here is the link to download the plugin:
Can some one please guide me on this, it is greatly different in C#.
plugins work on netbeans app. it adds functions to the netbeans IDE. plugins aren't classes you can import to your projects.
you should also check if that plugin is written for netbeans 6 or 7. netbeans 6 plugins dont work on netbeans 7

How to convert existing Java project to JavaFX project on NetBeans?

I have a regular Java project on NetBeans 7.2.1 and I want to convert it to JavaFX project. Is there an automatic way to do that or do I have to create a new project and import my sources to it?
There is no conversion utility in NetBeans 7.2.1 to make a regular NetBeans java project into a JavaFX project - create a new JavaFX project and import your old sources into it.

How to integrate PyQt designer in Eclipse?

I'm trying to integrate the pydev, pyqt, python and eclipse.
Now the code can be runing without error.
And I know to make the GUI in Qt Designer.
and then modified it in Eclipse.
Now I want to integrate the Qt Designer of PyQt to Eclipse.
Just like the Qt Eclipse Integration for C++.
Use PyQt Designer in Eclipse.
Can anybody teach me how to do it?
Thanks very much!
BTW, I'm try to set the preference of qt project in Eclipse.
But when I add new qt version.I didn't know how to borrow the bin path.
Because there is no bin path in PyQt.And also didn't have qmake,uic,rcc etc.
the version name that I typed is PyQt-Py2.7-x64-gpl-4.8.5-1.exe.
I borrow the include path like C:\python27\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4\Sib\PyQt4.
my OS is win7.
Thanks for your answers!
God bless you!
The only way is to install the Qt Eclipse Integration, that way you can open ui files directly in eclipse.
But this does not work well with plugins and custom widgets, since that requires the exact same Qt version for the Eclipse integration and PyQt (and the same compiler flags..), and that may not be the case.
You could of course build the Qt Eclipse Integration yourself, if it works with the Qt version you're using with PyQt. (it's pre-built for 4.6.1, so it may or may not work with later Qt versions.)
What we've done is to tell Eclipse to open .ui files in Qt Designer outside of Eclipse. Not as nice, but it works with custom widget plugins, so it's a definite win for us.
An easy way to open .ui files generated by Designer is to convert them to python code using "pyuic4" which comes with pyqt. On Windows and Linux (I haven't tested on Mac), open a shell and navigate to the directory containing your .ui file then run the command/flag/args... See example below:
pyuic4 -o theOriginalPyQtFile.ui
In the example my input file is called "theOriginalPyQtFile.ui" and the ouput file that will be generated is named "" and saved in the same directory as "theOriginalPyQtFile.ui".
After that just open "" in Eclipse or any IDE.