ABPersonCopyImageData on iOS4 - iphone

the ABPersonCopyImageData function in iOS4 SDK 4.0->4.02 seems to return uncropped image
and leads to terrible performance and crashing due to running out of memory. It used
to work fine on OC versions 3.0->3.1.3. I've tried upgrading to 4.02 but still same issues
Is there a workaround for this?

Well now there is ABPersonCopyImageDataWithFormat in the SDK 4.1 which returns either thumbnails or the full image

Thanks for this post. I had a major surprise bug due to this issue in a release and this post helped save the day with rapid bug fix.
Everything had previously worked fine but suddenly went all wrong with users who had contact images of a certain types. Setting the format to kABPersonImageFormatThumbnail completely solved the issue.


Appcelerator Live View Console.Log not working

Odd one this. Ever since upgrading to iOS10 and the latest Appcelerator SDK (5.5.0), I can't get even a simple console.log("hi!") to show anything in the console when I'm testing on an iPhone 6s Plus connected to my Mac via USB, using LiveView.
I've tried changing it to Ti.API.info("hi!") - which I believe is the old way to do it - to no avail. If I change it to alert("hi!"), that works fine. However, it's not as useful as console.log used to be when developing things which MUST be tested on a connected device (the camera, in my case).
I've Googled this, plus done extensive searching on StackOverflow.
It may be that this is so new that no-one has noticed yet.
Can anyone help?
It's a known issue. Apple changed something with the way they log data. The Appcelerator SDK has to be adapted to this changes. I'm pretty sure they'll fix it asap. You'll have to await an update.
Edit: Here is the corresponding jira ticket (https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/TIMOB-23786)

Project released but not showing updated version in AppStore

My App is approved, but the updated version is not showing in the AppStore and in iTunes. It is still showing previous version(1.1). Can any one knows why this happens?
I too faced the same issue recently..
I requested the apple to fix my issue.
i received the responce as follows
However, as you've discovered, this process can sometimes take up to 24 hours to fully take effect. As such, I thank you for your patience.

updating ans ios app is causing issues whereas reinstall works fine

i am experiencing a weird problem. last week i submitted updated app into App store and when it comes live i updated already installed app on my iPhone. i saw lots of issues on my home controller table view. after that i deleted and reinstall the app and it worked fine.
i found same behavior on some other test devices too.
i find it as a big issue because end user will never do reinstallation, he will always update the all and find these issues.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
This problem could be caused by incompatible models between those two versions. For example if you are caching your model objects it would be good practice to clear cache upon upgrade to avoid that problem.
Your application crashed due to update in core data model. Solution for this is you need to learn data migration of coredata. you can learn form here.
Hope you will get what i mean.

xcode simulator crashing xcode when trying to run app

I was propted by apple to upgrade my debugger settings yesterday, In doing so I have some how broken xcode.
When ever I now try to load an application (dosn't matter what version of the simulator I am using) Xcode and my simulator both freeze up. then the rainbow loader just sits their constantly turning over.
Is there any way to fix this? I'm really stuck and don't know what to do as it dose not seem like a very common problem from all the research I have done to fix this.
I am running the latest version of xcode 4.3.2 (4E2002) and using 5.1 simulator.. and have tried 4.2 simulator to the same effect.
any help in getting my xcode back up and running would be massively appreciated.
Okay so I figured out what the problem is but not a real solution...
Basically the error started happening when I was prompted by xcode to update my debugger to the LLDB version. this is what cause my simulator to keep crashing xcode.. or vice versa honastly I still dont know why this is happening but yea...
so.. what I did to get this simulator working again was go to Product>edit scheme> debugger then changed from LLDB back to GDB.. this solved my issue for now... however I need to figure out why LLDB is not working and what I should do leading into the future. hope this helps someone else.
I have facing this problem too but I got a solution either you said its temporary ... some time ios 5.1 simulator hangs when I shifted to the ios 4.1 sdk its a common practice for the developer to check it I have simply first close the simulator and again start it and then reset all the content in the preference area that its resolved my issue .. check it might be you also got resolve for apply this trick or technique.
In my case, was too many old breakpoints tracks (788), even to deleted files, I just clean it and now it runs perfect, I hope it helps.
A picture to illustrate:

SIGABRT on iPhone but not simulator

My IPhone app is suddenly giving a SIGABRT error message when I attempt to run it on my iPhone, before even the first line of the application delegate is reached. It runs fine in the simulator, and even restoring previously working snapshots give the same error when I attempt to load the application on the device.
I fiddled with the Product Name build setting and the data model prior to the problem occurring, but as mentioned, old snapshots that ran fine now won't load, suggesting that the problem isn't in the code.
I have tried restarting xCode, the computer, the iPhone and deleting the app but the problem is still occurring.
I am sure that the problem lies with the device
Any ideas what the problem might be or how I can fix it?
Taking on Till's suggestions I reinstalled iOS (well, actually I updated it to 5.1) and everything is working again. Thanks for the advice. I've no idea what went wrong, but at least its working again now!