SIGABRT on iPhone but not simulator - iphone

My IPhone app is suddenly giving a SIGABRT error message when I attempt to run it on my iPhone, before even the first line of the application delegate is reached. It runs fine in the simulator, and even restoring previously working snapshots give the same error when I attempt to load the application on the device.
I fiddled with the Product Name build setting and the data model prior to the problem occurring, but as mentioned, old snapshots that ran fine now won't load, suggesting that the problem isn't in the code.
I have tried restarting xCode, the computer, the iPhone and deleting the app but the problem is still occurring.
I am sure that the problem lies with the device
Any ideas what the problem might be or how I can fix it?

Taking on Till's suggestions I reinstalled iOS (well, actually I updated it to 5.1) and everything is working again. Thanks for the advice. I've no idea what went wrong, but at least its working again now!


Building successfully done despite errors in the code - Swift Xcode 13

I am confused, whenever I have an error in my Swift code, the building of the app in the simulator fails.
Today, even though I am pretty sure the code is correct (and it works), I see a few errors in my code, and even so, the app-building is successful in the simulator.
Anyone has run into this before? How can I fix it?
This isn't a solution, but have you tried restarting Xcode?

Unable to run app in Simulator Xcode 6

Yesterday i was testing my app in the iOS simulator and everything was working fine. I then decided to run the app on my iPhone and i got the error unable to install application, Unknown error occurred this has happened before so I cleaned my build folder (as this has fixed this issue before) however, the same error occurred. I then ran the app in the iOS simulator again and now i get the error Unable to run app in Simulator, An error was encountered while running (Domain = LaunchServicesError, Code = 0). I find this very weird as i didn't change anything besides trying to run the app on my iPhone. I have tried every solution given on this post and still no luck.
I'm sorry if my question doesn't contain much detail but as I said I didn't change anything and it was building and running fine a minute before plugging in my iPhone and trying to run it on there.
Any help would be much appreciated.
I tried running other projects (with and without extensions) and they are working on both simulator and iPhone, therefore the problem must be within my project. (my project does have a today extension)
In that kind of cases I usually :
Product > Clean
Close xCode
Delete the Derived Data (in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData subfolders)
Delete the app on the iPhone
Reboot the iPhone
Restart and rebuild
I had this problem. In my case, it was caused by the Build value being blank. After putting a value there, and resetting the simulator once more, the issue went away.
I had the same problem and checking the system log carefully helped me to identify a coliding library that was causing this error. You can also check this answer if you are using extensions.
Generally it means there is a problem with the build, it may be due to old cache (solved by a clean build) or a project definition error (missing library, bad definition in info.plist, etc).
In my case it happened only on iOS 8, turns out that my widget had the wrong bundle ID.

xcode simulator crashing xcode when trying to run app

I was propted by apple to upgrade my debugger settings yesterday, In doing so I have some how broken xcode.
When ever I now try to load an application (dosn't matter what version of the simulator I am using) Xcode and my simulator both freeze up. then the rainbow loader just sits their constantly turning over.
Is there any way to fix this? I'm really stuck and don't know what to do as it dose not seem like a very common problem from all the research I have done to fix this.
I am running the latest version of xcode 4.3.2 (4E2002) and using 5.1 simulator.. and have tried 4.2 simulator to the same effect.
any help in getting my xcode back up and running would be massively appreciated.
Okay so I figured out what the problem is but not a real solution...
Basically the error started happening when I was prompted by xcode to update my debugger to the LLDB version. this is what cause my simulator to keep crashing xcode.. or vice versa honastly I still dont know why this is happening but yea...
so.. what I did to get this simulator working again was go to Product>edit scheme> debugger then changed from LLDB back to GDB.. this solved my issue for now... however I need to figure out why LLDB is not working and what I should do leading into the future. hope this helps someone else.
I have facing this problem too but I got a solution either you said its temporary ... some time ios 5.1 simulator hangs when I shifted to the ios 4.1 sdk its a common practice for the developer to check it I have simply first close the simulator and again start it and then reset all the content in the preference area that its resolved my issue .. check it might be you also got resolve for apply this trick or technique.
In my case, was too many old breakpoints tracks (788), even to deleted files, I just clean it and now it runs perfect, I hope it helps.
A picture to illustrate:

iPhone app was working, suddenly starts crashing on startup, reinstall fixes, but why?

Here's the situation:
-Had a development build of the app we just submitted on my phone, working fine for days (and previous builds worked fine for weeks).
-Yesterday, I touched the app icon, the app launches then crashes out (I wasn't connected to my computer at the time, but if I had to guess, it was around or before when applicationDidFinishLaunching runs). Basically, I briefly see my Default.png, then the app closes. This happens every time I try to run it.
-I restart my phone. No difference, the app is still failing to launch. All other iphone apps I have appear to be working fine.
-This morning I reinstall the app from my development computer and all is well, it's working fine again. No problems. This is the SAME EXACT CODE with the same build parameters.
This has me really worried, does anyone have any idea at all what might have happened? It's like the app permanently broke itself, before it even hits any of my code no less :(. I had a theory it might have had to do with an expired provisioning profile, but I didn't get any message then or when I reinstalled.
I'd appreciate any advice/pointers/ideas people have!
Connect your iPhone to the computer, launch XCode, go to the Window menu, and select Organizer. Click on your device in the left hand bar, and check your crash logs.
That should tell you when it is crashing, and why.
Actually, the crash logs should still be there from when your app WAS crashing, so even if you have reinstalled, you may be able to figure out what WAS going wrong.
Are you using core data?
Did you change your schema? That would cause a crash on startup and a reinstall would then fix it.
If it was the exact same code it seems to point to a data issue.

Why does my iPhone app crash when not launched by xcode

The iPhone app I am developing has a strange quirk where it runs ok when xcode has launched it, but not when launched directly on the device.
I've checked the crash logs and the exception seems to be occurring in libxml2.2 in xmlParseCharData. It's quite a big xml document that is being parsed so I think that might be the problem.
I tried with a smaller xml document and this was fine. So either it is the size of the document or something in the document that is causing it but the same large document is parsed ok when launched via xcode.
Any ideas why this would be happening or how I might start trying to debug it?
I found the problem. The app was taking too long to start. I eventually noticed in the console log in organizer that this was the problem. I changed the app so it has a proper landing screen and it works fine now.
I found a Apple Technical Q&A about this issue.