Problem with Old Facebook JavaScript SDK - facebook

I have an issue with the old sdk. Whenever I try to authorize a new user I get redirected to the home page of my app in the iframe. However, after I close the iframe and refresh the page, I can easily authorize a user.
But whenever I delete the application from my facebook account and try to authorize it, I'm back to the previous problem.
I've noticed the same bug in the different web applications. Hootsuite could be a good example.
Did facebook change the old api or did they change the authorization proces lately ?

I have a bug report open with Facebook for this. Go add your comment and vote it up.


Facebook Messanger App callback doesn't call my app

I created chatbot for Facebook. I tested in on one fanpage, got business and api permissions verfications from Facebook and I wanted to add the bot to more fanpages. I did it as before, I setted all Webhooks like messages, message_echoes but Facebook doesn't call my app. I'm checking it in debuging tool that shows network traffic to my server.
I tried to remove and add callback, fanpages, but nothing gets change.
The first fanpage still works all fine, but others don't call my bot on any message. Why?
assume you link your app to first fanpage with oauth dialog like this before.
oauth dialog : (See:
when linking another fanpage with oauth dialog,
should click that edit settings button:
choose another fanpage:
now you receive webhooks from other fanpages.
So, problem was in my code. I was checking if request was sent using Symfony profiler. The problem was, it didn't save request if the process was stopped. And it was. I had "die" in some trycatch...

facebook external login not redirect back

I have a MVC5 application with external login. When I use Facebook login, after I put in my login information into facebook login page, facebook fails to direct me back to my application.
I got a white page with the following URL in Chrome's URL bar:
If I use IE, I got "The website cannot display the page" error page with the following URL on the borwser's URL bar:
Anyone has an answer to this problem? Thanks!
Thanks Nathan, clear cache on browser didn't help. I tried to clear cache/cookies on both IE and Chrome several times before I post the question.
The weird thing is that if I create an app under my personal facebook account and use the FacebookAppID/FacebookAppSecret for my app, the external login works fine. That's how I did all my testing.
But when I try to deploy the website I want to create the app under company's facebook account. I set up the app under the company's facebook account exactly the same way as I did when using my personal facebook account, then I got this redirect problem. If I switch back the FacebookAppID/FacebookAppSecret to the one I created under my personal account, everything works fine. That's even more puzzling.
I finally figured out the problem. I forgot to turn on "make this app and all its live features available to the general public" setting for the app I created in Facebook. So the login was only available to the developer who created the app. After I turn that setting on (it is under the Status and Review Tab), everything works fine.

Webpage is not Available - Facebook Login Integration

I want to integrate facebook api to help in the registration process in my website. It was working fine before - the standard fb login button appears, the pop-up window to login to fb was working, some of the user data are obtained. However after several trials with me modifying the code as the feature isnt fully integrated yet in my site, whenever I press the login button what replaces the fb login page is "This webpage is not available." I already retracted the modifications I made to the point that it was back to the version wherein it was working before. I also created another app and replaced the app id and secret key, still it displays the same message. I do not know what is wrong. Please help.
I uploaded the project files to another hosting site and it works! Could it be that the previous domain is now blocked?
Please read the other posts, dude... we're all waiting for the FB to fix the issue...

Facebook logout when not authorized

I'm building a public installation using an iPad, built as an iOS web app (using the "Add to Home Screen" functionality) which is going to allow users to share content on Facebook.
I'm currently logging the user in to Facebook and getting them to authorize my Facebook app when they click my custom share button. On a successful login, I open Facebook's Feed dialog and allow them to share. Once they have shared (or clicked cancel) I automatically log them out, making sure that the next user that uses the public installation won't be able to share to the previous user's Facebook account.
This all works well, but things get tricky if someone was to hit my custom share button, log in to Facebook and then not allow my app. This would mean that they have logged in, but as they haven't authorized the app, I don't have an access token, and so can't log them out (FB.logout() requires an access token).
Is there a way around this?
Or is there another way that I can log a user out?
Or is there a safe way to allow a user of a public installation (built in HTML) to share on Facebook and be automatically logged out afterwards? Would building a native obj-c app, and using Facebook's iOS SDK help?
The best I can think of is that if the user logs in but doesn't allow the application, they are told that they need to log out, and redirected to Facebook to be able to do this. However this offers them the chance to browse Facebook and (through shared links in their feed) the whole Internet - this isn't acceptable for our installation.
I solved this problem by creating a native iOS app, where the Facebook share link opened in it's own UIWebView. And once the sharing was complete, I deleted all session & cookie information, effectively logging the user out.

Facebook app links broken

Today, on my Facebook app, links appear to be broken. Everytime you click a link (to another page of the application, not external), Facebook returns the user to the login prompt, even if the user has already logged in.. I usually use relative urls, but if I set absolute, the link doesn't work too, but in this case the page doesn't change...
Anyone having same problems? Any ideas? I just can't find solutions..
Edit: for "Facebook app" I mean an iframe application that runs on Facebook site, not the Facebook application for a mobile device
Solved :) The problem was I used on old versione of the PHP SDK. I've updated the SDK with the latest version and also the Login part of the code; now it's ok. Thanks all for your help ;)
Did you tried to reinstall the Facebook app? Also if you use Android you can delete the cache on your phone.
Everytime you click a link (to another page of the application, not external), Facebook returns the user to the login prompt, even if the user has already logged in..
Do you have Authenticated Referrals turned on for your app?
Otherwise, you must be triggering login yourself somewhere in your app. If so, check the conditions under which you are doing so, and if your app recognizes a logged in user correctly, or if maybe there is some kind of cookie problem.
If that doesn’t help you to figure it out on your own, please update your question with relevant code.