Facebook app links broken - facebook

Today, on my Facebook app, links appear to be broken. Everytime you click a link (to another page of the application, not external), Facebook returns the user to the login prompt, even if the user has already logged in.. I usually use relative urls, but if I set absolute, the link doesn't work too, but in this case the page doesn't change...
Anyone having same problems? Any ideas? I just can't find solutions..
Edit: for "Facebook app" I mean an iframe application that runs on Facebook site, not the Facebook application for a mobile device

Solved :) The problem was I used on old versione of the PHP SDK. I've updated the SDK with the latest version and also the Login part of the code; now it's ok. Thanks all for your help ;)

Did you tried to reinstall the Facebook app? Also if you use Android you can delete the cache on your phone.

Everytime you click a link (to another page of the application, not external), Facebook returns the user to the login prompt, even if the user has already logged in..
Do you have Authenticated Referrals turned on for your app?
Otherwise, you must be triggering login yourself somewhere in your app. If so, check the conditions under which you are doing so, and if your app recognizes a logged in user correctly, or if maybe there is some kind of cookie problem.
If that doesn’t help you to figure it out on your own, please update your question with relevant code.


Facebook page tab prompting for login, but it shouldn't

When a user is not logged in and they navigate to a page tab made with our app, they get an obtrusive dialog asking them to log in:
This has nothing to do with http vs https, the app is not in sandbox mode, there is nothing in the tab asking for a login or user information, etc. I've gone through the app settings at least a half dozen times now, and nothing is wrong there. Aside of urls, the settings are identical to another app I have that does not suffer from this problem. I'm stumped!
Edit: here is an affected tab: https://www.facebook.com/StaticHtmlThunderpenny/app_203351739677351
This message is not about login to your app, but Facebook in general.
So my guess would be that the page your app is installed as page tab app on is restricted in some way – by age, location, or for having alcohol-related content. And then of course Facebook asks for login, because otherwise they can not determine whether or not the (as of now still “anonymous”) user qualifies to see the page.
So go check the page settings.
This is actually not app related question.
This is thumb rule!! To access any app on Facebook, you need to log in to Facebook. You can see Facebook page without log in. But for facebook apps, you should be authentic user.
with this issue in my own experience that I came across some years back with a facebook app that I was running, if this doesn't relate to any of your other social networking apps then am aligning two set of possibilities and solution.
The user might have not properly logged out as "written" in the app for the users logout stage.
Solution would be that the user logout as expected before closing the app.
The user might have set up an automatic login prompt which was removed by the app when it was been updated automatically. (If you do get me???)
Solution would be to monitise your app on updates and login informations or better still just login and logout ask intended by the app and for security reasons.
Lastly I would say that automatic bookmark database should be added to the server part so current pages as the user uses the app would be saved after logout or login stage. Thank you, hope this helps and if not let me know what am missing.

How can I make Facebook App page visible on mobile?

On my client's Fanpage, a third party app is running for a contest. How can I make this FB contest page available on mobile? I read the answer here:
Facebook SDK : Page Tab App returns not found in mobile Facebook App
I do not understand it clearly.
Is the query parameter ?ref-ts which we have to add at the end of URL?
What does it mean by "It helps in the browser but not the app itself."?
Will it help to see the App on mobile and click on it to go to the contest page on FB?
Also, I found this answer:
Works as advertised! Thank you. I was getting 404, but simply adding
ref=ts in my redirect URLs (I force users to use my app as a page tab)
fixed it! – Guillaume Boudreau
under the first link above but what is forcing users to use app as a page tab?
How can I set App as a page tab?
little bit confused.
I searched the web vigorously but did not get any clear explanation.
My observations about this issue:
Seems like it's an ANDROID issue, Work OK on iPhone's
Work with the link redirection services like Bit.ly (where the bit.ly link included the ref=ts)
I sent an email to Facebook for ANDROID developers.
my iPhone's user colleagues can open links to page tab app with ref=ts
parameters but on Android we can't ;-(
The only way we've been able to do it is when the link to the app is
under a bit.ly redirection link
The problem is only when the links are open through the Facebook App.
Let us know
You can access to your app using the next link https://apps.facebook.com/YOUR-APP-ID
In this way, you can access from a desktop or a mobile with no problem.

Cannot open redirect link in facebook iphone app

I have a problem with the facebook iphone app. I post a link in the wall in my facebook account and I used my iphone 4 to check it. The link I posted redirects to another page. I started the app and saw my wall and when I clicked the link, it crashes and put me out of facebook and not Safari is opened.
This thing did not happen before and now it happens only with links that has redirection.
Does anyone have an idea of what could be the problem?
maybe the application has crashed.
if you dont try reinstall firstly remove and reinstall application in iTunes.
when you've reinstall please sign in another account and try redirect link.
check safari's permission setting.
use safari and log in facebook mobile. below the page the was a link like download for iphone. download this and try login with app.
I hope you solved the problem

iOS - being logged-in in a webView after logging in with the SDK

I'm building an iPhone app that has some social features. I've managed to get the user to log-in to Facebook within my application.
I've also implemented a webview that loads a facebook iPhone-optimized page. What I now want to do is my user to be logged-in within the webview without having to log-in twice (once in the app and once in the webview)
I've tried a few things playing around with the access_token in the URL but it didn't work.
Does anyone know if it is possible to implement that and how to do it?
Thanks in advance for your help
Short answer: You're probably not supposed to be able to do that.
The idea is that your app should only store an authentication token that lets you do stuff as your app (e.g. post to the wall as your app). On the web version, the user is logged in to facebook and facebook additionally passes an authentication token to your website; on the iOS version, I think you never get the Facebook session cookie, and I'm pretty sure you need the Facebook session cookie to be logged in to the web side of things (especially since it's designed for the browser — logging out of Facebook logs you out of Facebook Connect on all sites).
There are loads of things you can do to work around this — it's trivial to just ask the user for a username/password (and the whole idea of a "trusted UI" inside a UIWebView inside your app is flawed, despite Facebook's claims).
The "right" thing to do is to implement everything using calls to the iOS SDK so you don't have to bother with the web side of things.
were you testing your app on the simulator or on the device? The reason i ask is because im trying to get the app to stayed logged into fb which it does, sorta...it still pops a fb dialog saying it logged in fine and the user has to click on an OK button.
I havent had time to test it on the device but i think it may have to do with the fact that with the OAuth 2.0, with 3.2.x or >...if the fb is installed, it uses the fb-app login but if its not installed it uses the safari web login.
Since simulator doesnt have the fb app installed, it actually uses the safari web login (i humbly deduced) which would otherwise store a cookie and maybe it doesnt do so on the simulator..dunno, im still looking for the answer on that one :)

Problem with Old Facebook JavaScript SDK

I have an issue with the old sdk. Whenever I try to authorize a new user I get redirected to the home page of my app in the iframe. However, after I close the iframe and refresh the page, I can easily authorize a user.
But whenever I delete the application from my facebook account and try to authorize it, I'm back to the previous problem.
I've noticed the same bug in the different web applications. Hootsuite could be a good example.
Did facebook change the old api or did they change the authorization proces lately ?
I have a bug report open with Facebook for this. Go add your comment and vote it up.