Facebook login problem in iphone? - iphone

In app I used fbconnect library in case of my app the fb browser shows lot of thing but i actually want the browser which shows only two textfield & one button for submit what i do for that still i'm using only fbconnect not fbconnect with json.

It is really hard to understand your question, to be honest. I will try my best to make the most appropriate guess
If you use FBConnect library, you have to use their login dialog, this is the common expected User Experience. Whenever users touch the button "F connect", they expect to see the FB connect dialog includes a lot of information and username and password textfield


Facebook app links broken

Today, on my Facebook app, links appear to be broken. Everytime you click a link (to another page of the application, not external), Facebook returns the user to the login prompt, even if the user has already logged in.. I usually use relative urls, but if I set absolute, the link doesn't work too, but in this case the page doesn't change...
Anyone having same problems? Any ideas? I just can't find solutions..
Edit: for "Facebook app" I mean an iframe application that runs on Facebook site, not the Facebook application for a mobile device
Solved :) The problem was I used on old versione of the PHP SDK. I've updated the SDK with the latest version and also the Login part of the code; now it's ok. Thanks all for your help ;)
Did you tried to reinstall the Facebook app? Also if you use Android you can delete the cache on your phone.
Everytime you click a link (to another page of the application, not external), Facebook returns the user to the login prompt, even if the user has already logged in..
Do you have Authenticated Referrals turned on for your app?
Otherwise, you must be triggering login yourself somewhere in your app. If so, check the conditions under which you are doing so, and if your app recognizes a logged in user correctly, or if maybe there is some kind of cookie problem.
If that doesn’t help you to figure it out on your own, please update your question with relevant code.

When I use the facebook javascript SDK for authentication it fails on mobile phones and ipad

Javascript authentication works great on browsers but once I use the website on mobile, I always get this error on the login popup.
Sorry, the application you are using is misconfigured for Facebook integration. Please download the newest version of the application.
Instead of showing the usual login popup, it goes to m.facebook.com and it produces this error. Whats interesting is clicking on the spanish link, makes it work again.
After doing some research and tinkering, ive nailed it down to this:
<fb:login-button registration-url="http://www.example.com/page#register" onlogin="authenticate.facebookLoginCallBack()"></fb:login-button>
Its possible the pound sign blows it up. I need the pound sign because i dont want to redirect off the page,instead i want to trigger a js registration popup.
My guess is that the # gets into the redirect-url, and then must somehow get transformed again on its way to getting redirect to m.facebook.com and that makes it fail there.
I thought about redoing the flow by creating my own button and calling FB.login, but there is no way to tell the API to stop at login, and load my own registration. The problem is summed up here Registration flow using FB.login
Realistically it seems we are only provided with one option here:
Login + Registration Flows
and it doesnt work in my situtation
Typically the user clicks on this button
Then they see this dialog. (Notice it says www.facebook.com in the url)
But they see this dialog on mobile. (This is loading from m.facebook.com)

Cannot get back to my app after posting to facebook/twitter

I have developers working on the backend of my app using phonegap and once the user clicks facebook/twitter share a browser pops up and you can log in and share but after
that you cannot escape back to the app, if you get out of the apps altogether then try and return to my app you're right back at the facebook/twitter screen instead of in my app. This is only happening on iphon because on android they have a back button. The only way to get back into the app is to restart the iphone/ipod to get back to open
the app from beginning. I cannot have this as the only option for
people to share from my app as it would be horrible and could ruin my
app before I launch it. They say their is no way to fix it but Im sure its fixable so I am trying to get any info on this that I can.
The other issue is the facebook post itself. currently it post like this
Sent from Appname(with link to app)
Text here
but this is kinda counter intuitive because the actual message should
be on top otherwise it will get lost in the other text. They said
this is the only way facebook allows it. Is it possible to get it like this
Text here
Sent from appname(linke here)
Again any help on these two issues would be great so I can pass the
info to my developers.

Facebook Application - Like Button

I'd like to develop a Flash/Flex based application that I'll integrate withing my Page on Facebook.
I've seen on many applications that in order for a user too see more stuff on the application, user first of all has to click LIKE button on my page.
I've searched but couldn't find right thing I've been looking for, probably I don't know how to search for it correctly.
Maybe you could help me out to find right source for that.
I don't think Liking the app really matter.
What you might be looking for is authorization from the facebook users. For instance if your app need to post status update on the user's wall, you'll need to get authorisation from him/her first.
You should probably read this (rather generic) intro on facebook's developer website:
This might be a helpful read too:
Finally, haven't done it in AS3 but apparently Adobe has an as3 version of the facebook sdk available:
what you are reffering to is liking a page beofore being able to interact with an application that has been embedded into a page. A page tab app.
You need to parse the signed_request that facebook passes to your application and once you have parsed it you will be able to see if the user has liked your page or not.
Here is a link to some more information about singed_requests

iOS - being logged-in in a webView after logging in with the SDK

I'm building an iPhone app that has some social features. I've managed to get the user to log-in to Facebook within my application.
I've also implemented a webview that loads a facebook iPhone-optimized page. What I now want to do is my user to be logged-in within the webview without having to log-in twice (once in the app and once in the webview)
I've tried a few things playing around with the access_token in the URL but it didn't work.
Does anyone know if it is possible to implement that and how to do it?
Thanks in advance for your help
Short answer: You're probably not supposed to be able to do that.
The idea is that your app should only store an authentication token that lets you do stuff as your app (e.g. post to the wall as your app). On the web version, the user is logged in to facebook and facebook additionally passes an authentication token to your website; on the iOS version, I think you never get the Facebook session cookie, and I'm pretty sure you need the Facebook session cookie to be logged in to the web side of things (especially since it's designed for the browser — logging out of Facebook logs you out of Facebook Connect on all sites).
There are loads of things you can do to work around this — it's trivial to just ask the user for a username/password (and the whole idea of a "trusted UI" inside a UIWebView inside your app is flawed, despite Facebook's claims).
The "right" thing to do is to implement everything using calls to the iOS SDK so you don't have to bother with the web side of things.
were you testing your app on the simulator or on the device? The reason i ask is because im trying to get the app to stayed logged into fb which it does, sorta...it still pops a fb dialog saying it logged in fine and the user has to click on an OK button.
I havent had time to test it on the device but i think it may have to do with the fact that with the OAuth 2.0, with 3.2.x or >...if the fb is installed, it uses the fb-app login but if its not installed it uses the safari web login.
Since simulator doesnt have the fb app installed, it actually uses the safari web login (i humbly deduced) which would otherwise store a cookie and maybe it doesnt do so on the simulator..dunno, im still looking for the answer on that one :)