iOS 4 Accelerate Cblas with 4x4 matrices - iphone

I’ve been looking into the Accelerate framework that was made available in iOS 4. Specifically, I made some attempts to use the Cblas routines in my linear algebra library in C. Now I can’t get the use of these functions to give me any performance gain over very basic routines. Specifically, the case of 4x4 matrix multiplication. Wherever I couldn’t make use of affine or homogeneous properties of the matrices, I’ve been using this routine (abridged):
float *mat4SetMat4Mult(const float *m0, const float *m1, float *target) {
target[0] = m0[0] * m1[0] + m0[4] * m1[1] + m0[8] * m1[2] + m0[12] * m1[3];
target[1] = ...etc...
target[15] = m0[3] * m1[12] + m0[7] * m1[13] + m0[11] * m1[14] + m0[15] * m1[15];
return target;
The equivalent function call for Cblas is:
cblas_sgemm(CblasColMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans,
4, 4, 4, 1.f, m0, 4, m1, 4, 0.f, target, 4);
Comparing the two, by making them run through a large number of pre-computed matrices filled with random numbers (each function gets the exact same input every time), the Cblas routine performs about 4x slower, when timed with the C clock() function.
This doesn’t seem right to me, and I’m left with the feeling that I’m doing something wrong somewhere. Do I have to to enable the device’s NEON unit and SIMD functionality somehow? Or shouldn’t I hope for better performance with such small matrices?
Very much appreciated,

The Apple WWDC2010 presentations say that Accelerate should still give a speedup for even a 3x3 matrix operation, so I would have assumed you should see a slight improvement for 4x4. But something you need to consider is that Accelerate & NEON are designed to greatly speed up integer operations but not necessarily floating-point operations. You didn't mention your CPU processor, and it seems that Accelerate will use either NEON or VFP for floating-point operations depending on your CPU. If it uses NEON instructions for 32-bit float operations then it should run fast, but if it uses VFP for 32-bit float or 64-bit double operations, then it will run very slowly (since VFP is not actually SIMD). So you should make sure that you are using 32-bit float operations with Accelerate, and make sure it will use NEON instead of VFP.
And another issue is that even if it does use NEON, there is no guarantee that your C compiler will generate faster NEON code than your simple C function does without NEON instructions, because C compilers such as GCC often generate terrible SIMD code, potentially running slower than standard code. Thats why its always important to test the speed of the generated code, and possibly to manually look at the generated assembly code to see if your compiler generated bad code.

The BLAS and LAPACK libraries are designed for use with what I would consider "medium to large matrices" (from tens to tens of thousands on a side). They will deliver correct results for smaller matrices, but the performance will not be as good as it could be.
There are several reasons for this:
In order to deliver top performance, 3x3 and 4x4 matrix operations must be inlined, not in a library; the overhead of making a function call is simply too large to overcome when there is so little work to be done.
An entirely different set of interfaces is necessary to deliver top performance. The BLAS interface for matrix multiply takes variables to specify the sizes and leading dimensions of the matrices involved in the computation, not to mention whether or not to transpose the matrices and the storage layout. All those parameters make the library powerful, and don't hurt performance for large matrices. However, by the time it has finished determining that you are doing a 4x4 computation, a function dedicated to doing 4x4 matrix operations and nothing else is already finished.
What this means for you: if you would like to have dedicated small matrix operations provided, please go to and file a bug requesting this feature.


Compute e^x for float values in System Verilog?

I am building a neural network running on an FPGA, and the last piece of the puzzle is running a sigmoid function in hardware. This is either:
1/(1 + e^-x)
(atan(x) + 1) / 2
Unfortunately, x here is a float value (a real value in SystemVerilog).
Are there any tips on how to implement either of these functions in SystemVerilog?
This is really confusing to me since both of these functions are complex, and I don't even know where to begin implementing them due to the added complexity of being float values.
One simpler way for this is to create a memory/array for this function. However that option can be highly inefficient.
x should be the input address for the memory and the value at that location can be the output of the function.
Suppose value of your function is as follow. (This is just an example)
x = 0 => f(0) = 1
x = 1 => f(0) = 2
x = 2 => f(0) = 3
x = 3 => f(0) = 4
So you can create an array for this, which stored the output values.
int a[4] = `{1, 2, 3, 4};
I just finished this by Vivado HLS, which allows you to write circuits in C.
Here is my C code.
#include math.h
void exp(float a[10],b[10])
int i;
b[i] = exp(a[i]);
But there is a question that it is impossible to create a unsized matrix. Maybe there is another way that I don't know.
As you seem to realize, type real is not synthesizable. you need to operate on the type integer mantissa and type integer exponent separately and combine them when you are done, having tracked the sign. Once you take care of (e^-x), the rest should be straight-forward.
try this page for a quick explanation:
and search on "floating point digital design" for more explanations/examples.
Do you really need a floating number for this? Is fixed point sufficient?
Considering (atan(x) + 1) / 2, quite likely the only useful values of x are those where the exponent is fairly small. (if the exponent is large, your answer is pi/2).
atan of a fixed point number can be calculated in HW fairly easily; there are cordic methods (see and direct methods; see for example
FPGA design flows in which hardware (FPGA) is targeted generally do not support floating point numbers in the FPGA fabric. Fixed point with limited precision is more commonly used.
A limited precision fixed point approach:
Use Matlab to create an array of samples for your math function such that the largest value is +/- .99999. For 8 bit precision (actually 7 with sign bit), multiply those numbers by 128, round at the decimal point and drop the fractional part. Write those numbers to a text file in 2s complement hex format. In SystemVerilog you can implement a ROM using that text file. Use $readmemh() to read these numbers into a memory style variable (one that has both a packed and unpacked dimension). Link to a tutorial:
Now you have a ROM with limited precision samples of your function
Section 21.4 Loading memory array data from a file in the SystemVerilog specification provides the definition for $readmh(). Here is that doc:
If you need floating point one possibility is to use a processor soft core with a floating point unit implemented in FPGA fabric, and run software on that core. The core interface to the rest of the FPGA fabric over a physical bus such as axi4 steaming. See: to get started.
It is a very different workflow than ordinary FPGA design and uses different tools. C or C++ compiler with math libraries (tan, exp, div, etc) would be used along with the processor core.
Another possibility for fixed point is an FPGA with a hard core processor. Xilinx Zynq is one of them. This is a complex and powerful approach. A free free book provides knowledge on how to use Zynq
This workflow is even more complex that soft core approach because the Zynq is a more complex platform (hard processor & FPGA integrated on one chip).
Its pretty hard to implement non-linear functions like that in hardware, and on top of that floating point arithmetic is even more costly. Its definitely better(and recommended) to work with fixed point arithmetic as mentioned in answers before. The number of precision bits in fixed point arithmetic will depend on your result accuracy and the error tolerance.
For hardware implementations, any kind of non-linear function can be approximated as piecewise linear function, and use a ROM based implementation approach as described in previous answers. The number of sample points that you take from the non-linear function determines your accuracy. The more samples you store the better approximation of the function you get. Often in hardware , number of samples you can store can become restricted by the amount of fast/local memory available to you. In this case to optimize the memory resources, you can add a little extra compute resources and perform linear interpolation to calculate the needed values.

Fast Algorithms for Finding Pairwise Euclidean Distance (Distance Matrix)

I know matlab has a built in pdist function that will calculate pairwise distances. However, my matrix is so large that its 60000 by 300 and matlab runs out of memory.
This question is a follow up on Matlab euclidean pairwise square distance function.
Is there any workaround for this computational inefficiency. I tried manually coding the pairwise distance calculations and it usually takes a full day to run (sometimes 6 to 7 hours).
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Well, I couldn't resist playing around. I created a Matlab mex C file called pdistc that implements pairwise Euclidean distance for single and double precision. On my machine using Matlab R2012b and R2015a it's 20–25% faster than pdist(and the underlying pdistmex helper function) for large inputs (e.g., 60,000-by-300).
As has been pointed out, this problem is fundamentally bounded by memory and you're asking for a lot of it. My mex C code uses minimal memory beyond that needed for the output. In comparing its memory usage to that of pdist, it looks like the two are virtually the same. In other words, pdist is not using lots of extra memory. Your memory problem is likely in the memory used up before calling pdist (can you use clear to remove any large arrays?) or simply because you're trying to solve a big computational problem on tiny hardware.
So, my pdistc function likely won't be able to save you memory overall, but you may be able to use another feature I built in. You can calculate chunks of your overall pairwise distance vector. Something like this:
m = 6e3;
n = 3e2;
X = rand(m,n);
sz = m*(m-1)/2;
for i = 1:m:sz-m
D = pdistc(X', i, i+m); % mex C function, X is transposed relative to pdist
... % Process chunk of pairwise distances
This is considerably slower (10 times or so) and this part of my C code is not optimized well, but it will allow much less memory use – assuming that you don't need the entire array at one time. Note that you could do the same thing much more efficiently with pdist (or pdistc) by creating a loop where you passed in subsets of X directly, rather than all of it.
If you have a 64-bit Intel Mac, you won't need to compile as I've included the .mexmaci64 binary, but otherwise you'll need to figure out how to compile the code for your machine. I can't help you with that. It's possible that you may not be able to get it to compile or that there will be compatibility issues that you'll need to solve by editing the code yourself. It's also possible that there are bugs and the code will crash Matlab. Also, note that you may get slightly different outputs relative to pdist with differences between the two in the range of machine epsilon (eps). pdist may or may not do fancy things to avoid overflows for large inputs and other numeric issues, but be aware that my code does not.
Additionally, I created a simple pure Matlab implementation. It is massively slower than the mex code, but still faster than a naïve implementation or the code found in pdist.
All of the files can be found here. The ZIP archive includes all of the files. It's BSD licensed. Feel free to optimize (I tried BLAS calls and OpenMP in the C code to no avail – maybe some pointer magic or GPU/OpenCL could further speed it up). I hope that it can be helpful to you or someone else.
On my system the following is the fastest (Even faster than the C code pdistc by #horchler):
function [ mD ] = CalcDistMtx ( mX )
vSsqX = sum(mX .^ 2);
mD = sqrt(bsxfun(#plus, vSsqX.', vSsqX) - (2 * (mX.' * mX)));
You'll need a very well tuned C code to beat this, I think.
Since MATLAB R2016b MATLAB supports implicit broadcasting without the use of bsxfun().
Hence the code can be written:
function [ mD ] = CalcDistMtx ( mX )
vSsqX = sum(mX .^ 2, 1);
mD = sqrt(vSsqX.'+ vSsqX - (2 * (mX.' * mX)));
A generalization is given in my Calculate Distance Matrix project.
P. S.
Using MATLAB's pdist for comparison: squareform(pdist(mX.')) is equivalent to CalcDistMtx(mX).
Namely the input should be transposed.
Computers are not infinitely large, or infinitely fast. People think that they have a lot of memory, a fast CPU, so they just create larger and larger problems, and then eventually wonder why their problem runs slowly. The fact is, this is NOT computational inefficiency. It is JUST an overloaded CPU.
As Oli points out in a comment, there are something like 2e9 values to compute, even assuming you only compute the upper or lower half of the distance matrix. (6e4^2/2 is approximately 2e9.) This will require roughly 16 gigabytes of RAM to store, assuming that only ONE copy of the array is created in memory. If your code is sloppy, you might easily double or triple that. As soon as you go into virtual memory, things get much slower.
Wanting a big problem to run fast is not enough. To really help you, we need to know how much RAM is available. Is this a virtual memory issue? Are you using 64 bit MATLAB, on a CPU that can handle all the needed RAM?

iOS BLAS - Accelerate framework poor matrix multiplication performance

I'm implementing a tangent distance based OCR solution for the iPhone, which heavily relies on fast multiplication of floating-point matrices of size 253x7. For the proof of concept, I've implemented my own naive matrix routines like this:
Matrix operator*(const Matrix& matrix) const {
if(cols != matrix.rows) throw "cant multiply!";
Matrix result(rows, matrix.cols);
for(int i = 0; i < result.rows; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < result.cols; j++){
T tmp = 0;
for(int k = 0; k < cols; k++){
tmp += at(i,k) *,j);
},j) = tmp;
return result;
As you can see, it's pretty basic.
After the PoC performed well, I've decided to push the performance limits further, by incorporating the Accelerate Framework's matrix multiplication (which presumably uses SIMD, and other fancy stuff, to do the heavy lifting...):
Matrix operator*(const Matrix& m) const {
if(cols != m.rows) throw "cant multiply!";
Matrix result(rows,m.cols);
cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, rows, m.cols, cols, 1, matrix, cols, m.matrix, m.cols, 1, result.matrix, result.cols);
return result;
Shockingly (at least for me), the above code took double the time to multiply the matrices! I've tried using single precision instead of double, cause I was suspicious that it was something related with the CPU's word-size (32 bit float vs. 64 bit double on a 32 bit ARM), but had no performance gain...
What am I doing wrong? Are my 253x7 matrices too small for noticeable performance boost over the naive implementation?
A couple of questions:
253 x 7 multiplied by what size matrix? If you’re doing, say, 253x7 * 7x1, then a general-purpose multiply routine is going to spend most of its time in edging code, and there’s very little that a tuned library can do that will make it faster than a naive implementation.
What hardware are you timing on, and what iOS version? Especially for double precision, older hardware and older iOS versions are more limited performance-wise. On a Cortex-A8, for example, double-precision arithmetic is completely unpipelined, so there’s almost nothing a library can do to beat a naive implementation.
If the other matrix isn’t ridiculously small, and the hardware is recent, please file a bug (unexpectedly low performance is absolutely a bug). Small matrices with high aspect ratio are quite difficult to make fast in a general-purpose matrix-multiply, but it’s still a good bug to file.
If the hardware/iOS version is old, you may want to use Accelerate anyway, as it should perform significantly better on newer hardware/software.
If the other matrix is just tiny, then there may not be much to be done. There is no double-precision SIMD on ARM, the matrices are too small to benefit from cache blocking, and the dimensions of the matrices would also be too small to benefit much from loop unrolling.
If you know a priori that your matrices will be exactly 253x7 * 7x???, you should be able to do much better than both a naive implementation and any general-purpose library by completely unrolling the inner dimension of the matrix multiplication.
Basically, yes. The "x7" portion is likely too small to make the overhead of CBLAS worth it. The cost of making a function call, plus all the flexibility that the CBLAS functions give you, takes a while to make back up. Every time you pass a option like CblasNoTrans remember that there's an if() in there to manage that option. cblas_dgemm in particular accumulates into C, so it has to read the previous result element, apply a multiply, and then add before storing. That's a lot of extra work.
You may want to try the vDSP functions rather than CBLAS. vDSP_mmul is a bit simpler and doesn't accumulate into the result. I've had good luck with vDSP_* on small data sets (a few thousand elements).
That said, my experience with this is that naïve C implementations can often be quite fast on small data sets. Avoiding a function call is a huge benefit. Speaking of which, make sure that your at() call is inlined. Otherwise you're wasting a lot of time in your loop. You can likely speed up the C implementation by using pointer additions to move serially through your matrices rather than multiplies (which are required for random access through []). On a matrix this small, it may or not be worth it; you'd have to profile a bit. Looking at the assembler output is highly instructive.
Keep in mind that you absolutely must profile this stuff on the device. Performance in the simulator is irrelevant. It's not just that the simulator is faster; it's completely different. Things that are wildly faster on the simulator can be much slower on device.

Different results for the same algorithm in matlab

I'm doing an assignment of linear algebra, to compare the performance and stability of QR factorization algorithms Gram-Schmidt and Householder.
My doubt comes when calculating the following table:
Where the matrices Q and R are the resulting matrices of the QR factorizations by applying the Gram-Schmidt and householder to a Hilbert matrix A, I is the identity matrix of dimension N; and || * || is the Frobenius norm‎.
When I do the calculations on different computers i have different results in some cases, may be due to this?. The above table corresponds to the calculations performed in a 32-bit computer and the next table in a 64-bit:
These results in matlab involves computer architectures in which the calculations were made?
I'm really interested by an answer if you find one!
Unfortunately plenty of things can change the numerical results...
For being efficient, some LAPACK algorithm iterate on sub-matrix blocks. For optimal efficiency, the size of the blocks has to fit somehow the size of CPU L1/L2/L3 caches...
The size of block is controlled by LAPACK routine ILAENV see
Of course, if block size differ, result will differ numerically... It is possible that the lapack/BLAS DLL provided by Matlab are compiled with a differently tuned version of ILAENV on the two machines, or that ILAENV has been replaced with a customized optimized version taking cache size into account, you could check by yourself making a small C program which call ILAENV and link it to DLL provided by Matlab...
For underlying BLAS, it's even worse: if an optimized version is used, some fused mul-add FPU instruction might be used when available by exemple, and they are not necessarily available on all FPU. AFAIK, Matlab use ATLAS, and you'll have to inquire about how the lirary was produced... You would have to track differences in the result of basic algebra operations (like matrix*vector or matrix*matrix ...).
UPDATE: Even if ILAENV were the same, QR uses elementary rotations, so it obviously depend on sin/cos implementation. Unfortunately no standard tells exactly how sin and cos should bitwise-behave, they can be off a few ulp from rounded exact result, and differ from one library to another and will give different results on different architectures/compilers (hardwired in x87 FPU). So unless you provide your own version of these functions (or work in ADA) and compile them with specially crafted compiler options, and maybe finely control the FPU modes there's close to no chance to find exactly same results on different architectures... You will also have to ask Matlab if they took special care to insure floating point deterministic results when they compiled those libraries.
That depends on matlab implementation. Do you get the same result when rerun on same architecture? If yes, this problem may caused by precision. Sometimes, it is caused by different FPU (floatingpoint process uint) of CPU. You may try on more 32-bit/64-bit with different CPU.
The best answer should be reply by your matlab provider. Just call them if you have valid license.
According this link.
one cause of difference is that if calculations are done on with the x87 instructions, it get held in 80 bit precision. depending on compiler optimisations, it numbers may stay at 80bit for a few operation before being truncated back to 64 bit. this can cause variations. see for more info.
the gcc man pages says that using sse (instead of 387) is default on x86-64 platforms. you should be able to force it on 32bit using something like
-mfpmath=sse -msse -msse2

Fastest language for FOR loops

I'm trying to figure out the best programming language for an analytical model I'm building. Primary consideration is speed at which it will run FOR loops.
Some detail:
The model needs to perform numerous (~30 per entry, over 12 cycles) operations on a set of elements from an array -- there are ~300k rows, and ~150 columns in the array. Most of these operations are logical in nature, e.g., if place(i) = 1, then j(i) = 2.
I've built an earlier version of this model using Octave -- to run it takes ~55 hours on an Amazon EC2 m2.xlarge instance (and it uses ~10 GB of memory, but I'm perfectly happy to throw more memory at it). Octave/Matlab won't do elementwise logical operations, so a large number of for loops are needed -- I'm relatively certain that I've vectorized as much as possible -- the loops that remain are necessary. I've gotten octave-multicore to work with this code, which makes some improvement (~30% speed reduction when I get it running on 8 EC2 cores), but ends up being unstable with file locking, etc.
+I'm really looking for a step change in run-time -- I know that actually using Matlab might get me as much as a 50% improvement from looking at some benchmarks, but that is cost-prohibitive. The original plan when starting this was to actually run a Monte Carlo with this, but at 55 hours a run, that's completely impractical.
The next version of this is going to be a complete rebuild from the ground up (for IP reasons I won't get in to if nothing else), so I'm completely open to any programming language. I'm most familiar with Octave/Matlab, but have dabbled in R, C, C++, Java. I'm also proficient w/ SQL if the solution involves storing the data in a database. I'll learn any language for this -- these aren't complicated functionality we're looking for, no interfacing with other programs, etc., so not too concerned about learning curve.
So with all that said, what's the fastest programming language specifically for FOR loops? From a search of SO and Google, Fortran and C bubble to the top, but looking for some more advice before diving in to one or the other.
This for loop looks no more complex than this when it hits the CPU:
for(int i = 0; i != 1024; i++) translates to
mov r0, 0 ;;start the counter
;;some processing
add r0, r0, 1 ;;increment the counter by 1
jne top: r0, 1024 ;;jump to the loop top if we havn't hit the top of the for loop (1024 elements)
;;continue on
As you can tell, this is sufficiently simple you can't really optimize it very well[1]... Refocus towards the algorithm level.
The first cut at the problem is to look at cache locality. Look up the classic example of matrix multiplication and swapping the i and j indexes.
edit: As a second cut, I would suggest evaluating the algorithm for data-dependencies between iterations and data dependency between localities in your 'matrix' of data. It may be a good candidate for parallelization.
[1] There are some micro-optimizations possible, but those will not produce the speedsups you're looking for.
~300k * ~150 * ~30 * ~12 = ~16G iterations, right?
This number of primitive operations should complete in a matter of minutes (if not seconds) in any compiled language on any decent CPU.
Fortran, C/C++ should do it almost equally well. Even managed languages, such as Java and C#, would only fall behind by a small margin (if at all).
If you have a problem of ~16G iterations running 55 hours, this means that they are very far from being primitive (80k per second? this is ridiculous), so maybe we should know more. (as was already suggested, is disk access limiting performance? is it network access?)
As #Rotsor said, 16G operations / 55 hours is about 80,000 operations per second, or one operation every 12.5 microseconds. That's a lot of time per operation.
That means your loops are not the cause of poor performance, it's what's in the innermost loop that's taking the time. And Octave is an interpreted language. That alone means an order of magnitude slowdown.
If you want speed, you first need to be in a compiled language. Then you need to do performance tuning (aka profiling) or, just single step it in a debugger at the instruction level. That will tell you what it is actually doing in its heart of hearts. Once you've got it to where it's not wasting cycles, fancier hardware, cores, CUDA, etc. will give you a parallelism speedup. But it's silly to do that if your code is taking unnecessarily many cycles. (Here's an example of performance tuning - a 43x speedup just by trimming the fat.)
I can't believe the number of responders talking about matlab, APL, and other vectorized languages. Those are interpreters. They give you concise source code, which is not at all the same thing as fast execution. When it comes down to the bare metal, they are stuck with the same hardware as every other language.
Added: to show you what I mean, I just ran this C++ code, which does 16G operations, on this moldy old laptop, and it took 94 seconds, or about 6ns per iteration. (I can't believe you baby-sat that thing for 2 whole days.)
void doit(){
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < 16000000; j++){
sum += j * 3.1415926;
In terms of absolute speed, probably Fortran followed by C, followed by C++. In practical application, well written code in any of the three, compiled with a descent compiler should be plenty fast.
Edit- generally you are going to see much better performance with any kind of looped or forking (e.g.- if statements) code with a compiled language, versus an interpreted language.
To give an example, on a recent project I was working on, the data sizes and operations were about 3/4 the size of what you're talking about here, but like your code, had very little room for vectorization, and required significant looping. After converting the code from matlab to C++, runtimes went from 16-18 hours, down to around 25 minutes.
For what you're discussing, Fortran is probably your first choice. The closest second place is probably C++. Some C++ libraries use "expression templates" to gain some speed over C for this kind of task. It's not entirely certain those will do you any good, but C++ can be at least as fast as C, and possibly somewhat faster.
At least in theory, there's no reason Ada couldn't be competitive as well, but it's been so long since I used it for anything like this that I hesitate to recommend it -- not because it isn't good, but because I just haven't kept track of current Ada compilers well enough to comment on them intelligently.
Any compiled language should perform the loop itself on roughly equal terms.
If you can formulate your problem in its terms, you might want to look at CUDA or OpenCL and run your matrix code on the GPU - though this is less good for code with lots of conditionals.
If you want to stay on conventional CPUs, you may be able to formulate your problem in terms of SSE scatter/gather and bitmask operations.
Probably the assembly language for whatever your platform is. But compilers (especially special-purpose ones that specifically target a single platform (e.g., Analog Devices or TI DSPs)) are often as good as or better than humans. Also, compilers often know about tricks that you don't. For example, the aforementioned DSPs support zero-overhead loops and the compiler will know how to optimize code to use those loops.
Matlab will do element-wise logical operations and they are generally quite fast.
Here is a quick example on my computer (AMD Athalon 2.3GHz w/3GB) :
>> numel(d(d==1))
ans =
>> tic;d(d==1)=10;toc;
Elapsed time is 0.754711 seconds.
>> numel(d(d==1))
ans =
>> numel(d(d==10))
ans =
In general I've found matlab's operators are very speedy, you just have to find ways to express your algorithms directly in terms of matrix operators.
C++ is not fast when doing matrixy things with for loops. C is, in fact, specifically bad at it. See good math bad math.
I hear that C99 has __restrict pointers that help, but don't know much about it.
Fortran is still the goto language for numerical computing.
How is the data stored? Your execution time is probably more effected by I/O (especially disk or worse, network) than by your language.
Assuming operations on rows are orthogonal, I would go with C# and use PLINQ to exploit all the parallelism I could.
Might you not be best with a hand-coded assembler insert? Assuming, of course, that you don't need portability.
That and an optimized algorithm should help (and perhaps restructuring the data?).
You might also want to try multiple algorithms and profile them.
Even though it's interpreted, its primitive operators all operate on arrays natively, therefore you rarely need any explicit loops. You write the same code, whether the data is scalar or array, and the interpreter takes care of any looping needed internally, and thus with the minimum overhead - the loops themselves are in a compiled language, and will have been heavily optimised for the specific architecture of the CPU it's running on.
Here's an example of the simplicity of array handling in APL:
A <- 2 3 4 5 6 8 10
((2|A)/A) <- 0
2 0 4 0 6 8 10
The first line sets A to a vector of numbers.
The second line replaces all the odd numbers in the vector with zeroes.
The third line queries the new values of A, and the fourth line is the resulting output.
Note that no explicit looping was required, as scalar operators such as '|' (remainder) automatically extend to arrays as required. APL also has built-in primitives for searching and sorting, which will probably be faster than writing your own loops for these operations.
Wikipedia has a good article on APL, which also provides links to suppliers such as IBM and Dyalog.
Any modern compiled or JITted language is going to render down to pretty much the same machine language code, giving a loop overhead of 10 nano seconds or less, per iteration, on modern processors.
Quoting #Rotsor:
If you have a problem of ~16G iterations running 55 hours, this means that they are very far from being primitive (80k per second? this is ridiculous), so maybe we should know more.
80k operations per second is around 12.5 microseconds each - a factor of 1000 greater than the loop overhead you'd expect.
Assuming your 55 hour runtime is single threaded, and if your per item operations are as simple as suggested, you should be able to (conservatively) achieve a speedup of 100x and cut it down to under an hour very easily.
If you want to run faster still, you'll want to look at writing multi-threaded solution, in which case a language that provides good support would be essential. I'd lean towards PLINQ and C# 4.0, but that's because I already know C# - YMMV.
what about a lazy loading language like clojure. it is a lisp so like most lisp dialects lacks a for loop but has many other forms that operate more idiomatically for list processing. It might help your scaling issues as well because the operations are thread safe and because the language is functional it has fewer side effects. If you wanted to find all the items in the list that were 'i' values to operate on them you might do something like this.
(def mylist ["i" "j" "i" "i" "j" "i"])
(map #(= "i" %) mylist)
(true false true true false true)