Scala + Akka: How to develop a Multi-Machine Highly Available Cluster - scala

We're developing a server system in Scala + Akka for a game that will serve clients in Android, iPhone, and Second Life. There are parts of this server that need to be highly available, running on multiple machines. If one of those servers dies (of, say, hardware failure), the system needs to keep running. I think I want the clients to have a list of machines they will try to connect with, similar to how Cassandra works.
The multi-node examples I've seen so far with Akka seem to me to be centered around the idea of scalability, rather than high availability (at least with regard to hardware). The multi-node examples seem to always have a single point of failure. For example there are load balancers, but if I need to reboot one of the machines that have load balancers, my system will suffer some downtime.
Are there any examples that show this type of hardware fault tolerance for Akka? Or, do you have any thoughts on good ways to make this happen?
So far, the best answer I've been able to come up with is to study the Erlang OTP docs, meditate on them, and try to figure out how to put my system together using the building blocks available in Akka.
But if there are resources, examples, or ideas on how to share state between multiple machines in a way that if one of them goes down things keep running, I'd sure appreciate them, because I'm concerned I might be re-inventing the wheel here. Maybe there is a multi-node STM container that automatically keeps the shared state in sync across multiple nodes? Or maybe this is so easy to make that the documentation doesn't bother showing examples of how to do it, or perhaps I haven't been thorough enough in my research and experimentation yet. Any thoughts or ideas will be appreciated.

HA and load management is a very important aspect of scalability and is available as a part of the AkkaSource commercial offering.

If you're listing multiple potential hosts in your clients already, then those can effectively become load balancers.
You could offer a host suggestion service and recommends to the client which machine they should connect to (based on current load, or whatever), then the client can pin to that until the connection fails.
If the host suggestion service is not there, then the client can simply pick a random host from it internal list, trying them until it connects.
Ideally on first time start up, the client will connect to the host suggestion service and not only get directed to an appropriate host, but a list of other potential hosts as well. This list can routinely be updated every time the client connects.
If the host suggestion service is down on the clients first attempt (unlikely, but...) then you can pre-deploy a list of hosts in the client install so it can start immediately randomly selecting hosts from the very beginning if it has too.
Make sure that your list of hosts is actual host names, and not IPs, that give you more flexibility long term (i.e. you'll "always have", etc. even if you move infrastructure and change IPs).

You could take a look how RedDwarf and it's fork DimDwarf are built. They are both horizontally scalable crash-only game app servers and DimDwarf is partly written in Scala (new messaging functionality). Their approach and architecture should match your needs quite well :)

2 cents..
"how to share state between multiple machines in a way that if one of them goes down things keep running"
Don't share state between machines, instead partition state across machines. I don't know your domain so I don't know if this will work. But essentially if you assign certain aggregates ( in DDD terms ) to certain nodes, you can keep those aggregates in memory ( actor, agent, etc ) when they are being used. In order to do this you will need to use something like zookeeper to coordinate which nodes handle which aggregates. In the event of failure you can bring the aggregate up on a different node.
Further more, if you use an event sourcing model to build your aggregates, it becomes almost trivial to have real-time copies ( slaves ) of your aggregate on other nodes by those nodes listening for events and maintaining their own copies.
By using Akka, we get remoting between nodes almost for free. This means that which ever node handles a request that might need to interact with an Aggregate/Entity on another nodes can do so with RemoteActors.
What I have outlined here is very general but gives an approach to distributed fault-tolerance with Akka and ZooKeeper. It may or may not help. I hope it does.
All the best,


Mapping out a Kafka+Zookeeper cluster

I inherited a Kafka/Zookeeper installation. I have a passing knowledge of those - I know the general architecture, how clients work, about topics, etc., have been involved in programming Java clients etc.
But the installation is somewhat dubious. They are three instances of Kafka and Zookeeper each (in their separate docker containers). Supposedly they should work, but what I am seeing is all processes spout immense amount of log output with loads and loads of (diverse) warnings and errors. I have the impression that some of these seem to be quite normal (or are being self-healed all the time), and am having a very hard time figuring if everything works as intended or not, and set up correctly.
Some of these are - according to Google - related to unclean shutdowns of the brokers; corrupted individual topics and such. As this is a test environment, I can easily delete such files.
I know about some commands which help me check topics etc. (basic stuff, like listing them, displaying their individual configuration etc.).
Is there an online ressource/documentation which can be used as a systematic walkthrough to check whether everything is basically setup OK; for example to clear up these questions:
Do the three Zookeepers and the three Kafka instances correctly talk to each other for high-availability purposes? Do they have a correct "leader" etc.?
Are the servers generally "healthy", i.e., easily able to accept connections etc.?
How are the topics working (what's in there, how many messages, etc.)?
I am aware that one may very quickly dismiss this question as too generic; I am not asking you to solve my problems. I am looking for a ressource to systematically walk through such an installation - it may or may not cover the examples I have given, but it definitely should give a systematic way to find out if things are fundamentally wrong.
Rather than looking solely at logs, you might want to familiarize yourself with JMX metrics and how you can gather them across the cluster.
If you want to actually collect and analyze logs, you'll likely need to separately use something like Elasticsearch.
You won't see "how many messages" in a topic, and you'll need even more monitoring to know if a port is actually open and the Kafka process is running, the disks are filling up, etc.
My point here is that, Kafka needs fed and watered, if you plan to productionalize it, you can't just set up a small cluster and forget about it. Even if you think it's setup correctly at the beginning, increasing the load on it will cause it to fall in a bad state eventually.
For a limited trial for your dev environment to get a full look at your cluster health, Confluent Control Center can assist with that.
To solve the "what's in there" problem, I suggest you setup a Schema Registry, and convince Kafka producers to use it.
This packtpub tutorial/training by Stéphane Maarek is wonderful resource for setting kafka in cluster mode. However he did that in AWS cloud in ubuntu VM.
I have followed the same steps and installed in Vagrant VMs in cent OS. You can find the code here.
The VM has yahoo kafka manager to monitor the kafka internal details. list of broker available, healthy , partitions, leaders etc.,
kafka manager can help you with high level monitoring.
Please provide your comments.

How to monitor (micro)services?

I have a set of services. Every service contains some components.
Some of them are stateless, some of them are stateful, some are synchronous, some are asynchronous.
I used different approaches to monitoring and alerting.
Log-based alerting and metrics gathering. New Relic based. Own bicycle.
Basically, atm I am looking for a way, how to generalize and aggregate important metrics for all services in single place. One of things, I want is that we monitor more products, than separate services.
As an end result I see it as a single dashboard with small amount of widgets, but looking at those widgets I would be able to say for sure, if services are usable to end-customer.
Probably someone can recommend me some approach/methodology. Or give a reference to some best practices.
I like what you're trying to achieve! A service is not production-ready unless it's thoroughly monitored.
I believe what your're describing goes into the topics of health-checking and metrics.
... I would be able to say for sure, if services are usable to end-customer.
That however will require a little of both ;-) To ensure you're currently fulfilling your SLA, you have to make sure, that your services are all a) running and b) perform as requested. With both problems I suggest to look at the StatsD toolchain. Initially developed by Etsy, it has become the de-facto standard for gathering metrics.
To ensure all your services are running, we're relaying Kubernetes. It takes our description for what should run, be reachable from outside etc. and hosts that on our infrastructure. It also makes sure, that should things die - that they will be restarted. It helps with things like auto-scaling etc. as well! Awesome tooling and kudos to Google!
The way it ensures that is with health-checks. There are multiple ways how you can ensure your service node booted by Kubernetes is alive and kicking (namely HTTP calls and CLI scripts but this should be a modular thing should you need anything else!) If Kubernetes detects unhealthy nodes it will immediately phase them out and start another node instead.
Now, making sure, all your services perform as expected you'll need to gather some metrics. For all of our services (and all individual endpoints), we gather a few metrics via StatsD like:
number of errors returned (404, etc...)
Response times (Average, Median, Percentiles depending on the services SLA)
Payload size (Average)
sometimes the number of concurrent requests per endpoint, the number of instances currently running
general metrics like the hosts current CPU and memory usage and uptime.
We gather a lot more metrics but that's about the bottom line. Since StatsD has become more of a "protocol specification" than a concrete product there are a myriad of collector, front- and backends to choose from. They help you visualize your systems state and many of them feature alerts of something or some combination of metrics go beyond their thresholds.
Let me know, if this was helpfull!
There's at least 3 types of things you will need to monitor: the host where the service is deployed, the component itself and the SLAs and some of them depend on the software stack you're using as well as the architecture.
With that said, you could for example use Nagios to monitor the hardware where the services are deployed, Splunk for the services metrics/SLAs as well as for any errors that might occur. You can also use SNMP packages in case something goes wrong and you have a more sophisticated support structure, this would be yours triggers. Without knowing how your infrastructure/services are set up it is complicated to go into deeper details.

Akka.Net work queues

I have an existing distributed computing framework built on top of MassTransit and RabbitMQ. There is essentially a manager which responds with work based on requests. Each worker will take a certain amount of items based on the physcial machine specs. The worker then sends completion messages when done. It works rather well and seems to be highly scalable since the only link is the service bus.
I recently evaluated Akka.Net in order to see if that would be a simpler system to implement the same pattern. After looking at it I was somewhat confused at what exactly it is used for. It seems that if I wanted to do something similar the manager would have to know about each worker ahead of time and directly send it work.
I believe I am missing something because that model doesn't seem to scale well.
Service buses like MassTransit are build as reliable messaging services. Ensuring the message delivery is primary concern there.
Actor frameworks also use messages, but this is the only similarity. Messaging is only a mean to achieve goal and it's not as reliable as in case of the service buses. They are more oriented on building high performance, easily distributed system topologies, centered around actors as primary unit of work. Conceptually actor is close to Active Record pattern (however this is a great simplification). They are also very lightweight. You can have millions of them living in memory of the executing machine.
When it comes to performance, Akka.NET is able to send over 30 mln messages/sec on a single VM (tested on 8 cores) - a lot more than any service bus, but the characteristics also differs significantly.
On the JVM we now that akka clusters may rise up to 2400 machines. Unfortunately we where not able to test, what the .NET implementation limits are.
You have to decide what do you really need: a messaging library, an actor framework or a combination of both.
I agree with #Horusiath answer. In addition, I'd say that in most cases you can replace a servicebus for the messaging system of an actor model like akka, but they are not in the same class.
Messaging is just one thing that Akka provides, and while it's a great feature, I wouldn't say it's the main one. When analyzing it as an alternative, you must first look at the benefits of the model itself and then look if the messaging capabilities are good enough for your use case. You can still use a dedicated external servicebus to distribute messages across different clusters and keep exchanging messages inside clusters for example.
But the point is that if you decide to use, you won't be using it only for messaging.

Postgres 9.0 and pgpool replication : single point of failure?

My application uses Postgresql 9.0 and is composed by one or more stations that interacts with a global database: it is like a common client server application but to avoid any additional hardware, all stations include both client and server: a main station is promoted to act also as server, and any other act as a client to it. This solution permits me to be scalable: a user may initially need a single station but it can decide to expand to more in future without a useless separate server in the initial phase.
I'm trying to avoid that if main station goes down all others stop working; to do it the best solution could be to continuously replicate the main database to unused database on one or more stations.
Searching I've found that pgpool can be used for my needs but from all examples and tutorial it seems that point of failure moves from main database to server that runs pgpool.
I read something about multiple pgpool and heartbeat tool but it isn't clear how to do it.
Considering my architecture, where doesn't exist separated and specialized servers, can someone give me some hints ? In case of failover it seems that pgpool do everything in automatic, can I consider that failover situation can be handled by a standard user without the intervention of an administrator ?
For these kind of applications I really like Amazon's Dynamo design. The document by the link is quite big, but it is worth reading. In fact, there're applications that already implement this approach:
Project Voldemort
Maybe others, but I'm not aware. Cassandra started within Facebook, Voldemort is the one used by LinkedIn. Making things distributed and adding redundancy into your data distribution you will step away from traditional Master-Slave replication approaches.
If you'd like to stay with PostgreSQL, it shouldn't be a big deal to implement such approach. You will need to implement an extra layer (a proxy), that will decide based on pre-configured options how to retrieve/save the data.
The proxying layer can be implemented in:
application (requires lot's of work IMHO);
as a middleware.
You can use PL/Proxy on the middleware layer, project originated in Skype. It is deeply integrated into the PostgreSQL, so I'd say it is a combination of options 2 and 3. PL/Proxy will require you to use functions for all kind of queries against the database.
In case you will hit performance issues, PgBouncer can be used.
Last note: any way you decide to go, a known amount of development will be required.
It all depends on what you call “failure” and what you consider system being in an interrupted state.
Let's look on the pgpool features.
Connection Pooling PostgreSQL is using a single process (fork) per session. Obviously, if you have a very busy site, you'll hit the OS limit. To overcome this, connection poolers are used. They also allow you to use your resources evenly, so generally it's a good idea to have pooler before your database.In case of pgpool outage you'll face a big number of clients unable to reach your database. If you'll point them directly to the database, avoiding pooler, you'll face performance issues.
Replication All your queries will be auto-replicated to slave instances. This has meaning for the DML and DDL queries.In case of pgpool outage your replication will stop and slaves will not be able to catchup with master, as there's no change tracking done outside pgpool (as far as I know).
Load Balance Your read-only queries will be spread across several instances, achieving nice response times, allowing you to put more bandwidth on the system.In case of pgpool outage your queries will suddenly run much slower, if the system is capable of handling such a load. And this is in the case that master database will catchup instead of failed pgpool.
Limiting Exceeding Connections pgpool will queue connections in case they're not being able to process immediately.In case of pgpool outage all such connections will be aborted, which might brake the DB/Application protocol, i.e. Application was designed to never get connection aborts.
Parallel Query A single query is executed on several nodes to reduce response time.In case of pgpool outage such queries will not be possible, resulting in a longer processing.
If you're fine to face such conditions and you don't treat them as a failure, then pgpool can serve you well. And if 5 minutes of outage will cost your company several thousands $, then you should seek for a more solid solution.
The higher is the cost of the outage, the more fine tuned failover system should be.
Typically, it is not just single tool used to achieve failover automation.
In each failure you will have to tweak:
DNS, unless you want all clients' reconfiguration;
re-initialize backups and failover procedures;
make sure old master will not try to fight for it's role in case it comes back (STONITH);
in my experience we're people from DBA, SysAdmin, Architects and Operations departments who decide proper strategies.
Finally, in my view, pgpool is a good tool, I do use it. But it is not designed as a complete failover solution, not without extra thinking, measures taken, scripts written. Thus I've provided links to the distributed databases, they provide a much higher level of availability.
And PostgreSQL can be made distributed with a little effort due to it's great extensibility.
First of all, I'd recommend checking out pgBouncer rather than pgpool. Next, what level of scaling are you attempting to reach? You might just choose to run your connection pooler on all your client systems (bouncer is light enough for this to work).
That said, vyegorov's answer is probably the direction you should really be looking at in this day and age. Are you sure you really need a database?
So, the rather obvious answer is that pgPool creates a single point of failure if you only have one box running it. The obvious solution is to run multiple poolers across multiple boxes. You then need to engineer your application code to handle database disconnections. This is not as easy at it sounds, but basically you need to use 2-phase commit for non-idempotent changes. So to the greatest extent possible you should make your changes idempotent.
Based on your comments, I'd guess that maybe you have limited experience dealing with database replication? pgPool does statement based replication. There are tradeoffs here. The benefit is that it's very easy to set up. The downside is that there is no guarantee that data on the replicated databases will be identical. It is also (I believe but haven't checked lately) not compatible with 2pc.
My prior comment asking if you really need a database was driven by my perception that you have designed a system without going into much detail around this part of it. I have about 2 decades experience working on "this part" of similar systems. I expect you will find that there are no out of the box solutions and that the issues involved get very complicated. In other words, I'm suggesting you re-consider your design.
Try reading this blog (with lots of information about PostgreSQL and PgPool-II):
Search for "WATCHDOG" on that same blog. With that you can configure a PgPool-II cluster. Two machines on the same subnet are required, though, and a virtual IP on the same subnet.
Hope that this is useful for anyone trying the same thing (even if this answer is a lot late).
PGPool certainly becomes a single point of failure, but it is a much smaller one than a Postgres instance.
Though I have not attempted it yet, it should be possible to have two machines with PGPool installed, but only running on one. You can then use Linux-HA to restart PGPool on the standby host if the primary becomes unavailable, and to optionally fail it back again when the primary comes back. You can at the same time use Linux-HA to move a single virtual IP over as well, so that your clients can connect to a single IP for their Postgres services.
Death of the postgres server will make PGPool send queries to the backup Postgres (promoting it to master if necessary).
Death of the PGPool server will cause a brief outage (configurable, but likely in the region of <1min) until PGPool starts up on the standby, the IP address is claimed, and a gratuitous ARP sent out. Of course, the client will have to be intelligent enough to reconnect without dying.

Erlang: How do you reload an application env configuration?

How do you reload an application's configuration? Or, what are good strategies for managing dynamic application configuration?
For example, let's say I had log levels and I wanted to change them at runtime. Also, let's assume this is one of many such options. Does it make sense to have a "configuration server" that holds configuration state for other parts of the application to query? Do people do that or did I just make it up?
I believe it's reasonable to keep all your configuration data in a repository (subversion, mercurial etc.) and have applications download it every time they start or attempt to reload some their configuration options. This is centralized approach — however you could have many configuration servers to avoid SPOF — and it:
allows you to keep track of changes so that you
know who put these and when (s)he did
that (none wants to be in charge of
unproper configuration);
enables you to use the same configuration for
all applications throughout you
easiness of changes: you can just modify
configuration and notify concerned applications
using gen_server:abcast call or other means.
proplists(3) are useful when reading configuration.
If my understanding is correct, the problem is the following:
You want to create a distributed, scalable system and of course Erlang is the first choice that comes into mind, since it was designed for such purposes.
You will have several nodes that will be running local applications and also distributed applications as well.
Here the simplest hierarchy is to have a hot-standby backup for every major functionality.
This can be achieved by implementing a distributed application controller.
Simplest example is to have a server start on a node, while a slave server is started simultaneously on a mate node.
Distributed Application controllers have many advantages.
Easy example is to handle node_up messages differently by introducing new messages that indicate that a node is not only erlang VM ready, but all vital applications are running. This way the mate node can be sure that the stand-by node is ready and can start sync-ing.
Please elaborate or comment if I misunderstood something.
Good luck!