Eclipse content assist: accepting the selection with the . or ( keys - eclipse

When using Visual Studio, I can accept an Intellisense selection by hitting either the . or the ( keys, as well as the enter key. I would like to configure Eclipse to do the same with its Content Assist feature, but I can't see any way to do so.
Is this possible? In case it matters, I am specifically referring to Eclipse Helios with Pydev.

Turns out that it's under Preferences->Pydev->Editor->Code Completion. There are checkboxes for 'Apply completeion on .' and 'Apply completion on ('. I guess it's a Pydev-specific thing, and not an Eclipse feature.

you can customize the hot key for content assist via preferences - general - keys


Eclipse for Android, lost code completion feature

I wanted to transfer my Syntax coloring settings from my Eclipse EE to my Eclipse for Android, so I did what is told in this question. The problem is that, even if my syntax coloring did apply correctly, I lost all my code completion and proposals (and, conveniently enough, I didn't make a backup)! If I press ctrl + space, I get a No default proposals message. Always.
I wouldn't like to have to install the whole IDE again, so if someone could provide a solution to this it would be much appreciated.
Preferences > Java > Editor > Content Assist > Advanced lists the default content assist proposals. Check that some proposals are actually enabled.

How do I trigger Emmet expansion in Netbeans?

I just installed the Emmet plugin for Netbeans, but I can't find in the docs how to trigger the code expansion.
You can expand code using the default "ctrl+cmd+N" on a mac.
I came across this question trying to find out if there was anyway that I could configure the code expansion to trigger by just using the "tab" key.
Anyways, I hope this helps someone!
I am using netbeans ver 8.1 in ubuntu 15.10.
After selecting your CSS code,use ctrl+alt+n to trigger emmet code completion.
You can't use the TAB key to expand abreviation from Emmet in Netbeans. Indeed if you chose the TAB key as shortcut for it, you will erase the shortcut for "Insert tab" and you will not be able to insert tabulation anymore...
The only way is to use the Code Templates in Netbeans and transform all the abreviation from Emmet into a code template, one by one :(
If you want, I've made the code templates for the CSS abreviations in Emmet (Only CSS). With that you can expand the abreviation just with TAB key.
Here is my Github (It's my first... I hope it will work well)
I am using Netbeans 8.1 and ctrl+alt+N working for me (My operating system is windows 10 )
you can use ctrl+cmd+N If you are using MAC
If you are using the newer Plugin from (the old one is deprecated) You can set Emmet expansion by using the tab key.
The README in the github repo mentions this
Expand abbreviations with the TAB key. Go to Tools > Options > Miscellaneous > Emmet tab. Then check it.
And I can confirm it works for Netbeans11.

Eclipse auto suggesting and filling in variable names

Okay, so my issue is when I am creating a variable, lets say for example "Object o" while I am typing "o" it'll suggest something like "object". Which is okay but when I press space it auto fills in the new name. Basically I don't want to turn off auto completion I just want to disable space auto filling the suggestion in. Even to disable variable naming suggestions would work.
I'm using Eclipse Juno Service Release 1.
I know it's an old question but since non of the answers here worked for me, and this problem was really annoying me too, I am adding solution that helped me.
In your Eclipse go to:
Window/Preferences/Java/Editor/Content Assist
and enable:
Disable insertion triggers except 'Enter'
Hopefully that will work for everyone!)
As there isn't any definitive solution for this yet, what I find works best is to disable the alphabetic characters from triggers:
Windows > Prefereces > Java > Editor > Content Assist > Auto activation triggers for Java
This will mean no class name / type completion, but method name completion will still be suggested when you pressed dot, however at least Eclipse stop messing with my variable name
Go to Window/Preferences/Java/Editor/Content Assist and choose settings that works for you.
I realize this is a 3 year old post, but...
From what I can gather, there isn't an option to disable this, it was hard coded into the content assist feature. But there is a plugin that you can download from the answer to this stack overflow question that will disable this feature
Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Content Assist -> Advanced
I turned off Java Type Proposals and made sure Java Proposals is turned on. By the way this is in Spring Tool Suite I haven't checked using eclipse.

Automatically insert first choice in Eclipse content assist

One thing I like about Visual Studio is that you can automatically insert the first choice of the content assist instead of pressing Ctrl+Space and then choose the first option from the menu.
Is there a similar way to map a special key combination to always insert the first choice in Eclipse ?
If such option is not a native option in Eclipse, is there a plugin for that ?
I have seen a similar question in SO : Content assist without choosing in Eclipse but the solution suggested there was to rename the content assist tag that is triggered to something unique, I'm looking for something that works for everything.
Nope auto-insert only works when there is only one choice.
You may open an enhancement request for this feature against JDT/Text -

Eclipse problem

In Eclipse, I no longer have the function that would sort of auto complete my statement. Such as if I typed in "Integer." and then a list of available methods would show up and I would be able to pick it. How do you activate this function?
Active your code assist option in Windows/Preferences/ and just type code assist..
In your preferences, (Window->Preferences->Java->Editor-Content Assist) have you enabled "Auto activation"? If so, what is the delay set there? Also look into the Advanced section and see whether there are any proposals checked.
window/preference, type content assist, click Java/Editor/Content Assist.then check the checkbox under Auto Activation in the bottom,right side of the preference window.and you may also set the Aoto Activation triggers.
hope it's useful.
If it was before and just gone, then try to clean your project.
Had this problem after installing eclipse 4.2.2.
It looks like the Preferences->Java->Editor->Content Assist->Advanced tab no longer has "Java Proposals (Task Focussed)" in version 4.2.2 of eclipse, which is the one I previously had checked.
Version 4.2.2 does have a "Java Proposals" checkbox (unchecked in my fresh installation, using a previous workspace), checking that box restores the auto completion popup.