Eclipse problem - eclipse

In Eclipse, I no longer have the function that would sort of auto complete my statement. Such as if I typed in "Integer." and then a list of available methods would show up and I would be able to pick it. How do you activate this function?

Active your code assist option in Windows/Preferences/ and just type code assist..

In your preferences, (Window->Preferences->Java->Editor-Content Assist) have you enabled "Auto activation"? If so, what is the delay set there? Also look into the Advanced section and see whether there are any proposals checked.

window/preference, type content assist, click Java/Editor/Content Assist.then check the checkbox under Auto Activation in the bottom,right side of the preference window.and you may also set the Aoto Activation triggers.
hope it's useful.

If it was before and just gone, then try to clean your project.

Had this problem after installing eclipse 4.2.2.
It looks like the Preferences->Java->Editor->Content Assist->Advanced tab no longer has "Java Proposals (Task Focussed)" in version 4.2.2 of eclipse, which is the one I previously had checked.
Version 4.2.2 does have a "Java Proposals" checkbox (unchecked in my fresh installation, using a previous workspace), checking that box restores the auto completion popup.


Eclipse dot does not auto suggest

I am using Eclipse 3.7.1 classic.
When I type a class, it does not show the auto suggest. I dont know why, before it can pop up the function.
I have not changed any configuration of the eclipse.
For example, when I type System, it does not pop up the auto suggest, like out.println.
Go to Preferences->Java->Editor->Content Assist.
Make sure you have "Enable Auto activation" Checked
If it doesn't work, go to Advanced section: Java->Editor->Content Assist->Advanced
In the "Select the proposal kinds contained in the 'default' content assist list",
have "Java Proposals" Checked
Restore Defaults, Apply and it should work.
Start eclipse with the -clean parameter to delete old stored values.
If you installed new plugins you should disabled them in the prefrences-> workspace and see if one is blocking the GUI.
This can happen if you have a syntax error that you have not noticed higher up in the class, such as forgetting to close a method with a } or missing a terminating ";".
Try the same in a new project. If you still have the problem I'd try the suggestion by "Udo Fholl".

Is there some feature/bug surrounding the F5 (Refresh) shortcut in Eclipse?

Depending on which workspace I'm currently using and for all I know the position of the moon eclipse turns on and off the built in shortcut for refreshing (F5). If I look it up in the settings it's still set. Yet if I right-click on for example a project I see "Refresh" instead of the normal "Refresh (F5)".
Is anyone else having the same problem or am I an annoyingly unique snowflake?
The debugger’s Step Into wins over Refresh: Eclipse bug 246483
Do you have any additional plugins installed? I guess there might be a conflict (if two plugins install the same shortcuts in the same context, none of them will work) Can you check the Error Log view for any warnings on the conflict?
Also see:
You can turn on automatic refresh in Eclipse, then theoretically Refresh won't be required at all.
Preferences -> General -> Workspace -> Refresh

Can we set a timeout for the Eclipse function hint list?

is it possible to set a timeout for the Eclipse function hint list?
Waiting for the full function list to load simply pisses me off...:(
First, you can trigger the content assist immediately by hitting Ctrl-Space.
Second, you can set the delay under Window->Preferences->Java->Editor->Content Assist->Auto-Activation. Non-Java editors may have separate settings. You can type search terms on top of the prefence window to see all related settings.
I would like to add on this by pointing out that I was facing the same kind of issue in Eclipse Mars Version 4.5.0 M1.
I got this error :
I managed to solve it by disabling the following setting "Code Recommenders proposals" from Window\preferences\Java\Editor\Content Assist\Advanced
Disable it from both Default proposal kind and Content cycling . Restart eclipse , and the error is gone.
I don't know why this happens, or what the addon does. Maybe someone can elaborate on it.

How do I delete an Eclipse perspective for a plugin I uninstalled?

I was evaluating the Enterprise IDE plugin for Eclipse, and ultimately decided not to purchase it. After I uninstalled the plugin, I was left with a bunch of perspective buttons (the ones in the far upper-right-hand corner) which I can't remove. How do I get rid of the manually, without nuking my workspace?
Edit: To be clear, right-clicking and going to "close" does nothing. Not even an error message.
Click Window ► Preferences ► General ► Perspectives. Select the perspective you want to delete and remove it. Some of them are unremovable. I don't know why.
How did you uninstall that plugin ?
As Daniel details in his answer, Help-> Install new software -> click on "Whats already installed?" is the right way to uninstall a plugin, and should get rid of the perspective as well.
If the plugin was installed in the dropins directory or in <eclipse>/plugins and <eclipse>/features, did you delete all directories/jar in <eclipse>/features, because if that plugin was packaged as a product, it did define in the product extension point a plugin_customization.ini which can indicate some perspective buttons.
If not, the only solution is to have a careful look at your workspace metadata, look for all recent file related to that plugin and remove them.
Make a copy of your workspace first though.
As an example of such a careful look at your workspace metadata", user900975 points out in his answer the <your workspace folder>/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/workbench.xml file, with <perspectives> element and <perspective> child elements that you can remove.
Note: Eightball mentions in his answer (upvoted) the possibility to list and delete a perspective.
Since he mentions "Some of them are un-removable. I don,t know why", my original answer above still stands.
Alexandros adds in the comments:
This helped me fix this, but in my case the file I had to edit while Eclipse was closed was:
I was suffering the same problem with a left-over perspective button for SVN repository Exploring. It wouldn't disappear using the close option. However it did disappear after selecting from Window -> Close All Perspectives.
<your workspace folder>/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/workbench.xml contains a <perspectives> element with <perspective> child elements. You can delete <perspective> elements and they will no longer appear in the toolbar. Eclipse writes to this file when it exits so your changes will be overwritten if you don't quit Eclipse first.
If you installed a plugin, click Help ► Install new software, then click What's already installed? in the bottom right. Uninstall what you want, the perspective will be removed as well.
You could also try launching Eclipse with the -clean command line argument. This cleans out the Eclipse runtime cache, so it might fix your problem as well.
I had the same problem after installing a plugin. The answer is quite simple, if not obvious.
Open Window | Preferences
Click General node
Click Perspectives
Find the perspective in the list and then select Delete command on the right.
The list will refresh and your perspective is deleted.

Eclipse Search Menus disabled randomly

I use Eclipse 3.3 in my daily work, and have also used Eclipse 3.2 extensively as well. In both versions, sometimes the Search options (Java Search, File Search, etc) in the menu get disabled, seemingly at random times. However, with Ctrl+H, I am able to access the search functionality. Does anyone know why this happens? Has it been fixed in Eclipse 3.4?
window > close all perspective works for me.
Using Eclipse 4.3(!) this happened to me after doing a case-sensitive search.
Window -> Close All Perspectives didn't fix it and neither did restarting Eclipse using -clean. While messing with the search box, I discovered that simply clicking to a previous search entry allowed me to edit it and search again! Clicking back to the case-sensitive search grayed the option out again.
So before you reset anything in your workspace, try pulling up an older search entry using the Down Arrow.
I think this answer is what you all need to solve the issue on all versions.
I am using RAD 8 and I have also faced this problem than I removed directory in (workspace currently using) workspace/metadata/plugins folder then restart the eclipse.
That's all.
I don't have an exact answer. I will recommend that you try to correlate the disablement with which perspective is active. Likewise, which view is active. I have been using 3.4 and not experienced this issue.
Darn! I have that problem too -- in Eclipse 3.4.2.
Seems to be related to Navigator and Project Explorer views:
- Switch to Debug perspective: Search menu items are there.
- Switch to Java or Java EE perspective: Search menu items still there.
- Click on a project in Navigator or Project Explorer: Search menu items all DISABLED.
(Curse! I use search in Selected Resources a lot! )-:
Hmmm... It may slso depend on the file type currently open in the editor. (Like Java vs xml.)
Still present in Eclipse 3.5.2 -- and for the first time really sticky.
I checked out the "close all opened files and open any other file afterwards" answer and that brought back the Search menu items. Additionally, if you were lucky and have the Search result view open, than indeed there is this little link "Open search dialog".
By the way, additionally lots of other project-related menu items seem to be greyed out also together with this, and they did not reanimate :-( But I did not really check out if these are only items for which it is useful and planned to be greyed out in this situation.
I'm using RAD 7.5.1 which runs on Eclipse 3.4 and I get this problem frustratingly often. It doesn't matter which perspective or view I'm in, or which editor I have open.
Restarting RAD usually clears it up, but because that's such a colossal pain, I found that you can get around it in the Search View, there is a link; "Start a search from the search dialog" which will bring up the search dialog.
This isn't a great workaround because the link only shows if you have no search history. To do another search, you'll have to clear your search history in the view.
A late comment for anyone getting bitten by this, but I found "eclipse -clean" fixed it => this does a cleanup of the workspace before starting
Thanks for the tip, after I guessed my workspace might be corrupt.
Before search, check you may choose scope in empty Working set. Most Search menu disables Search button when you choose it. And mine, too :)
window > close all perspectives worked for me too.
But if you are just looking for a text search in the project you could press Ctrl+Alt+G on a marked text
I couldn't get it to work even when restarting Eclipse.
Here's what worked for me: Closing all open files and opening a different file. The different file happened to be .java, but not sure if that had anything to do with it.
I get this problem from time to time.
In the past I've fixed by starting eclipse with the -clean option.
Once when that didn't work I created a new workspace.
I followed these instructions for those two solutions.
The clean option didn't work for me today and I found this thread because I didn't want to create a new workspace. The closing all files and reopening one file did work however.
I had this issue also in eclipse 3.6.2: Helios Service Release 1.
Closed all the editor windows, and the search has been enabled.
Switching to another perspective, then back, works quickly for me.
I've faced similar issue in Ctrl+H "File Search" tab. The "Search" and "Replace" button was grayed out (disabled). The solution is fill the "File name patterns" text box (for eg, *.py). May be this is by design!
I have this problem with MyEclipse 7 (eclipse 3.4) under Debian Lenny. Perspective doesn't seem to matter. I get around it with the shortcut Ctrl+H but I was hoping for a better way.
Just had this problem in Eclipse Neon 3. It is a very common problem in RAD. I could find using in the console, then switch back to the source and search. RAD would disable the find/search options per source file open. This is very frustrating.
I had this problem too. It appeared when I installed the m2eclipse plugin.
I had not found a solution, but you can use Ctrl+H shortcut instead.
And you can navigate between tabs with Ctrl+PgDown or Ctrl+PgUp keys.
I've uninstalled the following pluings and it worked.
Maven integration
eclipse checkstyle plugin
EclEmma (coverage)
I don't know which of those cause the problem. To uninstall a plugin: Help -> Software Updates...-> "Installed Software" tab.