Facebook Share in emails - email

Is it possible to use the Facebook share api within an email?
What i'm trying to achieve is for an email to be sent to someone with a link to a video (or video attached depending on the size).
Within the email would be a Facebook share button that would allow them to upload the video to FB (from a web url).

The closest you'll get is to link the user to Facebook's Sharer.
For example, if you wanted your users to share a link to www.google.com, you'd do this
Share Google!
Obviously what you'll really do is use a URL to your domain that holds the content being shared. For information about specifying the proper meta data (including how to specify a video) see the documentation for Facebook Share.


gclid and fbclid at same time

During checking traffic source on e-commerce website i get confused.
I know that param gclid=.. means that user is tagged by GoogleAds, while fbclid works the same way but with facebook.
However, I dont understand what does it mean while they are both together in single url, like:
Is it possible that google ads is displaying ads on facebook and that is why gclid and fbclid are attached to url at the same time?
I have asked the same question on support google and get reply from them.
This case happens when a link including gclid is pasted on a Facebook
page and somebody clicks on the link.
Source to answer.
Actually it's quite possible and normal.
If user searches on web via Google, clicks on Ad and is redirected to page, for example https://example.com/index?gclid=randomstring then it displays at the top of their browser.
Now user can copy this link and share it via Messenger (more common case) or facebook to someone. Then Facebook will not remove gclid and append fbclid.
As a result, you get a link with both these parameters.

Sharing links behind a walled garden on Facebook

I have website that will both post to a user's Facebook wall, and allow him/her to share links through private Facebook messages.
The links that we would like to share can be behind a walled garden, meaning you'd have to be logged in to our site to see them. The problem is Facebook ends up sharing the redirect link instead of the original.
What is the correct way to handle this use case?
You need to generate "fake" pages with the og meta tags, and with a meta refresh, url tag, or some script with document.location. This pages should not need log in, and must contain only the shared information.

Get Facebook referral URL in Google Analytics

In my Google Analytics reports I get "facebook.com / referral" as the source. Is it possible to get the exact URL?
I don't think it's possible. as #yahelc pointed on a previous comment most traffic from facebook goes through a facebook controlled redirect on page facebook.com/l.php .So if you want to have campaigns on facebook you can use urls with campaign query parameters to keep track of it.
eg: link to
Now they will show up in GA as a separate campaign and you can tell how many visitors come from that specific link. You probably want to minify that link using bit.ly or goo.gl.
Create multiple campaigns on facebook and change the utm_campaign parameter as much as you want. You can also create different utm_content parameter to separate your marketing efforts on facebook. Keep the utm_medium and utm_source as static as on the example above.
This is how social marketing analytics measures marketing efforts on social networks. Anything that comes from facebook is not tagged you know comes from people posting links to your site other than you.
At the same time it really makes no sense to have the referral url at all. If you think about it most of the times it will be from private posts that you don't even have access to see, even if you had a url for it. That's just not the way facebook works. It doesn't have pages, it has streams and posts.
More about url tagging:
The answer is yes and no. You can drill down to referral path for facebook source in the report Traffic Sources -> Sources -> Refferals by simply pressing facebook.com at the Source coloumn, just like for all other visits from the referring site.
But that would be not much of a use, because for facebook you'll always see /l.php. And that's how facebook works, it doesn't allow visitors to visit the link immedeately, instead it redirects user to the page with url facebook.com/l.php?u=<link-to-your-site.com> with a redirect or maybe with some text like "if you're sure you want to leave", so technically, the referring page would be this /l.php that GA shows.
So if you need to track the efficency of your Facebook activities - use utm tags, like #Eduardo Cereto mentioned. Here's a very nice video tutorial on link tagging for GA: http://services.google.com/analytics/breeze/en/v5/campaigntracking_adwordsintegration-v23_ia5/ (starts from p. 17, you can skip all that goes before).
Hope it helps!
i just know this settings here:

Can you add affiliate links to 'share' URLs?

can anyone let me know if it is possible to add a dynamic URL to a Facebook share website link. So for example would I be able to add an affiliate tracking link to the share URL when a users elects to share one of the items from my store to their facebook page?
I would like to be able to reward users commission if someone see's the share link and then buys the product from my store.
When sharing a link on facebook, it will most likely output 4 things.
An image
The title of the webpage
The URL found after all redirects
A short description
The image and the bold title of your post will have the link you shared, but the URL mentioned in (3) will have a new URL.
With Facebook's sharer.php you can share any URL (urlencoded):

How to display my photo albums and photos that are in FB on my own website

I would like to display my photo albums and photos that are in FB on my own website. However everything I have tried requires an access token that I seem to only get if I login to FB. I don't want visitors to my site to have to login to FB to see my photos.
Is there a way to get this data and not require a login? I want to pull data from my own FB account. Or is there a different way to authenticate my access behind the scenes so visitors don't have to login, to see my photos?
Facebook has recently launched a way to share the album with public without having to Signin. Every album will have link below this key word Share this album with anyone by sending them this public link. Take a look at this HOW TO for more information.
EDIT: However, for embedding refer this SO which explains how to grant permanent access to your photo albums
Another option is using 8 photo restricted Facebook Photo Badge
Showzey seems to be working on liberating your photos and provides widgets.
Facebook has a badges page that has different options for embedding Facebook content onto your site. The photo badge should fit your criteria.
May be this method could help you guys.
You can do it through a public fan page or a business page.
I put this script together a while back: http://roughgiraffed.com/FBalbum/. Working on a more legit version - will post when complete.
You can combine galleria (open source javascript image gallery framework) with a plug-in to integrate with facebook.
You can find the links bellow:
I'm using this very nice plugin for Joomla. Take a look.