Can you add affiliate links to 'share' URLs? - facebook

can anyone let me know if it is possible to add a dynamic URL to a Facebook share website link. So for example would I be able to add an affiliate tracking link to the share URL when a users elects to share one of the items from my store to their facebook page?
I would like to be able to reward users commission if someone see's the share link and then buys the product from my store.

When sharing a link on facebook, it will most likely output 4 things.
An image
The title of the webpage
The URL found after all redirects
A short description
The image and the bold title of your post will have the link you shared, but the URL mentioned in (3) will have a new URL.
With Facebook's sharer.php you can share any URL (urlencoded):


How To Share a link similar to Instagram image links on Facebook

I'm trying to find out how to implement this type of link to be shared to my facebook page. I've seen another page do it a while back, they shared a link to their facebook, and it was their own website, and it was this exact same kind of link, here's the picture.
Does anyone have an idea?

Facebook: Share story without adding link to resource

I would like to make users to be able to post stories to their timeline but with no links to any resources. Using Facebook example:
I would like this post not to have any links. If someone using facebook on a browser clicks the image or the Cookie! title, they will be redirected somewhere. In my case, they are directed to an URL on my api which stores object data as meta tags from where FB scrappes the information (in this case, a blank page where the headers describe the Cookie! object). Is this even possible? I am developing an app for ios with no website, this is why I need to do this.

Share app with FBConnect

I'm using FBConnect to post messages on facebook. I'm able to let the user log in and post on his wall. The thing I don't know is how to share the app. I tried to put the itunes link of the app in the message, but it post a link to itunes as I wrote. Is it possible to add the app icon etc ... as it is when you put the link directly on facebook ?
I'm not sure Facebook would let you post URLs with a different scheme than http. Otherwise, people could be sharing all kinds of nasty stuff on Facebook. Best bet would be to link to a site that has a redirect to the iTunes link, but make sure you redirect using JavaScript. Facebook can follow meta refresh tags.

How to share score on facebook wall through Facebook Connect?

I have a game on my website and I want to share the score on wall facebook account wall. I have searched and found that it can be done with facebook connect, but through facebook connect I am able to share only URL of any page. So can anyone kindly help me and tell how share score and my custom message through facebook connect. Thanks
To make a custon message, you would need a Dialog. You can see about them in here:
Link 1
Link 2
The second link is an extension for what you want. Just fill the data you want/need about your highscore, and it will be ready to display!
It is not necessary to use a dialog. You can make a direct request to the facebook url using the open graph API.
Take a look

Facebook Share in emails

Is it possible to use the Facebook share api within an email?
What i'm trying to achieve is for an email to be sent to someone with a link to a video (or video attached depending on the size).
Within the email would be a Facebook share button that would allow them to upload the video to FB (from a web url).
The closest you'll get is to link the user to Facebook's Sharer.
For example, if you wanted your users to share a link to, you'd do this
Share Google!
Obviously what you'll really do is use a URL to your domain that holds the content being shared. For information about specifying the proper meta data (including how to specify a video) see the documentation for Facebook Share.