restrict duplicate entry,iphone - iphone

HI All,
i am inserting , say name to sqlite, than showing it on tableview.
But i want say restrict user to insert duplicate name.
for first time data gets inserted perfectly, but when i insert it on second time, it again get inserted, thats what i want to prevent.
HOw can i check if the value 'name' already exist in sqlite and show alert to tell user that this value already exist.
i have an array abc , having few values., values in array i am adding from another view, now say if abc contains value "a1", now if i again inserting "a1", it should not except "a1", in a way how i can restrict an array to add duplicate value.

Use unique constraint in your SQL database. Here's a link with some basics on it. Here's some specifics on how to create table with unique contraints with SQLite.
To alert users, just capture the error message from your SQL query and then output as needed.
Edited (for new question):
Easiest way is to parse through the array and do duplicate checks. There's logic out there for faster searching but if you have a small array, then all you really need is a for loop that iterates through each array element and checks that the new value you are adding is not already there.


FileMaker - Getting Data From Another Table with Multiple Field Restrictions

I can't think of a better title, so feel free to make a suggestion once you understand the issue.
I was given a table to work with that I need to call from another table:
For each record in the main table I need to pull one "Value" that corresponds to it. What it is will be determined by all three of the other fields. So for example, if a record in the main table is:
Then I need to pull the value for the record in the other table where the Name is "Google", the month is "3", and the type is "M".
I was able to do this successfully (if slowly) using an ExecuteSQL command in a calculation field, with a ton of nested If statements for the names (I have yet to figure out how to input the record's data directly into the ExecuteSQL statement, it breaks when I try). I would prefer to just grab the data directly. I can't switch over to the other layout because I need to see all of the records at once. I can't do a simple relationship because there isn't a real relationship, it's like there are three foreign keys working in tandem and I only know how to use one to call the data.
Any idea on how to do this more simplistically?
Some ideas I've had but not sure if it will work:
Using a calculation field as a related field to dynamically point to the row by code (concatenate the three relevant fields into a type of code). Not sure if you can connect two tables by a calculation field.
Doing that same thing when calling the data into the table in the first place, adding a code to create a single primary key.
Here are my relationships:
I can't do a simple relationship because there isn't a real
relationship, it's like there are three foreign keys working in tandem
and I only know how to use one to call the data.
Simply define a relationship with three predicates - i.e. three pairs of match fields.

perl dbi submit checkbox values

I have a form with checkboxes and I need to know what the best way to submit them to the database is. I have the following table setup:
roles users user_roles
----- ----- ----------
id id user_id
I have a page where you can edit a user and assign them different roles via checkbox, then those checkboxes are saved in the user_roles table. Since editing a user's roles can involve either deleting rows or adding rows, this is how I currently handle it:
my $form_vals = (1=>1,2=>2); #submitted by user
my $db_vals = (3=>3); #gotten out of db
So I have these two hashes and I will compare the keys in $form_vals with the keys in $db_vals, then I see that I have two extra values that are not present in the database so I add them. And vice versa I find which values are no longer selected on the form by comparing the keys in $db_vals with the keys in $form_vals and then I delete those rows from the database. My question is, does anyone know of a better/easier way to do this? It's never really seemed obvious to me how to handle checkboxes and I'd like to know what best practice is. Thanks!
I wouldn't say that this has much to do with check boxes per se.
Basically what you have is two array of arrays, [ (uid, rid), (uid, rid) ], and you want to make array1 (the one in your database) a copy of array2 (the user input from the checkboxes). You could have a multi select or a comma separated string, and the case would be the same. You have a user id, and you want that user to have only the roles supplied.
Two ways to achieve that would be to either
Put both arrays in one hash each, do foreach key on the submitted, if not present in the database one do insert. Then do the same for the database hash and delete those not present in the submitted hash
Delete everything from the member_role table and insert what's submitted.
You really have to know everything in the database and everything submitted and check twice if you don't want to delete everything and do a fresh insert. You can of course make a function doing this for you, hiding the ugliness a bit. Think about how you'd do if it was just two arrays and no database was around.

Insert record in table if does not exist in iPhone app

I am obtaining a json array from a url and inserting data into a table. Since the contents of the url are subject to change, I want to make a second connection to a url and check for updates and insert new records in y table using sqlite3.
The issues that I face are:
1) My table doesn't have a primary key
2) The url lists the changes on the same day. Hence, if I run my app multiple times, when I insert values in my database, I get duplicate entries. I want to keep a check for the day duplicated entries that should be removed. The problem can be solved by adding a constraint, but since the url itself has duplicated values, I find it difficult.
The only way I can see you can do it if you have no primary key or something you can use that is unique to each record, is when you get your new data in you go through the new entries where for each one you check if the exact same data exists in the database already. If it doesn't then you add it, if it does then you skip over it.
You could even do something like create a unique key yourself for each entry which is a concatenation of each column of the table. That way you can quickly do the check for if the entry already exists in the database.
I see two possibilities depending on your setup:
You have a column setup as UNIQUE (this can be through a PRIMARY KEY or not). In this case, you can use the ON CONFLICT clause:
If you find this construct a little confusing, you can instead use "INSERT OR REPLACE" or "INSERT OR IGNORE" as described here:
You do not have a column setup as UNIQUE. In this case, you will need to SELECT first to verify for duplicate data, and based on the result INSERT, UPDATE, or do nothing.
A more common & robust way to handle this is to associate a timestamp with each data item on the server. When your app interrogates the server it provides the timestamp corresponding to the last time it synced. The server then queries its database and returns all values that are timestamped later than the timestamp provided by the app. Then it also returns a new timestamp value for the app to store, to use on the next sync.

renumbering a ID field

Very new to Filemaker. Using Filemaker 11 pro.
I was wondering if it was possible to renumber an ID field column after doing an insert new record in between records? Maybe using a script trigger?
I agree with Jesse that renumbering a record's unique ID/Index doesn't sound like a good idea and more information or an example of what you're trying to do would help.
If you simply want to display the Record Number, you could create an unstored calculation field with the calculation "Get ( RecordNumber )". This should always display which record, of the found set, is being displayed. FileMaker's definition is available here:
If, on the other hand, you're trying to make a unique sort order for the records being shown, it is best to do this by creating a new SortIndex numeric field. (You'd need to make certain that the layout that you're displaying was always sorted by the SortIndex field which can be done using layout script triggers and, possibly, overriding the Sort menu commands using Custom Menus.)
One method to consider would be overriding the New Record command using Custom Menus. When New Record is selected you might route it to a script which does something like this:
Get the current SortIndex value
Get the value of the SortIndex for the next record (by creating a self-join which shows records where the SortIndex > the SortIndex of the table occurrence your view is based on)
Place the average of those two values in a $variable
Create a new record and set its SortIndex to $variable

How can I (partially) automate the transfer of a FileMaker database structure and field contents to a second database?

I'm trying to copy some field values to a duplicate database. One record at a time. This is used for history and so I can delete some records in the original database to keep it fast.
I don't want to manually save the values in a variable because there are hundreds of fields. So I want to go to the first field, save the field name and value and then go over to the other database and save the data. Then run a 'Go to Next Field' and loop through all the fields.
This works perfectly, but here is the problem: When a field is a calculation you cannot tab into it and therefore 'Go to Next Field' doesn't work. It skips it.
I though of doing a 'Go to Object' but then I need to name all the objects and I can't find a script to name objects.
Can anyone out there think of a solution?
This is one of those problems where I always found it easier to do an export/import.
Export all the data you want from the one database, and then import it into the other database. All you need to do is:
Manually specify which fields you want to copy
Map the data from the export to the right fields in the new database/table
You can even write a script to do these things for you.
There are several ways to achieve this.
To make a "history file", I have found there are several cases out there, so lets take a look.
Single file I just want to "keep" a very large file with historical data, because I need to erease all data in my Main file.
In this case, you should create a "clone" table (in the same file ore in other file, is the same). Then change any calculation field to the type of the calculation result (number, text, date, an so on...). Remove any "auto entered value or calculation from any field, like auto number, auto creation date, etc..). You will have a "Plain Table" with no calculations or auto entered data.
Then add a field to control duplicate data. If you have lets say an invoice number (unique) for each record, you can do this to achieve this task. But if you do not have a unique field that identifies the record as unique, then you have to create one...
To create such a field, I recommed to add a new field on the clone table and set as an aunto entered calculation and make a field combination that is unique... somthing like this: invoiceNumber & "-" & lineNumber & "-" " & date.
On the clone table make shure that validation is set up for "always", and no empty values allowed and that this value is unique.
Once you setup the clone table... then you can import your records, making sure that the auto enty option is on. Yo can do it as many times as you like, new records will be added and no duplicates.
If you want, can make a Script to do the move to historical table all the current records before deleting them.
This technique works fine when the data you try to keep do not have changes over time. This means, once the record is created is has no changes.
A historical table must be created but some fields are updated.
In the beginnig I thougth a historical data, never changes. In some cases I found this is not the case, like the case I want to track historical invoices but at the same time, keep track if they are paid or not...
In this case you may use the same technique above, but instead of importing data... you must update data based on the "unique" fields that identifiy the record.
Hope this technique helps
FileMaker's FieldNames() function, along with GetField() can give you a list of field names and then their values