Insert record in table if does not exist in iPhone app - iphone

I am obtaining a json array from a url and inserting data into a table. Since the contents of the url are subject to change, I want to make a second connection to a url and check for updates and insert new records in y table using sqlite3.
The issues that I face are:
1) My table doesn't have a primary key
2) The url lists the changes on the same day. Hence, if I run my app multiple times, when I insert values in my database, I get duplicate entries. I want to keep a check for the day duplicated entries that should be removed. The problem can be solved by adding a constraint, but since the url itself has duplicated values, I find it difficult.

The only way I can see you can do it if you have no primary key or something you can use that is unique to each record, is when you get your new data in you go through the new entries where for each one you check if the exact same data exists in the database already. If it doesn't then you add it, if it does then you skip over it.
You could even do something like create a unique key yourself for each entry which is a concatenation of each column of the table. That way you can quickly do the check for if the entry already exists in the database.

I see two possibilities depending on your setup:
You have a column setup as UNIQUE (this can be through a PRIMARY KEY or not). In this case, you can use the ON CONFLICT clause:
If you find this construct a little confusing, you can instead use "INSERT OR REPLACE" or "INSERT OR IGNORE" as described here:
You do not have a column setup as UNIQUE. In this case, you will need to SELECT first to verify for duplicate data, and based on the result INSERT, UPDATE, or do nothing.

A more common & robust way to handle this is to associate a timestamp with each data item on the server. When your app interrogates the server it provides the timestamp corresponding to the last time it synced. The server then queries its database and returns all values that are timestamped later than the timestamp provided by the app. Then it also returns a new timestamp value for the app to store, to use on the next sync.


CDC multiple insert/delete of the same identity value

I have a table T that contains an ID set as identity and primary key. I have enabled CDC on the table and then later added an XML field that I didn't care capturing so I did not do anything further (to recreate the capture table and/or migrate old capture data).
I now have a stored procedure that (among other things) updates only the newly created field (no other field) in table T. I notice that instead of recording an update (operation=3 followed by operation=4), CDC records a delete (operation=1) followed by an insert (operation=2) and all fields are the same (of course since none of them was updated)
I actually noticed this because I had the same identity value inserted and/or deleted more than once, which is not possible (unless identity_insert is on, which is not)
Why does CDC record operation=1 instead of 3 and operation=2 instead of 4?
Is this documented anywhere or is it a bug?
The reason you are seeing a Delete/insert pair (Operation number 1/2) as opposed to an update pair (3/4) is because you are updating a "set" of data that ALSO has a unique constraint on your column.
For SQL to make sense of this wihout violating the unique cosntraint, it deletes the row and reinserts it (with the "update").
More information on this. Its not an issue or a defect. its the way SQL works and CDC innocently logs it as it sees it. Remember, CDC is just a subscriber and replicates things as they happen.
If you have a need to see an update you may have to look for the 1/2 "pair" and not ONLY the operation code 3/4.
Some great articles:
Bounded Update is the term used to describe certain types of UPDATE statements from the publisher that will replicate as DELETE/INSERT pairs on the subscriber. We perform a bounded update for every set based update that changes a column that is part of a unique index or constraint. In other words, if an UPDATE statement touches more than one row and modifies a column that is has any UNIQUE constraints, the UPDATE statement is sent to the subscriber as a DELETE/INSERT pair ... read more here

Avoid duplicate inserts without unique constraint in target table?

Source & target tables are similar.
Target table has a UUID field that is computed in tMap, however the flow should not insert duplicate persons in target i.e unique (firstname,lastname,dob,gender). I tried marking those columns as key in tMap as in below screenshot, but that does not prevent duplicate inserts. How can I avoid duplicate inserts without adding unique constraint on target?
I also tried "using field" in target.
Edit: Solution as suggested below:
The CDC components in the Paid version of Talend Studio for Data Integration undoubtedly address this.
In Open Studio, you'll can roll your own Change data capture based on the composite, unique key (firstname,lastname,dob,gender).
Use tUniqueRow on data coming from stage_geno_patients, unique on the following columns: firstname,lastname,dob,gender
Feed that into a tMap
Add another query as input to the tMap, to perform look-ups against the table behind "patients_test", to find a match on the firstname,lastname,dob,gender. That lookup should "Reload for each row" using looking up against values from the staging row
In the case of no-match, detect it and then do an insert of the staging row of data into the table behind "patients_test"
Q: Are you going to update information, also? Or, is the goal only to perform unique inserts where the data is not already present?

Get next available auto_increment ID in PostgreSQL - A better approach?

I'm new to postgreSQL, so would really appreciate any pointers from the community.
I am updating some functionality in the CMS of a pretty old site I've just inherited. Basically, I need the ID of an article before it is inserted into the database. Is there anyway anyway to check the next value that will be used by a sequence before a database session (insert) has begun?
At first I thought I could use SELECT max(id) from tbl_name, however as the id is auto incremented from a sequence and articles are often deleted, it obviously won't return a correct id for the next value in the sequence.
As the article isn't in the database yet, and a database session hasn't started, it seems I can't use the currval() functionality of postgreSQL. Furthermore if I use nextval() it auto increments the sequence before the data is inserted (the insert also auto-incrementing the sequence ending up with the sequence being doubly incremented).
The way I am getting around it at the moment is as follows:
function get_next_id()
$SQL = "select nextval('table_id_seq')";
$response = $this->db_query($SQL);
$arr = pg_fetch_array($query_response, NULL, PGSQL_ASSOC);
$id = (empty($arr['nextval'])) ? 'NULL' : intval($arr['nextval']);
$new_id = $id-1;
$SQL = "select setval('table_id_seq', {$new_id})";
return $id;
I use SELECT nextval('table_id_seq') to get the next ID in the sequence. As this increments the sequence I then immediately use SELECT setval('table_id_seq',$id) to set the sequence back to it's original value. That way when the user submits the data and the code finally hits the INSERT statement, it auto increments and the ID before the insert and after the insert are identical.
While this works for me, I'm not too hot on postgreSQL and wonder if it could cause any problems down the line, or if their isn't a better method? Is there no way to check the next value of a sequence without auto-incrementing it?
If it helps I'm using postgresql 7.2
Folks - there are reasons to get the ID before inserting a record. For example, I have an application that stores the ID as part of the text that is inserted into another field. There are only two ways to do this.
1) Regardless of the method, get the ID before inserting to include in my INSERT statement
2) INSERT, get the the ID (again, regardless of how (SELECT ... or from INSERT ... RETURNING id;)), update the record's text field that includes the ID
Many of the comments and answers assumed the OP was doing something wrong... which is... wrong. The OP clearly stated "Basically, I need the ID of an article before it is inserted into the database". It should not matter why the OP wants/needs to do this - just answer the question.
My solution opted to get the ID up front; so I do nextval() and setval() as necessary to achieve my needed result.
Disclaimer: Not sure about 7.2 as I have never used that.
Apparently your ID column is defined to get its default value from the sequence (probably because it's defined as serial although I don't know if that was available in 7.x).
If you remove the default but keep the sequence, then you can retrieve the next ID using nextval() before inserting the new row.
Removing the default value for the column will require you to always provide an ID during insert (by retrieving it from the sequence). If you are doing that anyway, then I don't see a problem. If you want to cater for both scenarios, create a before insert trigger (does 7.x have them?) that checks if the ID column has a value, if not retrieve a new value from the sequence otherwise leave it alone.
The real question though is: why do you need the ID before insert. You could simply send the row to the server and then get the generated id by calling curval()
But again: you should really (I mean really) talk to the customer to upgrade to a recent version of Postgres

iPhone Dev - Trying to access every row of a sqlite3 table sequentially

this is my first time using SQL at all, so this might sound basic. I'm making an iPhone app that creates and uses a sqlite3 database (I'm using the libsqlite3.dylib database as well as importing "sqlite3.h"). I've been able to correctly created the database and a table in it, but now I need to know the best way to get stuff back from it.
How would I go about retrieving all the information in the table? It's very important that I be able to access each row in the order that it is in the table. What I want to do (if this helps) is get all the info from the various fields in a single row, put all that into one object, and then store the object in an array, and then do the same for the next row, and the next, etc. At the end, I should have an array with the same number of elements as I have rows in my sql table. Thank you.
My SQL is rusty, but I think you can use SELECT * FROM myTable and then iterate through the results. You can also use a LIMIT/OFFSET(1) structure if you do not want to retrieve all elements at one from your table (for example due to memory concerns).
(1) Note that this can perform unexpectedly bad, depending on your use case. Look here for more info...
How would I go about retrieving all the information in the table? It's
very important that I be able to access each row in the order that it
is in the table.
That is not how SQL works. Rows are not kept in the table in a specific order as far as SQL is concerned. The order of rows returned by a query is determined by the ORDER BY clause in the query, e.g. ORDER BY DateCreated, or ORDER BY Price.
But SQLite has a rowid virtual column that can be used for this purpose. It reflects the sequence in which the rows were inserted. Except that it might change with a VACUUM. If you make it an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY it should stay constant.
order by rowid

How can I (partially) automate the transfer of a FileMaker database structure and field contents to a second database?

I'm trying to copy some field values to a duplicate database. One record at a time. This is used for history and so I can delete some records in the original database to keep it fast.
I don't want to manually save the values in a variable because there are hundreds of fields. So I want to go to the first field, save the field name and value and then go over to the other database and save the data. Then run a 'Go to Next Field' and loop through all the fields.
This works perfectly, but here is the problem: When a field is a calculation you cannot tab into it and therefore 'Go to Next Field' doesn't work. It skips it.
I though of doing a 'Go to Object' but then I need to name all the objects and I can't find a script to name objects.
Can anyone out there think of a solution?
This is one of those problems where I always found it easier to do an export/import.
Export all the data you want from the one database, and then import it into the other database. All you need to do is:
Manually specify which fields you want to copy
Map the data from the export to the right fields in the new database/table
You can even write a script to do these things for you.
There are several ways to achieve this.
To make a "history file", I have found there are several cases out there, so lets take a look.
Single file I just want to "keep" a very large file with historical data, because I need to erease all data in my Main file.
In this case, you should create a "clone" table (in the same file ore in other file, is the same). Then change any calculation field to the type of the calculation result (number, text, date, an so on...). Remove any "auto entered value or calculation from any field, like auto number, auto creation date, etc..). You will have a "Plain Table" with no calculations or auto entered data.
Then add a field to control duplicate data. If you have lets say an invoice number (unique) for each record, you can do this to achieve this task. But if you do not have a unique field that identifies the record as unique, then you have to create one...
To create such a field, I recommed to add a new field on the clone table and set as an aunto entered calculation and make a field combination that is unique... somthing like this: invoiceNumber & "-" & lineNumber & "-" " & date.
On the clone table make shure that validation is set up for "always", and no empty values allowed and that this value is unique.
Once you setup the clone table... then you can import your records, making sure that the auto enty option is on. Yo can do it as many times as you like, new records will be added and no duplicates.
If you want, can make a Script to do the move to historical table all the current records before deleting them.
This technique works fine when the data you try to keep do not have changes over time. This means, once the record is created is has no changes.
A historical table must be created but some fields are updated.
In the beginnig I thougth a historical data, never changes. In some cases I found this is not the case, like the case I want to track historical invoices but at the same time, keep track if they are paid or not...
In this case you may use the same technique above, but instead of importing data... you must update data based on the "unique" fields that identifiy the record.
Hope this technique helps
FileMaker's FieldNames() function, along with GetField() can give you a list of field names and then their values