Jquery img preload not working in FireFox - jquery-effects

I recently did a small jQuery snippet that allows me to show a loading img until the real image is loaded.
The snippet seems to work in Safari, Chrome but not FireFox.
FireFox only displays a loading alt and never switches to the loaded image.
Here is the snippet
var loading = $('<img src="/media/ajax-loader.gif" alt="loading" />');
var loadIMG = loading.clone();
Any ideas why?

You haven't said what exactly is happing on FF but below can be one of the problem. From jquery documentation
It is possible that the load event
will not be triggered if the image is
loaded from the browser cache. To
account for this possibility, we can
use a special load event that fires
immediately if the image is ready.
event.special.load is currently
available as a plugin.
Here's the link for plugin.
Based on comments from load event, try below:
var loadIMG = loading.clone();
if (this.complete) $(this).trigger("load");
Of course, the plug-in seems to be doing same thing along with handling some other scenarios as well as.


Flutter web, recording session with smartlook or hotjar showing blanck screen

I've created a web langing page using flutter, the page is shown on browser as expected.
Inside the html code, i've added the scripts to integrate screen recording with hotjar and smartlook.
In the smrtlook and the hotjar consoles, i can see the recording of the sessions but, these are complete blank.
All the records are white screens, whith only the tap/click/swipe gestures.
I've added inside the tag in the app html this line
as described (by smartlook) here without solving my problem.
Do i placed this tag in the wrong position?
Does the app needs to be built with renderer canvaskit rather than html?
Is there something else i'm not considering?

Leaflet 1.7.1 popup on mobile Bug

I am working on a new Leaflet map with 1.7.1.
I noticed on my mobile device browsers (on Safari and Chrome) that the popups are flickering (not displaying/not showing up). I went on the Leaflet website with my mobile trying one of their example e.g. on their very home-page and I am facing the same problem. Is this my mobile or this problem is already known?
After more research ... I found out that this is an actual bug.
By commenting the following lines of code in the JS file will resolve the problem.
// simulate click if the touch didn't move too much
// if (this._isTapValid()) {
// this._simulateEvent('click', first);
// }

google chrome app script ask to save as userAppPanel

I encounter a problem using UIApplication in google app script, but only on Chrome 18.0.1025.142 m, my application works fine on Firefox 3.6, and also on chrome 16.x.x.
I updated my chrome version to 19.0.1084.56 m. And the problem still occurs.
On Chrome 18.0.1025.142 m and 19.0.1084.56 m, I have the following behaviour:
A blank frame is displayed over my spreadsheet when I try to display the UI Application and I'm asked to perform a "Save As" operation for an object userAppPanel.
On Chrome 16.x.x or Firefox 3.6, I have a UI application with a panel, a textbox and a button.
Here is my application creation code:
// Create my application
var mydoc = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var myapp = UiApp.createApplication();
myapp.setTitle("Translation selector");
// create panels, text boxes and widgets
var mypanel = myapp.createVerticalPanel();
// Create input boxes and button
var textBoxA = myapp.createTextBox();
textBoxA.setName('Input search filter here').setId('SearchText');
var MyButton = myapp.createButton("Fill the tables");
// create handler to respond to events
var clickHandler = myapp.createServerClickHandler("respondToSubmit");
// assemble everything in app
//return myapp;
var doc = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
// show the app
I've a similar issue on Chrome 21.0.1180.89 for OSX. Working with a mail merge script which worked perfectly on a, similar up-to-date, chrome on Win8 just a few hours ago.
I'm pretty sure it's a security issue.
De-authorising the app (under account->security) and then reloading the script and re-authorising it helps. Not sure if it's on a per-browser level or something else..
Kindly Add this Code,
As per your question, It works on chrome.
function saveTextAsFile()
var textToWrite = document.getElementById('area').value;
var textFileAsBlob = new Blob([textToWrite], {type:'text/plain'});
var fileNameToSaveAs = "ecc.plist"/*Your file name*/;
var downloadLink = document.createElement("a");
downloadLink.download = fileNameToSaveAs;
downloadLink.innerHTML = "Download File";
if (window.webkitURL != null)
// Chrome allows the link to be clicked
// without actually adding it to the DOM.
downloadLink.href =
// Firefox requires the link to be added to the DOM
// before it can be clicked.
downloadLink.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(textFileAsBlob);
downloadLink.onclick = destroyClickedElement;
downloadLink.style.display = "none";
I have some users of a script I've developed, FormEmailer (available in the Script Gallery) that are also having this problem. But we were not able to nail the situation that generates this yet.
Is the spreadsheet you're testing yours? Or is it shared and you're not the owner? Do you have other scripts projects on this same spreadsheet? Are you the owner of all scripts?
(I think it's better if you change you edit your question and I my answer, instead of talking in the "limited" comments).
I have the same problem :
More details about this after a few tests. It seems it is due both to user triggering the script to execute, as well as characteristics of the trigger :
- if the function is called from a custom menu in a spreadsheet, everything works fine for everyone
- if function is called onOpen(), everything works fine for everyone
- if an installable onEdit or onOpen trigger has been set on the function, then everything works fine for the person who set it, and bad for others.
The last behavior is observed whether that person is owner or not.
Basically it seems the only times when it doesn't work well is when someone opens or edits a spreadsheet and the function is triggered by an installable trigger installed by somebody else.
This is a pain.

Native HTML5 Drag and Drop in Mobile Safari (iPad, iPod, iPhone)?

I've successfully implemented native HTML5 Drag and Drop for moving HTML elements inside a page (just, say, a div from one place to another, nothing related to interacting with the host OS' files whatsoever). This works fine in Chrome and Safari on a PC but I can't start a drag operation in my iPad's Safari.
I've found this so far:
Using Drag and Drop From JavaScript
Safari, Dashboard, and WebKit-based
applications include support for
customizing the behavior of drag and
drop operations within your HTML
Note: This technology is supported
only on desktop versions of Safari.
For iPhone OS, use DOM Touch,
described in Handling Events (part of
Safari Web Content Guide) and Safari
DOM Additions Reference.
Here. But it's outdated (2009-06-08).
Doe's anyone know if it is possible to use native HTML5 in Mobile Safari? (I don't want javascript-framework like solutions like jQuery UI).
I've just been trying to get native drag&drop working in ios safari (ipad pro with 14.0.1), and I'm updating this answer as it kept coming up as my first google result (and no other q&a seems to be up to date).
Following https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/AppleApplications/Conceptual/SafariJSProgTopics/DragAndDrop.html
I have found native html5 drag&drop now works in safari, with a few specific notes;
You MUST set some data in OnDragStart's event; (the effect settings seem to be optional) Event.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', 'hello');
you MUST Event.preventDefault(); in OnDrop otherwise safari will load the data you added (unless that's your intention)
OnDragOver event handler needs Event.preventDefault(); otherwise drop fails (unless intended, as docuemnted)
On ios safari, if you set OnDragStart's Event.dataTransfer.dropEffect='copy' and in OnDragOver's Event.dataTransfer.dropEffect='link' the drop fails (no OnDrop()); Seems to be the only combination that fails
I thought you required
CSS -webkit-user-drag: Element; and `-webkit-user-drop: element;
or if you prefer
but it seems just the usual draggable attribute is enough
This seems to be the bare minimum to drag & drop an element
function OnDragOver(Event)
Event.stopPropagation(); // let child accept and don't pass up to parent element
Event.preventDefault(); // ios to accept drop
Event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy';// move has no icon? adding copy shows +
function OnDragLeave(Event)
function OnDrop(Event)
Event.preventDefault(); // dont let page attempt to load our data
function OnDragStart(Event)
Event.stopPropagation(); // let child take the drag
Event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move';
Event.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', 'hello');
Touch events do work now on Safari too (including Mobile). This article has nice code snippets that you can start from:

How to Bind Load event for Image in jQueryMobile

I have a mobile website running jQuery Mobile 1.0a2 and I'm currently testing in Mobile Safari for Firmware 4.1 via the iPhone Simulator.
I cannot seem to bind to the load event for an image.
I have a simple gallery of thumbnails and a large image. When you click on a thumbnail it changes the src attribute of the main img
The js for that uses the live('click' method to bind and it works just fine.
$('.gallery-navigation img').live('click',function() {
// change source of main image to new
$.mobile.pageLoading(); // show jquerymobile loading message
My problem is that I need feedback on this click, so I wanted to show a loading message (provided by jquerymobile) and then hide it once the image loads.
Where #gallery_image_large is the actual <img> where the src is changing, I tried the following:
$("#gallery_image_large").bind("load", function () {
$.mobile.pageLoading(true); // hide jquerymobile loading message
This works in Safari on my desktop but does not in the iPhone Simulator mentioned above.
For reference:
jQuery Mobile Loading Message Methods
UPDATE: I am experimenting with JQuery Image load fails on MobiOne iPhone simulator, which explains how to implement the .load manually by "checking .complete".
I changed the structure of my jquery and it's seemed to have fixed it!
$('#gallery_image_large').one('load',function() {
try { // a grade
} catch(err) { // low grade
(as you can see, I opt'd for a try { .. } catch { .. } to verify jquerymobile is available.
Although I didn't use the solution (directly) from JQuery Image load fails on MobiOne iPhone simulator, the manual firing of load via .complete is probably a good solution for anyone else out there!