UITextView delegates problem - iphone

I am trying to access the UITextView delegates and have a problem
I have a UIViewController with the UITextViewDelegate protocol and a Nib containing the textView.
If I set the delegate inside viewDidLoad like "textView.delegate = self" and I touch the textView, the app crashes without logging errors.
If I start editing the textView with code like "[textView becomeFirstResponder]" all delegates get called.
When I set the delegate in the Nib creating a connection between the textView and the File's owner and deleting "textView.delegate = self" also no delegates get called.
What am I doing wrong here?

It's not easy to help you without more description, posted code or a xib file.
You say application crashes without any logging errors - well, do you mean that there's no output in console's window ? That is normal, for an app that has crashed.
Anyway, you should be able to get the stack-trace to figure out where approximately the application has crashed. Open the debugger (⇧⌘Y), and see the position. That should give you an idea of what went wrong.
Here you can see an example of such debugger session (after EXC_BAD_CRASH):
First two lines doesn't give us much information, but later on we can see that application has crashed while loading user interface from a NIB file. Well, usually the only code that executes during such load are awakeFromNib methods - it's up to you to find a problem along those lines.
Often top of code's execution doesn't make any sense - for example you might see your ViewController method somewhere, but the top few function calls (those where the code crashed) are located in methods/classes which you never call in your code. In most cases that is a sign of wrong memory de-/allocation. What might happened is that you forgot to retain some of your objects, it has already been released, but you are still keeping reference (a pointer) to its memory. Because that memory has been in fact freed, another object took its place later on, usually some Apple's internal object you've never heard about. Later on your code tries to message your poor object but it sends a message to something completely different. BUMMER! That's how you get those crashes and strange stack traces.
To fix the kind of problem I've just described you can use Instruments and its Zombies instrument. Unfortunately you can't start Zombies from within Xcode, you need to start Instruments standalone, then choose the Zombies under iPhone Simulator/Memory, then Choose Target from the toolbar, you should see your application in there, or be able to navigate to it on filesystem.
What Zombies instrument does is that it never really frees memory after objects are deallocated. Instead, it will mutate those objects into NSZombie class. That class intercepts all calls to itself, and informs you when some code is trying to send a message to it.
This is how such Instruments session looks like (this is the same crash as seen in debugger above):
In the table you can see that we're trying to message UIScrollView that has already been deallocated. You can as well see the whole history of retain/release calls to this particular object. That way you can find a missing retain or wrong release/autorelease.
Remember - Zombies Instruments can only be used with Simulator, because there's not enough memory on the real device to keep all those memory blocks.
Hopefully I could help you with further analysis of your problem.


Best scenario to avoid memory leaks on iOS

I'm building an application that reads rss files something like Bing or Pulse, so I've built a class (UIViewController) that shows each individual entry in the feed and a class that contains that list of entries and another class that shows all the feeds at once, and I've not used any xib files so I've implemented a method in each class that gets called after each rotation to reset the frames of the views inside that class. But I'm facing a problem in the memory especially when calling that method when a rotation happens knowing that it just assigns a CGRect to each frame in the view.
So could you please help me to avoid this problem or suggest a different way to avoid it, and am I right about not using xib files or should I use them when ever I can and set the rotation thing inside them (using the auto resizing mask).
And if there is some complex free example like those applications, could any body point me to it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
and thanks in advance...
First, there is no reason to avoid nib files when they are useful to you. They are often useful. There is no reason to use nib files when they are not useful to you. If you have complex layout, they are definitely very useful. Whether to use them or not, however, is a personal choice based on the particular application. As a beginner, I would recommend using them and getting comfortable with them, and particularly relying on the Xcode templates to set them up correctly.
Nib files aren't your issue, one way or another here. You're leaking memory, and you need to investigate why. First, run the static analyzer to make sure there are no obvious errors. Then run your app under Instruments (Leaks) and look for large leaks. Then run your app under Instruments (Allocations) and look for what's eating the most memory. That should point you to your error.
The most likely cause, without any insight into your code, is that you are misusing ivars. Make sure that you access your ivars through accessors (except in init, dealloc and in the accessors). Directly accessing your ivars is the #1 cause of memory problems in iOS.
Release the objects properly which has been allocated and defined globally. Do not release the object of your UIViewController when it is active. Most of the leakage problems occur by releasing the object of the UIViewController before it reaches out of scope.

iPhone Development Memory Warnings

I know people here can help me with my problem in memory warnings on my app. I have multiple objects added to my Nib file, connected them to multiple IBOutlets and release these outlets on my viewDidUnload and dealloc method, I also set them to nil, but it still keeps on crashing after the "Received Memory Warning = Level 1" error message. I used NWPickerField for my objects in Nib files.
I just hope anyone here have tried using this :) thanks and Cheers!
If you're crashing when you receive the memory warning, that usually means that something gets deallocated, but it's pointer isn't set to nil, you try to access it, and Crash!
Errors like this can be hard to track down. A few types:
You can play around with XCode instruments (using Build&Profile in XCode 4) - specifically the Zombies one, which 'keeps dead objects around (as Zombies)', but let's you know when they get accessed.
Another useful one is a watchpoint. Once the simulator is running, right click a variable in console, and say 'Watch this address'. Then any line of code that causes a change to that memory location will cause a breakpoint when it occurs.
Another thing to try is just to run through all your ivars, inits, and deallocs, and make sure you really did get every case.
As you mentioned in your question.
I also set them to nil,
Do the proper memory clean up. by first calling release function or delete operator then assign the object with nil.

Memory leak in UIImagePicker in iphone

In my app user can take as may picture from camera, so after three time taking the picture it crashed. I can't resize the image (its requirement). So is there any other way to avoid memory leak.
There is a know issue with the uiimagepickercontroller with memory leaks.
Apple recommend that you only allocate and instantiate only one instance and store it somewhere for the life of the application (whilst running that is).
Don't create a new one, use it and deallocate it each time you want to
use the control. If you do, your memory usage will keep increasing
until it crashes your app.
Personally I store it as a property in the appDelegate, but there may be a better way of doing it.
Edited: Thanks to CharlieMezak. Yes, such a leak might cause a crash. You'd better do some checking based on CharlieMezak's suggestions.
What may also cause crash is your code trying to access a piece of memory that was deallocated already.
I suggest you first check your code to see if there is any autorelease object that was not taken care of.
Second, turn on NSZombieEnabled, and test your app. If it's indeed trying to access something that was already deallocated (Zombie), the console will show you.
Third, and most importantly, post your crash report and part of the code that might be responsible for such a crash. Your description is somewhat vague, we need to see the report.
It sounds like your app is able to handle the photos correctly (from the user's perspective) two times, but on the third time it crashes. Sounds to me like a memory leak.
If it were a logical error in the code, or an attempt to access a deallocated object, the crash would probably occur the first time you take a photo.
It sounds like you're leaving the images in memory, so by the time you take your third photo, you're out of memory because the first two are still sitting there. Make sure you're releasing what you retain, and if you continue to have trouble, post your code!

How do I see every method called when I run my application in the iPhone Simulator?

I would really like to see every method, delegate, notification, etc. which is called / sent while I run my app in the iPhone Simulator. I thought the right place for this would be in the debugger, but I can't find the right setting.
My target is to see all that is happening in the background while I, for example, add a row to a UITableView or push the 'back'-button from my UINavigationController.
This would be a big help to figure out what delegate to use when something in the app is happening or when the user is pushing a button, changing a view, etc.
Is it possible to get this information?
You can log out everything that is happening when your application is running using DTrace, a framework that lets you probe the inner workings of anything running on a modern Mac. We don't yet have DTrace on iOS, but it will work while you're running within the Simulator.
I describe the fundamentals of DTrace in this article for MacResearch, then provide an example of a custom instrument you can build in Instruments using DTrace near the end of this article. That instrument logs out all methods called on all objects (even internal system ones) from the moment your application starts until it hits the end of -applicationDidFinishLaunching:.
To simplify this, you can simply create a custom instrument using the Instrument | Build New Instrument menu item in instruments. Set up one of the probe descriptors to look like the following:
only ignore the isInApplicationStart and timestamp logging options. A simple probe responding to any Objective-C method in any class will log all of those messages to the Instruments console, which sounds like what you want for your debugging.
Assuming you're sure you want absolutely everything...
Breakpoint objc_msgSend and objc_msgSend_stret. Almost all method calls use those two functions (mumble mumble IMP-cacheing).
Okay, now your app drops into the debugger all the time. So click the auto-continue box.
But now you don't see very much happening, so edit the breakpoints and add the command "bt" to get a backtrace.
Drown in debug spam.
This won't catch other C functions, of course.
If you just want to catch notifications, you can do something like this (much less spammy):
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:#selector(handleEveryNotification:) name:nil object:nil];
Of course, notifications are done with normal method calls, so the first method will also show them (albeit in a big pile of spam).
Delegates are not called or sent; they are just normal Obj-C method calls (strictly "message-sends", but that doesn't have the same ring to it).
If you put a breakpoint into your app, you can watch the call stack change while you step through the code. That's probably as close as you're going to come to what you have in mind.

multi-view app is crashing

I have an app that has a tabBar Controller and a navBar Controller. It has ~8 views (a variety of web, table, standard, mail, address etc.), some created using IB some created using XCode to make the table views. I've ran the memory leak tester and it doesn't have memory leaks. It can crash at anytime on any of the views, If I flip back and forth between views and use some of the functions it closes the app.
I assume that either I am running 1) out of memory or 2) not releasing views correctly, which causes the app to close. The app is simple so I don't know how I could be out of memory and I've reviewed the code to the best of my ability for releasing the objects correctly.
So Here is my list of questions:
1) What and How to use some of the other debugging tools (or tell me what tools/files I should be looking for using)? I would like to narrow down the problem to its source.
2) What is the best practice for releasing these views? How?
3) How much memory do normal apps use? Is there a number that I should stay around? How do I verify that in the simulator? the Allocation tool?
Feel free to point me to apple docs or other stackoverflow questions that can help me.
UPDATE: It appears to only be crashing one view is used, which has a table view with custom cells... The cell are populated from a plist file... this view worked fine a few days ago, I notice that some cells do not have data from the plist file... it could be a plist file problem with not storing proper data. I'll continue to work on it.
UPDATE #2: I went back to older rev of my files, to when this particular tableView worked just fine (pre 3.0) and guess what it works just fine, I change the simulator to 3.0 with this rev of the app and bam crash on this tableView shows up. Thanks for the help so far, I'll try somethings mentioned below and let you know what I find. If you have some tips on why a tableView w/custom cells from 2.2.1 to 3.0 would start crashing, I'll take them. If I can't get anywhere I'll post the code soon. BTW, I mis-spoke above, I thought it wasn't crashing in the simulator... I was wrong it is.
Solution: thanks for the troubleshooting tips the fix was quite simple, but it's odd it didn't crash in 2.2.1... it should have crashed a long time ago for the problem, I was releasing an object one to many times in my custom cell... duh.
On the first and second generation phone's you really don't want to be going over about 20 megs of real memory usage - once you get over that you are at risk of being killed by springboard.
One of the big culprits I've seen is autoreleased memory, since the autorelease pool can hold onto memory a lot longer than you would really like - if you are using a lot of autoreleased objects that can be a potential problem. You can improve this by doing more explicit retain/release where possible and by creating local autorelease pools manually and releasing them after doing a more intensive operation with a lot of autoreleased objects.
The most effective way to keep track of real memory usage I've found so far is running a debug build on a test phone and running with Activity Monitor. That will give you a clear idea of how much memory is getting taken and held onto by your app. As well as how much is being used when it crashes on you.
You can run with Activity Monitor in Xcode on the Run menu -> Start With Performance Tool -> Activity Monitor.
One other very useful tool is the CLang Static Analyzer that you can run against your code base and can give some very helpful memory management information. As mentioned here.
One thing I would try is putting some debug messages into your didReceiveMemoryWarning method(s). That way, if you are running out of memory, you'll at least have some warning.