iPhone Development Memory Warnings - iphone

I know people here can help me with my problem in memory warnings on my app. I have multiple objects added to my Nib file, connected them to multiple IBOutlets and release these outlets on my viewDidUnload and dealloc method, I also set them to nil, but it still keeps on crashing after the "Received Memory Warning = Level 1" error message. I used NWPickerField for my objects in Nib files.
I just hope anyone here have tried using this :) thanks and Cheers!

If you're crashing when you receive the memory warning, that usually means that something gets deallocated, but it's pointer isn't set to nil, you try to access it, and Crash!
Errors like this can be hard to track down. A few types:
You can play around with XCode instruments (using Build&Profile in XCode 4) - specifically the Zombies one, which 'keeps dead objects around (as Zombies)', but let's you know when they get accessed.
Another useful one is a watchpoint. Once the simulator is running, right click a variable in console, and say 'Watch this address'. Then any line of code that causes a change to that memory location will cause a breakpoint when it occurs.
Another thing to try is just to run through all your ivars, inits, and deallocs, and make sure you really did get every case.

As you mentioned in your question.
I also set them to nil,
Do the proper memory clean up. by first calling release function or delete operator then assign the object with nil.


How to debug EXC_BAD_ACCESS on device only

I have some code that returns a struct containing 2 objects (declared as id).
When trying to use one of the objects I get an EXC_BAD_ACCESS and the app crashes. This only happens on the device (ipad) not in the simulator.
I have set NSZombieEnabled to YES, however no information is written to the console.
I don't know if it's a problem that I'm using a workspace in Xcode 4, one project for my app, and another that builds a library which is used in my app. The EXC_BAD_ACCESS is occurring in the second project, so I don't know if NSZombieEnabled will apply to the second project?
How do I solve this? Especially as I it only happens on the device (even goes as planned on the simulator), and it is in the second project?
EDIT: This is the method where the EXC_BAD_ACCESS occurs, on line 62, on sortRange.lower –
NSZombieEnabled only works on the simulator, not on the device, so it's probably hiding the problem. Run Product > Analyze (⇧⌘B) for clues. It's harder to say more without looking at the code. As Mihai says, your objects are probably over released, which is the most common cause of EXC_BAD_ACCESS.
It seems that one of your objects is autoreleased before you are trying to access it. As the iPad has less memory than the computer you are running it on it get's released faster so that's why it's not available. Try NSLog both objects just before the line you are getting the error and see wich one of them is the problem and than trace back to it's origin and retain it somehow. Also don't forget to release it after you are done using it. Some example code would be useful.

Memory leak in UIImagePicker in iphone

In my app user can take as may picture from camera, so after three time taking the picture it crashed. I can't resize the image (its requirement). So is there any other way to avoid memory leak.
There is a know issue with the uiimagepickercontroller with memory leaks.
Apple recommend that you only allocate and instantiate only one instance and store it somewhere for the life of the application (whilst running that is).
Don't create a new one, use it and deallocate it each time you want to
use the control. If you do, your memory usage will keep increasing
until it crashes your app.
Personally I store it as a property in the appDelegate, but there may be a better way of doing it.
Edited: Thanks to CharlieMezak. Yes, such a leak might cause a crash. You'd better do some checking based on CharlieMezak's suggestions.
What may also cause crash is your code trying to access a piece of memory that was deallocated already.
I suggest you first check your code to see if there is any autorelease object that was not taken care of.
Second, turn on NSZombieEnabled, and test your app. If it's indeed trying to access something that was already deallocated (Zombie), the console will show you.
Third, and most importantly, post your crash report and part of the code that might be responsible for such a crash. Your description is somewhat vague, we need to see the report.
It sounds like your app is able to handle the photos correctly (from the user's perspective) two times, but on the third time it crashes. Sounds to me like a memory leak.
If it were a logical error in the code, or an attempt to access a deallocated object, the crash would probably occur the first time you take a photo.
It sounds like you're leaving the images in memory, so by the time you take your third photo, you're out of memory because the first two are still sitting there. Make sure you're releasing what you retain, and if you continue to have trouble, post your code!

UITextView delegates problem

I am trying to access the UITextView delegates and have a problem
I have a UIViewController with the UITextViewDelegate protocol and a Nib containing the textView.
If I set the delegate inside viewDidLoad like "textView.delegate = self" and I touch the textView, the app crashes without logging errors.
If I start editing the textView with code like "[textView becomeFirstResponder]" all delegates get called.
When I set the delegate in the Nib creating a connection between the textView and the File's owner and deleting "textView.delegate = self" also no delegates get called.
What am I doing wrong here?
It's not easy to help you without more description, posted code or a xib file.
You say application crashes without any logging errors - well, do you mean that there's no output in console's window ? That is normal, for an app that has crashed.
Anyway, you should be able to get the stack-trace to figure out where approximately the application has crashed. Open the debugger (⇧⌘Y), and see the position. That should give you an idea of what went wrong.
Here you can see an example of such debugger session (after EXC_BAD_CRASH):
First two lines doesn't give us much information, but later on we can see that application has crashed while loading user interface from a NIB file. Well, usually the only code that executes during such load are awakeFromNib methods - it's up to you to find a problem along those lines.
Often top of code's execution doesn't make any sense - for example you might see your ViewController method somewhere, but the top few function calls (those where the code crashed) are located in methods/classes which you never call in your code. In most cases that is a sign of wrong memory de-/allocation. What might happened is that you forgot to retain some of your objects, it has already been released, but you are still keeping reference (a pointer) to its memory. Because that memory has been in fact freed, another object took its place later on, usually some Apple's internal object you've never heard about. Later on your code tries to message your poor object but it sends a message to something completely different. BUMMER! That's how you get those crashes and strange stack traces.
To fix the kind of problem I've just described you can use Instruments and its Zombies instrument. Unfortunately you can't start Zombies from within Xcode, you need to start Instruments standalone, then choose the Zombies under iPhone Simulator/Memory, then Choose Target from the toolbar, you should see your application in there, or be able to navigate to it on filesystem.
What Zombies instrument does is that it never really frees memory after objects are deallocated. Instead, it will mutate those objects into NSZombie class. That class intercepts all calls to itself, and informs you when some code is trying to send a message to it.
This is how such Instruments session looks like (this is the same crash as seen in debugger above):
In the table you can see that we're trying to message UIScrollView that has already been deallocated. You can as well see the whole history of retain/release calls to this particular object. That way you can find a missing retain or wrong release/autorelease.
Remember - Zombies Instruments can only be used with Simulator, because there's not enough memory on the real device to keep all those memory blocks.
Hopefully I could help you with further analysis of your problem.

UIPicker EXC_BAD_ACCESS after repeated usage

i populate uipicker's datasource from array built with sqlite database stored data. everythiongs works fine.. for a little while. after 6-7 spinnings, the picker freeze, and I get EXC_BAD_ACCESS. debugger indicates the program stopped in the main () function.
so, how could this happen? working for a while, and then, suddenly exit like that?
Somewhere in your application, you have over-released an object. When the application tries to access it again, very likely to release it (from an autorelease pool), it crashes. The problem may be completely unrelated to your picker.
Suggestion: try adding NSZombieEnabled YES to your executable's environment variables.

Is it possible to set up XCode to do the reference counting for me?

I'd like to know if is it possible to set up Xcode to do the reference counting and show warnings if number of "retain" and "release" are not matching?
Use the Build > Build and Analyze command, or cmd-shift-A. The static analyzer can catch a lot of mistakes in that area.
That's what the Instruments tools are for.
For more retains than releases:
Leaks will tell you when you no longer have a reference to an object, but it still has retains.
Object Alloc will show you all the objects still retained in the system at any point in time. Don't forget that many things should not be released, until your program ends... so it's impossible for the system to know when you have too many retains, except for the Leaks case. Object alloc can also show you, for any object, the complete history of retain and release calls.
If you have more releases than retains, you will know pretty much instantly because the application will crash. In that case, you turn on "NSZombieEnabled" by selecting your executable, "Get Info", and then in the General tab enter the environment variable "NSZombieEnabled" to "YES". Then when you try to access an object you have released you'll see an error message in the log. It can also help a lot to run Object Alloc, and tell it to pay attention to Zombies. Don't leave on the zombie detection though, as it works by never ever releasing memory.