GWT focus problem when triggered elsewhere - iphone

Here is my setup:
I have a button and a textbox
The textbox has an "onFocus" Handler which triggers the "selectAll" method
the button has an "onClick" Handler which does the following:
show textbox
textbox.focus(true) and
But it does not (on mobile devices).
The thing is: this works in FF and Safari - but it does not on mobile WebKit. When I click the button the field gets focused and selected for a milisecond (sometimes not even that) and then returns to focus the button …
A already tried to insert a Timer which then would do the focus - does not work either.
I also tried to capture all events and prevent them - because there is an onFocus event being fired by the button after onClick. I even tried setting the focus to the textbox from the onFocus event of the button. No chance.
Any other Ideas?

The problem is that GWT doesn't compile Javascript code for touch devices. You will need to create your own implementation.
Take a look to this article: Supporting multi-touch events


jquery autocomplete on copy paste not trigger change event - ie11

Copy paste not working in ie11-
I am trying to set value of autocomplete by using ctrl+v, then after instantally i fired another shortcut button click(F8) event.
But problem is that whenever I doing above behaviour the button command event fired first instead of autocomplete change. Then value is not updated into autocomplete observable.
This is working on all other browser just Internet Explorer causes issue.
Jquery Autocomplete change is fired only when the control loose focus or after the specified delay. If you want to fire the change immediately you can have set delay to 0 millisecond or force the blur event of the contorl.

Tab Key Stops Moving Between Input Fields

For the time being, this is a Material-UI question.
I have a situation where the tab key ceases to move the text cursor between TextFields. At the moment, I have no idea where in my code this is happening, and I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction so I can start looking.
Here’s the setup:
A mouse click causes a Dialog to be displayed. The Dialog has
several TextFields as well as 2 FlatButtons, “cancel & “submit”
At this state, tabbing between fields works as expected.
If I hit the “cancel” button, an event is fired which updates state (including the display of the Dialog) and the Dialog is closed. I can repeat the process from the top with no issues.
If I hit the “submit” button, an event is fired which does some async stuff (using rxjs epics).
On success, the epic fires an event which updates the state (including the display of the Dialog)
If I now try to repeat the process from the top, the tab key does not respond.
I am in the process of migrating to v1, and checked some of the v0.* components – they have the same problem – I don’t recall that being an issue before… Possible conflict between the two versions of the library?
Figured it out. Yes, there is a conflict between the v0.20 and v1.0 of the Dialog component. At least when you have one opening on top of another. Having changed all Dialogs to v1.0, the problem disappeared.
By the way, its not that the tab key wasn't responding - it was responding in the lower Dialog component and not in the top (latest to be created) one. This problem disappeared once the same version was used for both.

Why does the click event listener break after the first click?

I'm using the angular-leaflet-directive within Ionic Framework. I set up a listener on a map marker and it works on the first click after the page is loaded. After that, though, it stops responding to the left mouse button (but confusingly still responds to the right mouse button).
Here's a demo. Any idea what's wrong?
I've got the same issue, use data-tap-disabled="true" in the tag leaflet worked to me.

Tinymce - Event on set the carret inside textarea

Which is the event when you set the caret inside tinymce editor? For some reason, Click event works only for the first click. Is there any other event except click?
You could use the focus onActivate event. For a full list of possible tinymce events check out this page and have a look on the right side of the page, there is a list.

What event activates the keyboard in mobile safari

So the focus event causes the soft keyboard to come up for input fields. Im trying to find a way to stop this occuring. The reason is, as some of you may know, a click event has a 300ms delay before anything happens.
To get around this, we have implemented Googles FastButton its working good after a minor tweak to also prevent a second mousedown, but if we click on a button and go to a second page that also has a input textfield, the keyboard still pops up.
I've tried preventing the touchend, mousedown, mouseend, click, firing again, and that helps it by not having the flashing cursor on the textfield but the keyboard is still there. If i blur the field you still see the keyboard popping up then disapparing which is not acceptable.
Any ideas?
Hmm... have you considered disabling the fields with disabled="disabled" while loading, and only then enabling them? It might let you get around the initial focused state that launches the keyboard, so that you can blur first, then enable?