how can i check full DOM path easily - dom

im making some script with python PAMIE module.
inside my script im using internet explorer object and to handle this object
im using DOM path but it not easy to check Full dom element path .
for example , how can i search full dom path such like format?
it not easy to check manually
if anyone help me much apprecaite!

could you identify the node by object id ?

try to use this :
To get DOM Path of HTML jquery element
<div class="module" id="products-block">
<div class="description">
<h1 class="section-title">
product general description
<ul class="products">
JavaScript :
var products_domPath = $(".products").domPath();
["div#products-block.module > div.description > ul.products"]


How to use onclick method inside AEM component

Am having a AEM6 html component, am getting the values from dialog and using it inside the component via the .js file and using the return properties.
I could able to get the authored values but it is getting null or empty when am using it inside the onclick method. Please find below the code snippet below.
<div data-sly-unwrap data-sly-use.test="test.js"></div>
<a href="#" class="${test.testId}" id="${test.testId}" onClick="toggleDraw('${test.testId}')" >
The content I authored is getting displayed in class and Id, but it is not displaying in the onClick method.
Below is the Output am getting after authoring.
<a href="#" class="get-a-quote" id="get-a-quote" onClick="toggleDraw('')" >
Output I needed is :
<a href="#" class="get-a-quote" id="get-a-quote" onClick="toggleDraw('get-a-quote')" >
This should do the trick:
<a data-sly-test.variable123="toggleDraw('${test.testId}')" href="#" class="${test.testId}" id="${test.testId}" onclick="${variable123 # context='attribute'}" >
You need to put the function call in a variable because of the nested single quotes. And you need to manually set the context in this case. If "attribute" does some escaping you do not like, you could use "unsafe" - this will end in all escaping mechanisms being disabled. That might or might not be a security issue for your application.

Polymer data bind without dom-bind

I have a polymer element <my-element> with a computed property myProperty. I need to bind myProperty to another place in the HTML page, so I can't put it inside a dom-bind template
Here's what I mean
<my-element my-property="{{myProperty}}"></my-element>
<!--somewhere deep inside another part of the document-->
<h4>myProperty = </h4><span>[[myProperty]]</span>
I cannot wrap my-element and the usage of [[myProperty]] in a dom-bind template as this would result in nearly the entire document being enclosed in this. Attempting to use the bind as it is results in myProperty = [[myProperty]] being displayed, not the value of [[myProperty]].
Is there some way to have behaviour similar to data binding but usable across the whole HTML document? (In the future there might also be a case where [[myProperty]] is used inside an attribute such as <my-second-element my-property="[[myProperty]]">). Or if both occurences are wrapped individually in dom-bind templates is there some way to make the bind global?
Thanks in advance
Not sure why you wouldn't be able to do like this:
<script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js"></script>
<template is="dom-bind" id="app">
<my-element my-property="{{myProperty}}"></my-element>
<!--somewhere deep inside another part of the document-->
<h4>myProperty = </h4><span>[[myProperty]]</span>
This is totally doable. If myProperty changes inside my-element it would also change in "this" html-document. There also wouldn't be a problem adding your second element:
<my-second-element my-property="[[myProperty]]">
Unless you're missing to tell us some specific behavior that you want, this should be what you want. :)

Dashing - dynamically delete widgets

how can i dynamically delete widgets from a job(rb) in Dashing?
I am building the dashboard dynamically by sending a data to the erb file:
<div class="gridster">
<% settings.servers.each do |data| %>
<li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="1" data-sizey="1">
<div data-id="<%=data['webHost']%>" data-title="<%=data['name']%>" data-version="<%=data['Version']%>" >
<% end %>
Yes. I wrote a simple example job that can do just that here:
You basically just want to manipulate the Sinatra::Application.settings.history variable, but the code in that link should get you most of the way to where you want to be.
Or skip the post and go right to the gist file:
You can also generate parts of the erb dynamically if you don't know the widgets in the first place (more complicated), but it starts with the same - leveraging that same history variable.

Finding font-weight value for span[2] element in Selenium IDE

Is there a way to verify that element 'Adam Slodowy' is bold in Selenium IDE?
This is the fragment of site code:
<div class='thread-content-row.thread-content-row-1'>
<div class='thread-content-row-left'>
<div class='thread-content-row-right'>
<div class='discussion-info'>
<b>Daria Ogrodowska</b>
<span>Adam Slodowy</span>
<div class="discussion-content"> bla bl balkjbasdfsdfsdfdsfsdf sdfsdf sdf sdf </div>
I've tried to use verifyEval command:
Command: verifyEval
Target: var elem = window.document.querySelector("div.thread-content-row.thread-content-row-1 > div.thread-content-row-right > div.discussion-info span"); window.getComputedStyle(elem,null).getPropertyValue("font-weight");
Value: 700
but I have no idea how in querySelector refer to second span - querySelector("div.thread-content-row.thread-content-row-1 > div.thread-content-row-right > div.discussion-info span[2]") doesn't work.
It is really much more practical for a human person to check styles as even if it was bold it could look really bad and Selenium wouldn't be able to tell if it looked "bad" or not.
That being said, you would probably want to utilize xpath query on this one.
xpath=//span[contains(text(), 'Adam Slodowy')
or if you have more than one of those in your web page.
xpath=//div[#class='discussion-info']/span[contains(text(), 'Adam Slodowy')
the // indicates to look through the web page for an element that matches whatever follows. Which is very beneficial so that you don't have to include entire xpath which is very fragile if any of the structure changes.

Replacing <a>-tag linktext with different text

I try to map the following html (it´s a small fce)..
<div data-hero="1">
<!-- Headline -->
<!-- Small Text -->
<span><!-- Button Text --></span>
Mapping is ok... But when i map the <span> i get a No content found div[1] div[1] p[2] a[1] span[1] error. The <a>-Tag is mapped outter so it should work..
What I try to achieve: Set a Text that is displayed in the <a>-tag, instead of the link target itself.
It´s a TYPO3 4.7 using the latest TemplaVoilà.
Why is that? Thanks in advance!
#biesior suggested this is not possible - so no i wrap a <span> into the <a>-tag via Typoscript.
Is there a chance to display a certain fields content in this <span> - speak: replacing the linktext, so that i can have a Click here for more ... instead of pageXY?
Btw: I use a linkfield and not the Rich-Text-Editor for setting the link.
You can not map any element nested in previously mapped element.
The fastest solution is mapping the A tag, and wrapping inserted text with <span>|</span> with TypoScript.