Getting the IO count - bandwidth

I am using xen hypervisor. I am trying to get the IO count of the VMs running on top of the xen hypervisor. Can someone suggest me some way or tool to get the IO count ? I tried using xenmon and virt-top. Virt-top doesnt give any value and xenmon always shows 0. Any suggestions to get the number of read or write calls made by a VM or the read and write(Block IO) bandwidth of a particular VM. Thanks !

You can read this directly from sysfs on most systems. You want to open the following directory:
And look for directories starting with vbd-
The nomenclature is:
Inside, you'll find what you need, which is:
br_req - Number of block read requests
oo_req - Number of 'out of' requests (no room left in list to service any given request)
rd_req - Number of read requests
rd_sect - Number of sectors read
wr_sect - Number of sectors written
The br_req will be an aggregate count of things like write barriers, aborts, etc.
Note, for this to work, The kernel has to be told to export Xen attributes via sysfs, but most Xen packages have this enabled. Additionally, the location in sysfs might be different with earlier versions of Xen.

have you tried xentop?
There is also bwm-ng (check your distro). It shows block utilization per disk (real/virtual). If you know the name of the virtual disk attached to the VM, then you can use bwm-ng to get those stats.


what are the full steps to considere in order to put the Raspberry pi SD card in read only reliably?

I wanna give a last chance to this board before put it in a trash haha :). Right now I prefer use standard motherboards, Ubuntu server, automatic main power switch and perif. to have something reliable over the time though.
Raspberry Pi wanted configuration
-wanna use Rasbian 11.
-no boot from external hdrive.
-will mount external hdrive using the UUID for the data
My questions
1 - Enable overlay and readOnly mode (in raspi-config) doesn't seem good enough- With this method rootfs parition in fstab is not 'ro'. So what?
2 - Is it more reliable to have the both partiton in readOnly (boot and rootfs) ?
3 - What about the log, temp, ram,...? Is there anything else to think about? What would be the complete list with a bit of explanation?
Thank you!
I have try to edit fstab, and add 'ro' to the rootfs partition but doesn't keep after a reboot.

What's the difference between module-remap-source and module-virtual-source in PulseAudio

If I run the following command, I get a "virtual microphone" that's hooked up to a sink called "MicOutput". If I send data to "MicOutput", that data is then sent to the virtual microphone.
pactl load-module module-null-sink sink_name=MicOutput sink_properties=device.description="MicOutput"
pacmd load-module module-virtual-source source_name=VirtualMic master=MicOutput.monitor
I can get similar behavior if I replace the second line with:
pactl load-module module-remap-source source_name=Remap-Source master=MicOutput.monitor
The main difference I see is that the latency is lower.
But what's the difference? When would I want to use one, or the other?
My Research so far
I see these two files: (added in 2013) (added in 2010)
Perhaps if I looked at the code hard enough I'd understand the answer. I wonder if someone happens to know the answer though?
module-virtual-source is not typically used. It's an example of how a "filter source" should be implemented.
Module-remap-source has much less overhead
Source: I asked the PulseAudio team.

How to find the number of data mapped by mmap()?

if mmap() was used to read a file, how can I find the number of data mapped by mmap().
float *map = (float *)mmap(NULL, FILESIZE, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
The mmap system call does not read data. It just maps the data in your virtual address space (by indirectly configuring your MMU), and that virtual address space is changed by a successful mmap. Later, your program will read that data (or not). In your example, your program might later read map[356] if mmap has succeeded (and you should test against its failure).
Read carefully the documentation of mmap(2). The second argument (in your code, FILESIZE) defines the size of the mapping (in bytes). You might check that it is a multiple of sizeof(float) and divide it by sizeof(float) to get the number of elements in map that are meaningful and obtained from the file. The size of the mapping is rounded up to a multiple of pages. The man page of mmap(2) says:
A file is mapped in multiples of the page size. For a file that is
not a multiple of the page size, the remaining memory is zeroed when
mapped, and writes to that region are not written out to the file.
Data is mapped in pages. A page is usually 4096 bytes. Read more about paging.
The page size is returned by getpagesize(2) or by sysconf(3) with _SC_PAGESIZE (which usually gives 4096).
Consider reading some book like Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces (freely downloadable) to understand how virtual memory works and what is a memory mapped file.
On Linux, the /proc/ filesystem (see proc(5)) is very useful to understand the virtual address space of some process: try cat /proc/$$/maps in your terminal, and read more to understand its output. For a process of pid 1234, try also cat /proc/1234/maps
From inside your process, you could even read sequentially the /proc/self/maps pseudo-file to understand its virtual address space, like here.

SB37 JCL error to small a size?

The following space allocation is giving me an sB37 JCL error. The cobol size of the output file is 100 bytes and the lrecl size is 100 bytes. What do you think is causing this error? I have tried increase the size to 500,100 and still get the same error.
// SPACE=(CYL,(10,5),RLSE)
Try to increase not only the space, but the volume as well.
Include VOL=(,,,#) in your DD. # is the numbers of values you want to allocate
Ex: SPACE=(CYL,(10,5),RLSE),VOL=(,,,3) - includes 3 volumes.
Additionally, you can increase the size, but try to stay within reasonable limits :)
The documentation for B37 says the application programmer should respond as indicated for message IEC030I. The documentation for IEC030I says, in part...
Probable user error. For all cases, allocate as many units as volumes
required. noted in another answer. However, be advised that the documentation for the VOL parameter of the DD statement says...
If you omit the volume count or if you specify 1 through 5, the system
allows up to five volumes; if you specify 6 through 20, the system
allows 20 volumes; if you specify a count greater than 20, the system
allows 5 plus a multiple of 15 volumes. You can override the maximum
volume count in data class by using the volume-count subparameter. The
maximum volume count for an SMS-managed mountable tape data set or a
Non-managed tape data set is 255. for DASD allocations you are best served specifying a volume count greater than 5 (at least).
// SPACE=(CYL,(10,5),RLSE)
Try this instead. Notice that the secondary will take advantage of a large dataset whereas without that parameter the largest secondary that makes any sense is < 300. Oh, and if indeed it is from a COBOL program make sure that the FD says "BLOCK 0"!!!!! If it isn't "BLOCK 0" then you might not even need to change your JCL because it wasn't fixed block machine. It was merely fixed and unblocked so the space would almost never be enough. And finally you may wish to revisit why you have the M in the RECFM to begin with. Notice also that I took out the LRECL, the BLKSIZE and the RECFM. That is because the FD in the COBOL program is all you need and putting it in the JCL is not only redundant but dangerous because any change will have to be now done in multiple places.
// SPACE=(CYL,(10,1000),RLSE)
There is a limit of 65,535 tracks per one volume. So if you will specify a SPACE that exceeds that limit - system will simply ignore it.
You can increase this limit to 16,777,215 tracks by adding DSNTYPE=LARGE paramter.
Or you can specify that your dataset is a multi volume by adding VOL=(,,,3)
You can also use DATACLAS=xxxx paramter here, however first of all you need to find it. Easy way is to contact your local Storage Team and ask for one. Or If you are familiar with ISPF navigation, you can enter ISMF;4 command to open a panel
use bellow paramters before hitting enter.
CDS Name . . . . . . 'ACTIVE'
Data Class Name . . *
It should produce a list of all available data classes. Find the one that suits you ( has enougth amount of volume count, does not limit primary and secondary space

Linux Module - I/O Memory Register read/write hangs the system

I am trying to read/write to a I/O Memory Register of a platform device but the system hangs as soon as it goes to the line where read/write is performed.
I was able to check the following:
request_mem_region returns OK
the correct physical addr was requested (ioremap is OK)
a valid logical address is returned; used this to read the
register; ioread32(logical_addr)
I am quite new to the linux kernel, is there a way that the I/O registers are disabled?
I checked /proc/iomem, and the memory region that I wish to access appears in the list.
Where to go from here?
I found the answer. Thank you for your response Longfield.
I forgot to check the name used by the driver. It didn't match the device name being registered. They should match.