What is this component called? - iphone

On the second screenshot or this Bloomberg iPhone app..
Can anyone tell me what is the component just above the TABBAR, which shows
(Bloomberg Last Updated: 22:40) called. I don't think so there is such component or may be i don't know.
Or if you can tell me how to create one that would be very helpful

I'd say it is just a standatd UIView with gradient background and 2 labels to display text in different colors and alignment... May be there's some border drawing there as well
There's a lot of resources in customizing iphone UI. Read Quartz drawing guide for drawing basics. The recent ones come to the mind - Ray Wenderlich is posting a series of tutorials on core graphics now.
I think there're relevant sections in video courses available on itunes - from Stanford University or from Brad Larson. etc etc...


Objective-C: Custom UI elements

I am a noob just getting started with Obj-C and iPhone development. I've been going through many examples and tutorials for the past 2 weeks and making good progress learning how to use the CoreLocation, CoreGraphics, MapKit, UI, etc. Very basic and straight-forward. There are many tutorials out there on these subjects.
However, now with that functionality in the bag, I am starting on putting my our project together. Our UI designer has created custom views of many iPhone controls like the UIToolbar, UIActionsheet, etc. Like having custom images for backgrounds and buttons. I cannot find any solid tutorials or advice on how to go about customizing things like the tab bar. For example, some say to create a Category overriding the drawRect method. Others say to subclass the UIToolbar class, but this say this is not recommended and may get appStore rejected. At this point I am confused and frustrated at which direction to start. Can someone with experienced with UI customization and app store approval please give me some direction or point me to some good tutorials? Thank you.
I would suggest that you can customise what Apple allow you to easily do with the available APIs and follow Apple's advice to not override drawrect. Oh and watch some of this years ADC videos.
Of course the coming ios5 will greatly increase your uikit customisation possibilities for ios5 devices.

Nice looking UIButton

I'm trying to make a nice looking UIButton. I'm not exactly sure what I mean by that, but something nicer than just a plain white looking rounded corner button with blue font. I can't seem to find anything online, so can anyone help? I want to do it all by programming (no XIB) and I am not an artist so I can't draw any custom images or anything like that.
Back in May of last year, Jeff LaMarche (of iPhone dev shop Martian Craft and co-author of several iPhone development books) put out a suite called GradientButtons that makes it easy to implement pretty, shiny, colorful buttons. I've used it in several projects and it's quite nice.
Here is a tutorial on how to make a shhiny button all in code, no image needed!
Tutorial on gradients at CocoaWithLove
I ran into the above link when I was searching for a similar resource. Did the job
The Apple UI guidelines would suggest I think that you use the standard button unless you have good reason not to.

Getting better at drawing in code for Cocoa?

What are some suggested "paths" for getting better at drawing in code in Cocoa? I think at this point, that's my biggest weakness. Is drawing in code something general, or Cocoa-specific?
- Jason
The best way is probably practice. Try drawing some simple things at first: a calendar (basically a grid), a custom button, or a digital clock.
Its also worth noting that a lot of 'custom' controls are made from images, so not that much of the drawing is done in code -- the only thing the code does is stitch those images together.
You might want to look at Opacity, a drawing app for OS X (I'm not affiliated with these folks, just discovered the app a few days ago). What sets Opacity apart from other drawing apps is that it can create Quartz code directly from your drawings. Naturally, the generated code is not perfect but in the few days I've been trying this app I've found it to be quite helpful in understanding how to use Quartz more effectively.
Drawing in code is need for creating custom controls no matter what UI toolkit you pick. Drawing in code certainly has its advantage, for example the application/framework that you are building is really lightweight come production time, cause there will be lot let resources(images/fonts/etc) to worry about.
Also if a problem arises changing drawing in code is a lot easier than to redo code and images together.
If you are doing Cocoa drawing start by looking at source code of BGHudAppKit and reading Cocoa Drawing Guide by Apple.
I'm in the same boat as you; I'd like to learn more about drawing code.
It's a big document, but the Quartz 2D programming guide on the developer website seems like a good place to start from. They introduce Graphics Contexts and Paths and include plenty of images.
There's also a book referenced in that document, Programming With Quartz: 2D and PDF Graphics in Mac OS X which looks good. The APIs for iPhone and OSX are almost identical, so there's no problem using a Mac OSX book.
So I'd suggest start with the Apple documentation (you don't need to read past the section on CGLayer drawing), try some sample code and figure out how it's working. Then move on to either that book or find more sample code on the web. Good luck!

How to make my app more shiny?

im writing a litte iPhone App and are now searching for some styling Guides to make my App a little more shiny :)
For example add rounded rectangles to group Informations.
Style my cells, e.g. add a little border to my images I display in the cells.
Is there a guide / tutorial i can read?
What can be done with Interface Builder?
I found several guides for rounded rectangles, but what is the best way? Some recommend to do it with a button? Ohters with an ImageView and graphics?
Thanks for your links / hints!
Take a look at:
It is a list of UI tools for iPhone.

Iphone cocoa-touch animation suggestions

I need a documents or blogs and so on.. I'm realy interesting the animating views, user interface elements on the cocoa-touch king of crash course and how to design them in the photoshop or like that.
I found a few books about describing this subject. As i described the subject i realy need to crash information about these. I know i know, i think and heard somebodies says "you should read a lot of books for achieving this".
Does anyone have any suggestions ?
Bill Dudney's Core Animation for Mac OS X and the iPhone has a lot of good info.
For a crashcourse in animating views on the iPhone/iPod you basically need to read one chapter within apples developer documentation:
UIView Class Reference -> Animating Views
If you care to jump in even quicker, have a look at code examples like MoveMe.app.
I'd recommend reading through Apple's Core Animation Programming Guide. In addition to Bill Dudney's book, it's the best overall resource out there for learning Core Animation. The UIView class documentation describes how to do UIView animations.
There are a number of good code examples around here dealing with animations under the core-animation tag. Additionally, you can search for iPhone animation to find many iPhone-specific animation questions and answers here. I've learned quite a bit from many of the answers.