i am new in zend framework. Please help me to create controller and how navigate in browser.
Not the best question, because it shows you haven't searched much. Let's search together:
StackOverflow again
StackOverflow 3
So either search better or please try to explain your need with more details and show what you have already done.
Yeah, this is pretty vague.
I'm assuming that you have some experience with computers, computer programming, the Linux operating system, and developing for the web. Object oriented programming principles, as well as some awareness of php itself are also going to be very helpful.
Do you have an environment to work from? A webserver that's capable of running php? You'll need that, as a bare minimum first. Luckily we live in the days when it's easy to set up virtual environments for that. Try puphpet. It's awesome. While you're at it, make sure you get MySQL, as you'll need it for many of the tutorials provided by Zend (and others).
Have you downloaded the framework?
If you use the zf tool to create a project, as described in the link below, you'll have a basic application that includes a Controller and that you should be able to browse to.
That should be enough to get you going.
There are so many web frameworks out there and I don't know which one I should really focus on. I know a bit of flask and ReactJS, but not enough to be an expert.
No one would give you the correct answer to that, because everyone has specific needs, I really doubt the part where you said that you know react and flask, because, if you do, you wouldn't be looking for another framework to jump on since you said that you arent good wuth them.
Now, i would suggest that you learn Javascript very well, then move to a framework. it would also help to check out this article Javascript
I am capable with PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and SQL, and not bad with Drupal. Very recently, I acquired a customer that wants me to do some SocialEngine 4.xxx customization. My customer is aware that I have no experience with SocialEngine, but am capable with the underlying technologies (I gave him a lower hourly rate because of this too.)
I'm not seeing very much online that is geared towards someone like me. Where can I read about modifying SocialEngine that assumes very little knowledge about SocialEngine, but a competency at programming?
For example, I spent a few hours today trying to figure out how to conditionally display a block based on a Membership Level. It appears there is no way to do this using the GUI. No problem, I found some code that seemed like I could get it to work that would grab the user's membership level. However, where do I put this? Honestly, I'd like to have this at the block-level. SocialEngine doesn't seem to allow me to place arbitrary PHP code into a block, and even if it did, would that be the "SocialEngine" way of doing this? Should all custom logic like this be a module in SocialEngine, that attaches to events using hooks?
Thank you very much for looking at my question,
-Brian J. Stinar-
I've written a blog about accessing data through models, creating widgets and modules. You can find out about the general structure of Social Engine at http://garbtech.co.uk / http://socialenginetutorials.co.uk (both same blog)
Unfortunately, there are no books or official documentation on SocialEngine PHP API. Your only choice is to check out various (incomplete) guides over the Internet or study their source code and figure things out by yourself.
I'm following the Heroku scala tutorial at https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/scala
I was able to get everything working, but I have absolutely no idea where to go from here. I'd like to avoid using a framework (for now) if I can since the point of this is to learn scala and create a website with it. Their webwords example they list as a followup is completely different from the basic hello world example.
Mainly, I have no idea how heroku/scala/sbt know how to actually start the app and respond to requests since the samples are so different. I've looked at some frameworks and they seem pretty similar in that regard.
I'd really just like to know what the standard method for creating routes is (if there is such a thing). Any other tips about how to create a small MVC framework would also be of great help to me. A lot of the tutorials I see seem to make assumptions about what you already know (e.g. you would already know how to create routes and the like) but I can't find any tutorials that are even simpler.
Ultimately, the purpose of creating any web site, regardless of the technology used, is to offer some sort of content or functionality. You can't just say "I want to create a web site." any more than you could say "I want to build a building."
Once you have defined what the web site is supposed to do, then and only then is appropriate to consider how to implement it. The purpose of most frameworks to provide easy to use solutions to common and often difficult problems. For example, using a web application server like Jetty, Tomcat, or Glassfish trivializes most of the "route" issues. Any time that you save by using available tools can then be reinvested in creating better content.
On the other hand, if you really do want to implement an entire web server from scratch, the place to start is with the basic Hello app. In Hello.apply, you can start by looking at the HttpRequest (JBoss JavaDoc). getURI() will give you the request URL, and you can work out, from there, how to handle the different routes that you want to support.
I'm just creating my first project in Cappuccino without a lot of success. Looking for examples and documentation, there isn't a lot out there...
The differences from real Objective-C and the lack of libraries mean you cannot easily convert code directly from say a OS X desktop app. to Cappuccino.
As an experienced PHP, and RoR developer (besides the Java, VB, VC.....) I can't quite see the logic of abstracting/wrapping JavaScript in another language.
Any comments or suggestions for a more efficient framework?
If you have specific questions that can't be answered in the IRC channel (it just depends who's in there) you should post the question to the mailing list and someone will help you.
As for why you would want objective-j I'll point you to this blog post which contains several reasons why objj exists. http://cappuccino.org/discuss/2008/12/08/on-leaky-abstractions-and-objective-j/
I have converted several Objective-C classes nearly line for line into Cappuccino. Mostly it's a matter of changing NS to CP and changing pointers to non-pointers. What differences between Objective-C are you thinking about?
Indeed you could even take your existing XIB files from your Cocoa desktop app and convert them to Cappuccino using nib2cib. Here's how to work with Interface Builder using XCode 4: http://groups.google.com/group/objectivej/browse_thread/thread/786331dbcbc9c7b1.
I also recently started a project in Cappuccino and what I could say is: definitely it worth it. I'm used with javascript as well as (but less) cocoa (which helps). In short, the javascript is very fine, probably one of my favorite language because of it's flexibility. But it does lack of structure. For example there is no class in javascript and you have to trick with object inheritances, prototyping and so on. By using the Cappuccino framework at first you have all those very convenient facilities but also you do not reinvent the wheel each time. This is cross browser standardized so that you only have to focus on your code and not on the IE whims. As it is based on cocoa, cappuccino also comes with the MCV scheme in mind which again let you structure your project in an efficient way.
Ok you probably already know all this. What I could tell now about the learning curve is that I had to find the right tools to really get in. i.e.Installing cappuccino (sudo Starter/bootstrap.sh), creating a simple nib application (capp gen -t NibApplication YourApplication) then using xcodecapp-cocoa to listen, convert and open the project into Xcode what probably the hardest part of this learning curve to me…
Now if you are still not satisfied with cappuccino, I can only suggest to look at another framework like http://javascriptmvc.com/ , www.grooveshark.com used it to do their amazing webapp-site but I personally would never go back to html for building a web application. (conversely I would not use cappuccino for a webpage neither, "The cobbler should stick to his last")
I began writing cappuccino a couple of months ago and had a lot of difficulty when it came to setting up the proper development environment. I also had numerous problems writing working client server code that worked well.
I eventually broke through and started doing better with Cappuccino and then I found these video tutorials that would have helped so much earlier on. They did cost me $30 but I really wished I had watched these at the start because they help you get set up properly as a developer and get you started on the right learning curve.
I actually discovered these videos when using Cappuccinos IRC which has helped me a couple of times when I couldn't find an answer.
Info on the videos here: http://cappuccino.org/discuss/2011/10/19/cappuccino-training-course-ideveloper-tv/
I am a newbie of Zend Framework.
I downloaded the Zend Framework and then followed the official quickstart tutorial to build a very simple registration form. But after that, I find very hard to learn different elements of Zend Framework.
Many tutorials mention frontController and registerAutoload() in the bootstrap file. However, it seems that I can't see it again in the code in version 1.8 (both in the official quickstart tutorial and Getting Started with Zend Framework 1.8). Many tutorials contain the old version of code and it seems very different in v1.8.
I start with writing registration form with password confirmation. I read the official document and find the custom validator for password confirmation. It just puts the class there and doesn't mention how I can use it. I don't know where I should put this file and I can't find any hints in Google. The "class not found" error always makes me sick (I've tried addPrefixElement, set_include_path but they don't work).
User registration, email activation, login, access control are very common tasks. But I don't even find a piece of sample code in v1.8 that I can run in my machine. I am very frustrated about Zend Framework.
Does anyone give me some advices?
I have also just started learning the zend framework. I also find alot of old tutorials that make learning confusing and hard,
but there are some resources that I find help in learning the zend framework:
http://www.zendcasts.com/ - they have tutorials on ZF1.8 already, like Bootstrapping using Zend_Application, etc.
Some useful blogs that might help:
Forums to ask your questions:
http://www.nabble.com/Zend-Framework-Community-f16154.html - alot of ZF developers seem to be here to answer your questions :) much more than the official Zend Forums below ...
As to class not found, I think you didn't autoload?
Parts of Zend Framework have changed slightly in the 1.8 release but everything should be backwards compatible so all code example written using the 1.* release series should still work with little or no modification. The main areas that are different are
Zend Loader (related to register_autoload) which now has several improvements related to performance and some slight differences in its API (with a PHP warning if you use the old way). I wouldn't worry about this too much as a beginner - just follow the tutorial or continue to use include/require statements until you become annoyed with adding them all the time!
Zend Application which basically allows you to create your set-up and initialisation code with less fuss. Again, you don't have to use it and you can happily write a manual bootstrap class to get you used to how the framework is put together.
With regards to getting started I would highly recommend getting your head around the Zend Controller component, particularly the front controller part and this diagram.
For authentication look at Zend Auth, for e-mail see Zend Mail, for access control see Zend Acl and for forms and validation see Zend Form, Zend Validate and Zend Filter. The form and validation components will explain about paths and adding your own custom validators and form elements.
The other area of importance is Zend Db which allows you to persist your data to a database. There is also Zend View which represents the view layer in the MVC stack. In my opinion these are the key components of a basic ZF application. From there you can explore the other components as and when you need them.
Don't forget that the Zend Framework is specifically designed to be loosely coupled and it is very easy to use a different component from another project for a particular task. Sometimes it is necessary to write your own components too. If there is a component you would prefer to use over the Zend component then go ahead and do so.
Honestly, the documentation is very good although it is hard to navigate for beginners. Once you get your head around the core components everything will become a lot clearer.
Also try following this tutorial. It will help explain a lot of the basics.
I recommend these video tutorials pu up by a guy called Alex, he keeps them up to date and releases new ones all the time,they are all relevant to ZF 1.8 and 1.9.
He has even a detailed video tutorial covering ACL, login forms etc. (my first steps with Zend were easier thanks to him!)
- his site is a bit comfusing but worth the time in figuring it out :)
Some tips:
Here is a nice diagram of the Dispatch process
It is much easier to understand ZF if you are experienced in OOP / OOP Design Patterns
When I first stumbled across ZF I had little knowledge of OOP. ZF prompted me to learn OOP which was a very good thing.
Distinguish between the 'magic' of ZF and the actual ZF Architecture
Although I have a good understanding of ZF Classes I still get confused when ZF adds its 'magic' to the mix.
When I say 'magic' I am referring to things like
the default objects loaded and used if none specified, and
url-controllername-filepath-filename inflections / naming conventions.
config settings-to-class-instantiation mappings
ZF is a bit like a crack-dealer in the sense that the 'Getting Started Tutorials' get you hooked straight away. They perform so much magic that it makes you think
.oO(Wow - how simple was that! This framework is cool!)
Then as soon as you start to try to do your own thing - the magic starts to get really confusing.
So - my tactic is to remove as much ZF magic as possible. If you have the option to specify a class to use, or a router to use, then specify it. Don't let Zend do it for you.
Then when something weird is happening you can find the bugs more easily.
Also, if you specify the locations of classes/ paths as (opposed to letting ZF magically inflect paths and find scripts), then you do not have to worry about questions of 'where to put this? , where to put that?' - you just put things where you want them to be and explicitly point ZF to them.
As you get more familiar with ZF you might then want to let it take over and do some magic for you. Only then can you really understand why that magic is convenient.
As Tim Wardle said in another answer - favour require statements over zend loader until you really need it.
If you are a PHP design house that churns out 10 website projects a week, then ZF Magic can be really useful. If you are designing your first ZF app - then 'reducing complexity' is a more important design goal than 're-usability'.
Browse the code
It might seem obvious but one of the best ways to learn about the ZF is to look at the code.
Again the ZF magic can get in the way - I often want to look at a method's arguments to discover what i need to pass in only to discover that it expects an ambiguous 'options array' (not exactly helpful). After a while, though, you start to notice the conventions used in how an 'option key' marries up to a getter/setter method. So, keep looking at the code and familiarising yourself with the 'ZF way'.
I 'ope that 'elps.
The Front Range PHP Users Group website has some presentations on Zend Framework which may be of use.
I have so much sympathy with you Billy. I am a newbie and the confusion between the old way and the new way is almost just too much to handle. Also see here for someone who points out some of the main differences:
All documentation, particularly Zend's documentation is absolutely horrible. It all assumes that you "know" where to put the snippets they are referring to and how they work together. If I already knew those things, I wouldn't need the documentation. No full example applications with authentication etc. that you can download and modify. I'm seriously regretting putting any time into trying to learning this framework. All examples that I can find are apparently for older versions. I followed one for authentication on youtube that was designed for 1.8 to the letter. It fails to work in 1.9.x. Can't get it to work for the life of me. Completely frustrated with Zend Framework!
Zend Framework has shifted from being a relatively accessible and simple system to a more complex entity. It has gone through a number of rapid developments over the past couple of years which have left a lot of older documentation around.
We have projects that are stuck on Version 1.7.x because the differences between that and the latest version are too great which makes the dev and testing time too expensive.
I like Zend Framework because it has so much depth to it but it is definitely a two edged sword for beginners.
I'd certainly recommend making use of the expertise of other users and search out some simple framework examples. ZF is highly adaptable but you need to try and work from the simplest case possible for your needs.
I think Matthew Weier o'Phinney, (search for 'Phly, boy, phly') is one of the more approachable members of the dev team and has loads of examples and ideas on his website.
Good luck!