I have the following problem with MS Access:
Suppose I have a list of companies with monthly performance values. I can view the performance of a single company in a chart by hooking the chart into a query with a Month column and a Performance column.
Now suppose I want to display a chart for N companies. I could theoretically do this if I were to generate a query with a Month column and N Performance columns (one for each company). Is there any way to create a query with a variable column count like this? I have a SQL backend that I can use if necessary, and I'm fine with putting together any VBA code necessary to support it. The only impediment I'm seeing is that I'm stuck using MS Access, which I am not very familiar with.
So here are my main questions:
Is this even possible?
How would I go about tackling this issue? I'm trying to minimize research time, so it would be great if I could just get pointed in the right direction.
With this table:
company pmonth performance
1 1 10
2 1 8
3 1 15
1 2 15
2 2 5
3 2 25
1 3 5
2 3 4
3 3 20
I create this query:
SELECT p.company, p.pmonth, p.performance
FROM MonthlyPerformance AS p;
Then change the query to PivotChart View and drag company field to "Drop Series Fields Here", drag pmonth to "Drop Category Fields Here", and drag performance field to "Drop Data Fields Here".
If you prefer, you can create a form using the same query SQL as its data source, then set the form's Default View to PivotChart, and set up the chart the same way as I did for PivotChart view on the query.
If that's not what you want, give us some more information about the type of chart you want and the context in which you will display it.
I have data split between two different tables, at different levels of detail. The first table has transaction data that, in the fomrat:
category item spend
a 1 10
a 2 5
a 3 10
b 1 15
b 2 10
The second table is a budget by category in the format
category limit
a 40
b 30
I want to show three BANs, Total Spend, Total Limit, and Total Limit - Spend, and be able to filter by category across the related data source (transaction is related to budget table by category). However, I can't seem to get the filter / relationship right. That is, if I use category as a filter from the transaction table and set it to filter all using related data source, it doesn't filter the Total Limit amount. Using 2018.1, fyi.
Although you have data split across 2 tables they can be joined using the category field and available as a single data source. You would be then be able to use category as a quick filter.
I have this data in Tableau:
KPI_NAME Value Date
A 2 1-Jan
B 4 1-Jan
A 6 2-Jan
B 7 2-Jan
and I want it like this:
A B Date
2 4 1-Jan
6 7 2-Jan
So I want it to convert each distinct value in the column KPI_NAME to a separate row, this can be done in the visualization part in Tableau but I want to do that in the data preparation because I want to use it in calculated field
Any help is appreciated.
Most tableau functionality is designed to consume more granular, flattened, and tidy data in the form of your first set. As such, the data prep functionality has a feature to unpivot column values into rows. I don't believe that reverse functionality is built into the data prep capability in the same way.
Not knowing your end use case, potentially a work around would be to:
Create a calculated field with an IF statement to return the value
when record is listed as A, otherwise return NULL.
Although you will still have the same number of records, you should be able to perform many of the calculations available with this type of data structure
Alternatively, you could perform you pivot outside of Tableau.
I have a table of jobs, with columns showing which engineer the job is assigned to and the area of the country, which can be simplified like this:
JobNumber Area Engineer
1 A 3
2 D 1
3 E 2
4 B 2
5 A 1
I have a table of engineers, and a table of areas of the country.
I have a final table which shows the areas of the country each engineer is assigned to, like this:
Area Engineer
A 1
A 2
A 3
B 2
B 3
What I need to do in Crystal Reports, is create a formula field (or similar) to show whether or not the engineer was in one of his assigned areas.
I think the reason my efforts thus far have failed is that the join is effectively circular. I have played around with SQL Commands and join options to no avail.
Can anybody offer advice on how I can solve this problem?
I am quite new to Tableau, so have patience with me :)
I have two tables,
Table one (T1) contains all my data with the first row being Year-Week, like 2014-01, 2014-02, and so on. Quick question regarding this, how do I make Tableau consider this as a date, and not as string?
T1 contains a lot of data that looks like this:
YearWeek Spend TV Movies
2014-01 5000 42 12
2014-02 4800 41 32
2014-03 2000 24 14
2015-24 7000 45 65
I have another table (T2) that contains information regarding some values I want to multiply with the T1 columns, T2 looks like:
NAME TV Movies
Weight 2 5
Response 6 3
Ad 7 2
Version 1 0
I want to create a calculated field (TVNEW) that takes the values from T1 of TV, and adds Response(TV) to it, and times it with the weight(TV),
So something like this:
This looks like this for the rows:
So the calculation should take a specific value from T2, and do the calculation for each value in T1[TV]
Thanks in advance
The easy answer to your question will be: No, not natively.
What you want to do sounds like accessing a 2 dimensional array and that's not really the intention of Tableau. Additionally you have 2 completely independent tables without a common attribute to JOIN on. Tableau is just not meant to work that way.
I cannot think of a way to dynamically extract that value (I assume your example is just that, an example; and in your case you don't just use two values in the calculation, otherwise you could create 2 parameters that you can use in your calculated fields)
When I look at your tables it looks like you could transpose and join them that they ideally look like this: (Edit: Comment says transposing is not an option)
Medium Value YearWeek Spend
Movies 12 2014-01 5,000
Movies 32 2014-02 4,000
Movies 14 2014-03 2,000
Movies 65 2015-24 7,000
TV 42 2014-01 5,000
TV 41 2014-02 4,000
TV 24 2014-03 2,000
TV 45 2015-24 7,000
Medium Weight Response Ad Version
TV 2 6 7 1
Movies 5 3 2 0
Depending on the systems you work with you could already put it in one CSV or table so you wouldn't have to do a JOIN in Tableau.
Now you can create the first table natively in Tableau (from Version 9.0 onwards), if you open your data source, in the Data Source Preview choose the columns TV and Movies, click on the small triangle and then on Pivot. (At this point you can also choose the YearWeek column click on the triangle and Split to create a seperate field for Year and Week. You won't be able to assign the type date to it put that shouldn't give you any disadvantages.)
For the second table I can think of two possibilities:
you have access to a tool that can transpose your table (Excel can do that see: Convert matrix to 3-column table ('reverse pivot', 'unpivot', 'flatten', 'normalize') Once you have done that you can open it in Tableau and join the two tables on Medium
You could create calculated fields depending on the medium:
Field: Weight
CASE [Medium]
WHEN 'Movies' THEN 5
And accordingly for Response, Ad and Version
Obviously that is only reasonable if you really just need a handfull of values.
Once this is done it's only a matter of creating a calculated field with
And this will calculate all the values for your table
I want to create a monthly report, calculating the % from the previous 2 month average from the previous 12 months average. Basically I want to see which shops have dropped in sales in the previous 2 months, and hopefully only show the shops that have decreased 20% in sales.
So i believe the columns need to be like this
Shop|Products|Avg of 12 months|Avg of 2 months| %
Since i have many entries for the sales, i also need to sum the previous 12 months and then average it... as well as sum the previous 2 months and average it
I have thought of some ways to do it, but it didnt seem to work and seems all too complicated and complex.
Im hoping if there is a simpler solution to this? Do i need to use pivot table?
I'm using PostGres 9.1 on Visual Studio 10
Thanks a bunch
When something seems too complicated to resolve with a single query, I create and populate a DataTable runtime and pass it to ReportViewer.
In this case you can:
create a DataTable with Shop and Product as a PK (if you want print the report for a period of months you can also add Month as PK). The other 2 columns will be Avg12Months and Avg2Months
insert a record for each combination of Shop/Product (and eventually Month)
for each record Shop/Product calculate and save the results for Avg12Months and Avg2Months
pass your DataTable to ReportViewer
use a single Tablix to display the results (sort, grouping and other operations can be done in the Tablix)
Some passages can be combined in order to speed up the process.