Tableau - Related Data Source Filter - tableau-api

I have data split between two different tables, at different levels of detail. The first table has transaction data that, in the fomrat:
category item spend
a 1 10
a 2 5
a 3 10
b 1 15
b 2 10
The second table is a budget by category in the format
category limit
a 40
b 30
I want to show three BANs, Total Spend, Total Limit, and Total Limit - Spend, and be able to filter by category across the related data source (transaction is related to budget table by category). However, I can't seem to get the filter / relationship right. That is, if I use category as a filter from the transaction table and set it to filter all using related data source, it doesn't filter the Total Limit amount. Using 2018.1, fyi.

Although you have data split across 2 tables they can be joined using the category field and available as a single data source. You would be then be able to use category as a quick filter.


Filter by/Aggregate multiple columns in Power BI

I would like to group by item and count for each store how many rows are there for my sales data.
Id Item Store Qty
1 A store1 5
2 B store1 2
3 A store2 3
4 B store2 10
To group by item I tried:
groupby_item = SUMMARIZE(table, table[Item], "Count", COUNT(table[Item]))
which gives the table:
Item Count
A 2
B 2
but I want to introduce a Store slicer in a visual and I couldn't because Store column is absent in the aggregated table. Can I group by Store then by item and count?
Like in Python you could maybe do:
table.groupby('Item').agg({'Store': 'first', 'Id': 'count'})
to keep the Store information by keeping the first value of Store in each item group.
Would you be able to do that in Power BI? Or is there a better way to do this?
Why create an aggregate table in the first place? You can use the base table in the visual and it would reflect any filters on Store.
The default behavior of PBI visuals is to group categorical columns and aggregate numerical ones.

Select top x% records

Question is regarding how to get top x% of records according to their ratings.
For example I have a table with a few columns, one of which is rating:
rating smallint
value of rating is always positive.
My goal is to select top x% of entries according to their rating.
For example, for top 20%, if set of selected rows contains ratings like:
Then top 20% would be records with range from 8 to 10 → records with rating 9 and 10.
I implemented it in Django but it takes 2 calls to DB and I believe it can be easily achieved via SQL in PostgreSQL by just one call.
Any ideas how to implement it?
Considering that the max rating available in the column is your base for max calculation.
Try this workaround:
select * from sample where rating >=(select max(rating)-max(rating)*20/100 from sample)
Demo on fiddle

Consolidating records on Crystal 11?

I am trying to consolidate the records on my report to show only unique lanes (Shipper State and Destination State).
My data is currently grouped by customer group and then customers that fall within each group.
Ideally I would like my data to fit in this format.
LANE ACCEPTED Total Percentage
Customer Group: Fruits
Customer: Apple
GA-TN 1 2 50%
GA-FL 2 3 66%
Customer: Bannana
GA-TN 2 4 50%
Total 5 9 55%
Currently my data looks like the image attached.
Thank you in advance.
1) Consolidated the Lanes by creating it in Formula Field, followed by creating adding it to the Group

Select value in table in tableau

I am quite new to Tableau, so have patience with me :)
I have two tables,
Table one (T1) contains all my data with the first row being Year-Week, like 2014-01, 2014-02, and so on. Quick question regarding this, how do I make Tableau consider this as a date, and not as string?
T1 contains a lot of data that looks like this:
YearWeek Spend TV Movies
2014-01 5000 42 12
2014-02 4800 41 32
2014-03 2000 24 14
2015-24 7000 45 65
I have another table (T2) that contains information regarding some values I want to multiply with the T1 columns, T2 looks like:
NAME TV Movies
Weight 2 5
Response 6 3
Ad 7 2
Version 1 0
I want to create a calculated field (TVNEW) that takes the values from T1 of TV, and adds Response(TV) to it, and times it with the weight(TV),
So something like this:
This looks like this for the rows:
So the calculation should take a specific value from T2, and do the calculation for each value in T1[TV]
Thanks in advance
The easy answer to your question will be: No, not natively.
What you want to do sounds like accessing a 2 dimensional array and that's not really the intention of Tableau. Additionally you have 2 completely independent tables without a common attribute to JOIN on. Tableau is just not meant to work that way.
I cannot think of a way to dynamically extract that value (I assume your example is just that, an example; and in your case you don't just use two values in the calculation, otherwise you could create 2 parameters that you can use in your calculated fields)
When I look at your tables it looks like you could transpose and join them that they ideally look like this: (Edit: Comment says transposing is not an option)
Medium Value YearWeek Spend
Movies 12 2014-01 5,000
Movies 32 2014-02 4,000
Movies 14 2014-03 2,000
Movies 65 2015-24 7,000
TV 42 2014-01 5,000
TV 41 2014-02 4,000
TV 24 2014-03 2,000
TV 45 2015-24 7,000
Medium Weight Response Ad Version
TV 2 6 7 1
Movies 5 3 2 0
Depending on the systems you work with you could already put it in one CSV or table so you wouldn't have to do a JOIN in Tableau.
Now you can create the first table natively in Tableau (from Version 9.0 onwards), if you open your data source, in the Data Source Preview choose the columns TV and Movies, click on the small triangle and then on Pivot. (At this point you can also choose the YearWeek column click on the triangle and Split to create a seperate field for Year and Week. You won't be able to assign the type date to it put that shouldn't give you any disadvantages.)
For the second table I can think of two possibilities:
you have access to a tool that can transpose your table (Excel can do that see: Convert matrix to 3-column table ('reverse pivot', 'unpivot', 'flatten', 'normalize') Once you have done that you can open it in Tableau and join the two tables on Medium
You could create calculated fields depending on the medium:
Field: Weight
CASE [Medium]
WHEN 'Movies' THEN 5
And accordingly for Response, Ad and Version
Obviously that is only reasonable if you really just need a handfull of values.
Once this is done it's only a matter of creating a calculated field with
And this will calculate all the values for your table

Insert multiple records into fact table based on fields in single record

I'm working in Pentaho 4.4.1-GA (Kettle / PDI). The database is Postgres.
I need to be able to insert multiple records into a fact table based on the fields that come from a single record. The single record contains fields:
productcode1, price1
productcode2, price2
productcode3, price3
So if there was a value for each of the 10 productcode / prices then I'd need to insert a total of 10 records into the fact table. If there were values for 4 of the combinations, then I'd need to insert 4 records into the fact table, etcetera. All field values for the fact records would be identical except for the PK (generated by sequence), product codes, and prices.
I figure that I need some type of looping construct which would let me check whether or not a value was present for each productx field, and if so, do an insert/update step on the fact table with the desired field values. I'm just not sure how to do this in Pentaho.
Any ideas? All suggestions are welcome :)
Thank You,
Could you give a sample input and output for your scenario??
From your example data I can infer that if there are 10 different product codes and only 4 product prices you want to have 4 records inserted into your table. Is that so?
Well for a start you can add a constant value of 1 to those records by filtering for NOT NULL and then use an Group BY Step to count the number of 1's. This would give you the count. BTW it would be helpful if you could provide more details on what columns you would be loading as there are ways to make a PDI transformation execute multiple times