how to make my own fckeditor plugin - plugins

I'm using fckeditor in my blog and I want to make my own plugin or button.
I need a button and when press it writes < !--kamore-->.
But I can't find any document or sample.


How do I select elements within div frames?

I am pretty new to Selenium IDE, hoping to use it with a certain web app which a client would like to be able to run automated tests for after periodic uplifts. The tests would all involve only clicks and text entry.
I cannot get the application to execute clicks on certain form elements on specific pages.
My test so far is simple. I am simply navigating to a page and trying to click an icon whose target, according to the IDE, is "css=#MGOpenButton-btnEl > .btn-icon". The Selenium IDE will register the click as having been performed successfully (i.e. no failures) but the actual desired output of the click (i.e. a pop-up search box appearing) isn't actually happening. I have tried click, click at, double-click, mouseover before click, all to no success.
Reading back through some other topics, I thought it may have something to do with the element being embedded in frames, but if that is the case I'm not sure how the click is being read as successful by the IDE. The second thing I'm wondering is if it might not be playing nicely with Javascript.
Is it common for the basic IDE front-end functionality to fail when a webpage incorporates Javascript?

Create Plugin behind a custom button in Dynamics CRM

I have a requirement that is needed a plugin in Dynamics CRM.
I want to create a plugin on the phonecall entity and after a click on the custom button, the plugin will create an incident with data of phonecall. how can do this please help me? I didn't find any solution or tutorial video on the internet that can help me to implement this requirement.
Before you get into custom coding a plugin, you might want to consider whether you an out-of-box workflow or Power Automate Flow to do what you need.
Whatever automation you choose, you could have it trigger on the setting of a two options field or a change in the Phone Call's status.
You can use Ribbon Workbench to add a custom button and JavaScript to set that checkbox. Or, JavaScript could directly launch the workflow.
The PCF Gallery also has a number of button options which might be easier than the "DIY" option of Ribbon Workbench.
If you definitely need the plugin, you could register the plugin to fire on change of the checkbox, and again use a button to check on the checkbox.
Speaking of actions, you could also publish your Phone Call to Incident logic as a custom action and have the button call that action.
As you can see, there are plenty of options. It is typically a good idea to explore using configurable options like Power Automate Flow and PCF Gallery controls before custom coding a plugin.

Office JavaScript API: highlighting text in a document

I'm working on a side project using the Microsoft Office JavaScript APIs. I have been relying on the documentation to find my way around, but I've hit a wall trying to find something in the docs (perhaps it isn't there because it doesn't exist).
Recently I attempting to implement some functionality to highlight some text within a Word document. I don't want to modify the document, mind you; in other words I would rather not use something like ContentControl.insertHtml as that would change the actual content. What I want is to make the text temporarily highlighted (e.g., until the user clicks a "Cancel" button), much like what you see when you perform a search with Ctrl+F (and text matching your search is highlighted in yellow).
Is this possible using the Office JavaScript APIs?
Try getting a reference to the Range object and then setting Range.font.highlightcolor. Have a handler for the Cancel button click event that reverses the color change.
Here is a sample application that uses font.highlightcolor from the Office Javascript API. is not working while running the script when selecting an item from a list generated by Ajax search

The functionality is such that some search criteria is entered in a search box, an ajax search is performed and a list of items matching the search criteria is shown. An item is selected from this list and gets loaded into the search input box. When i am recording using Selenium IDE, the selecting of item from the list, the command is click. But when i am running the script with the click command, it seems it is not selecting the item from the list and loading it into the box. Some one please suggest what command should i use. I have tried with clickat() but it doesnt work.
I am using Selenium IDE 1.5.0 to record and writing scripts in Eclipse Junit platform.
Thanks in advance.
I'm sure it's a timing issue. The click in the list happens before it is present in browser. You should add before the click command an explicit wait like "waitForElementPresent".
I found the solution for the above scenario. I am using Actions class. Using that I am focusing on the search item that fulfills my criteria and performing click action (instead of using click() and clickat() methods)
Actions builder = new Actions(driver); builder.moveToElement(item).build().perform();
//item is the search item i want to select;

how to create an editable components for GEF Eclipse

I want to create a component kind of Text Box for GEF Eclipse.
I am able to create component but not able to make it editable. How to achieve the desired.
In GEF there is direct edit mechanism that can be used for these for these kind of purposes.
When you double click the editpart, it should create direct edit request. I believe this request is then by default send to the request to EditParts editpolicies.
So you should probably install this direct edit editpolicy and that returns cell editor.
It might be that actually installing the direct edit editpolicy provides you the text editor when double clicked, and all of this parts can be modified if the outlook of default implementation is not good.
I checked that it seems that there isn't easy examples about the subject, but there was some talks that "logical" example contains direct edit support.