how to create an editable components for GEF Eclipse - eclipse

I want to create a component kind of Text Box for GEF Eclipse.
I am able to create component but not able to make it editable. How to achieve the desired.

In GEF there is direct edit mechanism that can be used for these for these kind of purposes.
When you double click the editpart, it should create direct edit request. I believe this request is then by default send to the request to EditParts editpolicies.
So you should probably install this direct edit editpolicy and that returns cell editor.
It might be that actually installing the direct edit editpolicy provides you the text editor when double clicked, and all of this parts can be modified if the outlook of default implementation is not good.
I checked that it seems that there isn't easy examples about the subject, but there was some talks that "logical" example contains direct edit support.


Does tinymce have an option, via menu, to insert form fields into it or just by editing the code?

Does anyone know of a ready-made plugin that allows adding input, textarea, select etc. on tinymce?
The tinymce.dom.Selection API ( allows you to select elements or set content in the TinyMCE editor. You can assign the API class to an action or an interaction element like a button or form, and any selected content will be replaced with the contents the API action passes in.
If that's not a good fit for what you need, is there an example of the type of adding input, a textarea, or a select you're looking for?
There are no official plugins that allow such interactive elements to be added. TinyMCE is a text editor that is built to create blog posts, articles, etc. By design, it is not a page builder. However, there may be some unofficial plugins on GitHub that may implement such features.
If you are going to insert forms and text areas that should not be edited or reconfigured afterward, you can use templates. They may come as any valid HTML. Thus, some fixed forms can be just saved as templates.
Another way is, of course, inserting HTML directly into the code.

Missing captioned images feature in TinyMCE and Plone5

I'm missing the function to enable captioned images in TinyMCE/Plone5. It was possible to enable that in the control panel with Plone4 (
Now I'm using the new Plone5rc3 with TinyMCE 1.4.3, but the properties of TinyMCE in the control panel don't have the needed checkbox.
Does anybody know how to get that?
Thanks a lot!
So here's an answer in parts: you need several things for the captions to work:
Your <img> tags need to have the class captioned. I still need to find a good way to do that. The image picker will remove all other classes everytime you open it, so I guess a good way would be to change the classes that are added by the inline/left/right selection, but I've not easily found where those are defined.
You need the output filter, but fortunately, that is still there. However, the filter wants to see an IImageCaptioningEnabler, which is essentially a flag to turn the captioning mechanism on, and the old editors used to have that and currently, nothing in standard Plone does provide such a beast. If you're comfortable with add-on development, the class you want is
from plone.outputfilters.filters.resolveuid_and_caption import IImageCaptioningEnabler
from zope.interface import implements
class CaptioningAlwaysEnabled(object):
available = True
with corresponding configure.zcml stanza
<utility factory=".resolveuid_and_caption.CaptioningAlwaysEnabled"
zcml:condition="have plone-5" />
(you can tell I patched buildout-cache/plone.outputfilters-2.1-py2.7.egg/plone/outputfilters/filters/configure.zcml and to include that, but of course, you shouldn't do that.)
If you're not comfortable with add-on development, you could, bizarrely enough, see if another editor provides that global switch, you don't need to have it set as your editor or the default editor. (Products.kupu would, but it doesn't install in 5.0. collective.ckeditor might, I can't try that right now due to missing dependencies.)
So, summary: no, you can't easily turn it on; you can turn it on with a bit of hacking; and if you file it as a feature request, it's the kind of thing that takes about fifteen minutes to fix for somebody who knows their way around the code.

Custom Ribbons - per DOTM

we have a possible customer, who would like to have a custom ribbon in ONE template, which makes it for him easier to design the text etc.
This stuff should work on Office 2007, 2010 and 2013.
Since this will go to thousands of people, the easiest solution for this would be, to implement Macros, which do the Design-Stuff.
It seems to be no problem (I tested only with 2013) to create a custom ribbon and connect it to macros, it seems even to be possible to define custom Icons.
The real problem causess the Ribbon itself. Since, if I activate my custom ribbon, it's activated for all documents, I have to anyhow create a macro, which makes it visible JUST for one template.
Is this even possible, or is there a possibility to define a Ribbon per dotm? I didnt find anything about that, but what I found makes me nervous about the 2007, 2010, 2013 thing...
Or is it easier to create an Addin, which is kindahow compatible with alle 3 Versions?
Use Visual Studio and start a Word Template project. You can use VB if macros are to your liking or C#.
Your future documents will have to have the template attached for the ribbon to show up, which in my experience has proven to be a pain.
Alternatively you can create an addon that handles document-open events and checks if the document looks like what you expect it to look like. Heuristics can be very tricky if you don't have very specific indicators (such as an attached template, schema or content tags)
Another suggestion, which would most likely be acceptable to users, is to write an addon that shows and hides its main ribbon tab but has a ribbon button to "activate" the document and when you click that button (on another tab) it attaches your template or assigns some other persistent indicator to the document. This addon would also check each document when opened for that indicator and automatically show the actual ribbon tab when the document is recognized.

Displaying an XML string with formatting and syntax highlighting in an Eclipse RCP view

I am currently stuck on what I feel like should be an easy solution, but I am not really getting anywhere with this. I am new to Eclipse RCP. I am trying to implement a view in which, all it does, is display a string, which has been formatted to XML. As in, my application does what it is meant to do, and when the user clicks Save, it saves all the info as an xml. I can get this xml as one long, unformatted string. I want a pane where the user can see (only see, not edit) the XML code that is going to be saved.
The reason I want a view is because this view is a multi-instance view, dependent on the perspective it is in. And I want it to display in XML format, with syntax highlighting. It would be nice for it to look like in an editor with line numbers and such, but with good formatting I am satisfied.
Does anyone know the best (any) way to implement this? Even some 3rd party widget is perfect for me.
IIRC, the Plug-In editor example does basic syntax coloring and you can use the javax.transform packages to go from a stream to a DOM and back to a (formatted) stream.
just make your editor inherit from StructuredTextEditor (org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui.StructuredTextEditor.StructuredTextEditor)
For further details here:
FAQ How do I provide syntax coloring in an editor?
Platform Plug-in Developer Guide > Programmer's Guide > Editors

Email Editor Similar to Campaign Monitor or Mailchimp's editor?

I looking for either an open source (or otherwise) php script/library/code that will provide me with a similar email composer that Mailchimp and Campaign Monitor have.
I've played around with lots of wysiwyg editors (eg: tinymce, ckeditor) but, they don't work very well for allowing users to compose emails.
Mosaico Editor is the first open source email template builder of this kind (AFAIK).
You can find a free to use deployment (working also as live demo) at and you can get sources at
I choose blocks from a set defined by the "master template", then you fill you contents and change their styles in a WYSIWYG style. If you're on a large window you can also have live preview for the mobile version.
The master template defines what are the blocks, what you can edit and what you can style and it contains any html trick to make it compatible with most clients: this means you can change the editor behaviour a lot by simply writing a new master template.
It is 99% javascript (IE10+, and any other modern browser) and depends on server-side functions only to do "final inlining" and "image upload/resizing"
Next generation tool for building templates without coding
Grapejs official site
GrapesJS is an open-source, multi-purpose, Web Builder Framework which combines different tools and features with the goal to help you (or users of your application) to build HTML templates without any knowledge of coding. It's a perfect solution to replace the common WYSIWYG editors, which are good for content editing but inappropriate for creating HTML structures. You can see it in action with the official demos, but using its API you're able to build your own editors.
I'm in the process of building one but as a designer it is a work in progress! I'd suggest looking at PHP template engines. They have a similar functionality. Most however will use php variables inside the html page instead of tags.
Another oprion is to check out Perch it is officially a CMS, but is really lightweight and might get the job done for you.
Hope that helps even though it is a year after you posted the question...
EDIT: Actually just stumbled across this thread which links to the new CKEditor - looks pretty cool.