The best resources file type for iPhone - iphone

In my iPhone project, there are a lot of files including: image files, audio files, and text files.
Now the issue is finding the best file type to manage these files. The image files are related with the audio files and the text files.
I need a file that show the relationship of these files.I am currently using txt type, but it seems chaotic. I want to use xls file type but I can't parse the file correctly.
Can anyone help me? Thanks.

Try using a PLIST. They are easy to read (NSDictionary and NSArray can be created from them) and allow associations to be stored. Also, XCode provides native editing support.


Viewing .gfx file in iOS

Resonantly I had to work with .gfx file, but i haven't got much information about gfx file.
My question is:
What is a .gfx file formated file contains?
is that any kind of image file or video file.
Where can i get a .gfx sample file to test?
is there any framework that support .gfx in iOS SDK?
According to Google, GFX is used as an extension for at least five different kinds of files. My first guess is that you're thinking of a 3D model/scene format, which might be used in some kinds of games.
That last web page I referred to lists a sample .gfx file.
And this answer depends on exactly which kind of file, out of the five different types of files listed on the eHow page, is the kind of file you want to work with.

Reading/writing data to encrypted custom file type

I'd like to create a custom file type, say, .cstm, and be able to create .cstm files on the mac, and read them on the iPhone.
I want the .cstm file to contain XML data. Currently I've got the mac app to successfully make .xml files and the iPhone app to successfully read .xml files, but I'd like to create a proprietary custom file type.
How would I go about doing this? I know how to allow the iPhone app to open a custom file type, but that's as far as I know.
You don't need anything special per se. You can just save and load to the URL with the ctsm extension. To support your app automatically launching as an editor of that extension in OSX, you will want to add an entry to your Info.plist file CFBundleDocumentTypes array entry declaring your app as an editor of that extension

Valid file types for iCloud?

I find many similar question but i didn't get solution for this.
Is it possible to upload some file like image, document, zip file to upload on iCloud programmatically?
See table 4-1 in the documentation:
How do you manage the data? Manage files and directores using the
NSFileManager class. Open, close, read, and write files using standard
file system routines.
So if you can create a file, you can store it in iCloud. But remember there's a finite, relatively small amount of space available.
iCloud can handle all kinds of files. So if you want rot use an obscure file format or invent your own, go for it. It only can to be converted into a byte stream/NSData, but then again, what isn't?
Check this tutorial walkthrough app. It shows how to create, modify and delete files for iCloud.

iOS text editor - save/load data model design?

I'm currently developing a simple text editor for iPad, and only save/load data parts are left. As a novice programmer, I don't have any experience with data managements in other languages and development environments. I researched on Core Data for a week and implemented a basic auto save/load feature in my app. But I have questions about better design of a text editor's data management such as saving text to *.txt files.
Which way is better? How do other text editors
1) Saving/Loading text as *.txt files
I found that in iOS 3.2 and later, the app can save and load (sync) texts as *.txt files into its local folder, so the users can load files in iTunes easily.
My question is that to implement save/load features, can I just save each text as *.txt file in my local folder and load them when launching my app? Specifically, can I just load titles of each *.txt file and load the entire NSString content only if the user clicks the specific file in UITableView??
So it doesn't use Core Data (or maybe Core Data is just used for a current text for auto save).
2) Core Data
Or using only Core Data is better approach? So when only the users want to save text to a *.txt file, the app saves a Core Data object or NSString content to *.txt file. In other words, unless the users manually save text as *.txt files, the users can't see any *.txt file in iTunes because Core Data internally saves them.
3) Both 1) + 2)
Would it better to save text as *.txt files and also using Core Data? I think it's just wasteful though.
Sorry for long questions. Thank you!
Apple strongly suggests in their Human Interface Guidelines that your users must not have "press save" to save, but rather saves should be automatic. At this point, iOS users do indeed expect that behavior. Core Data and autosave work really well together. (Core Data is also great for implementing Undo/Redo functionality as well.)
Therefore, I would suggest using Core Data as the app's internal format but offering the ability to export to other formats, like .txt. They are really not mutually exclusive methods. To export .txt files, you would create the .txt file in memory and then write it to your app's documents directory, which is what iTunes reads from. It's not very complicated.
Good luck!
I think you should use text files. So you can save space and sync into iTunes.

how to creating localizable.strings file by code in iPhone

I am working on one multilanguage project which will download string from server depend on language selected by user. I would like to save this downloaded string into localizable.string file. So how could I do that? I know how genstrings works but I would like to generated *.strings file by code and save it. My code will read this *.strings file for localizable. Anybody know which api i have to use?
thanks in advance
Typically, localization depends on strings files that are within the app bundle. Since you can not modify the app bundle at run time, you will have to put the strings files you downlaod elsewhere and you will have to modify the usual localization methods to find and use those strings files.
Look at Apple's iPhone samples to see how they do localization and fetching of the strings, and see if you can replace all the local accesses of the localization resources with resources in another directory.