PhpStorm Formatter failed to format the document - visual-studio-code

Similar questions have been asked, but what makes mine different is that I seem to have the configuration correct. Here is my configuration (my name has been redacted, for privacy reasons).
What I know is that my PhpStorm IDE has not been activated yet; is that required or is my configuration incorrect, despite the folder and file being at these places?

So you're trying to use PhpStorm from within VSCode to format your files. Which means: calling PhpStorm as a command-line app.
I'm pretty sure that PhpStorm has to have a valid active licence or be in the evaluation period (so it has be "activated" in some way). I remember seeing tickets with similar issue when using PhpStorm for code inspections in Continuous Integration tools.
In any case:
Check what command VSCode is trying to execute here, then open your OS console and try to run it there -- will you see any errors/warnings in the output?
If you do not see any such messages there then check the idea.log file -- the IDE will write everything there for sure.
On Windows it would normally be in the C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\JetBrains\PhpStorm2022.2\log folder (for the current 2022.2 version). Other OS / cusom location -- check
...or is my configuration incorrect, despite the folder and file being at these places?
As per docs the Code Style settings file can be located anywhere: it can be in the default place as well as any other as it can be passed as an argument in the command line (-s parameter). So keeping the file with Code Style settings in the VSCode extension folder is OK as long as that parameter is used.


Doxygen failed to run html help compiler, hhc.exe error HHC5010 when running from folder that has a parent folder that starts with "."

I am using Conan package manager on Windows to create a package. The conan command to create the package copies files to a folder within %USERPROFILE%\.conan (or C:\Users\xxxxxxx\.conan). Then from this location it builds a Visual Studio project and ultimately calls doxygen.exe to create a .chm help file in a post-build command. The doxygen command fails with:
error : failed to run html help compiler on index.hhp
Further investigation reveals the hhc.exe command executed by doxygen is failing with:
C:\Users\xxxxxxx\.conan\data\Module\1.0.0\user\channel\build\524dc97e4a3dd1f774ea3897f9e4faf26c5457d2\Documentation>"C:/Program Files (x86)/HTML Help Workshop/hhc.exe" html\index.hhp
HHC5010: Error: Cannot open "C:\Users\xxxxxxx\data\Module\1.0.0\user\channel\build\524dc97e4a3dd1f774ea3897f9e4faf26c5457d2\Documentation\html\Module.chm". Compilation stopped.
Close inspection reveals that in the error message, the ".conan" folder is missing. Sure enough, I confirmed that hhc.exe fails when the index.hpp resides in a folder that has a parent folder that starts with a ".".
Attempts to resolve this:
changing the Doxyfile setting OUTPUT_DIRECTORY to "$(TMP)/DoxygenModule" resolves the error, but creates the .chm file in another location, which I do not prefer.
navigating to the 8DOT3 name of the ".conan" folder, which is "CONAN~1", to run the hhc.exe command, succeeds, but unfortunately I have no way of getting conan to use this 8DOT3 path for creating the package. E.g. C:\Users\xxxxxxx\CONAN~1\...
I can live with the using the %TMP% folder but would prefer generating the .chm in the current folder. Anyone have any ideas?
HTML Help Workshop v1.31 is installed on my machine at C:\Program Files (x86)\HTML Help Workshop, probably from a Visual Studio installation (not sure). I attempted using a version downloaded from Microsoft website (v1.30) as well, which made no difference.
Other info: Conan version 1.18.0, Doxygen version 1.8.14, Windows 10 Version 1809
Unfortunately not a solution, but this is a known limitation in the hhc.exe, see:
HTML Help 1.x command line compiler hhc.exe cannot compile CHM file to folder whose full path contains folder name starting with dot. If you have that problem, you probably specified output path with folder starting with dot, e.g. "d:\My files.NET\documentation". You can use dots in folder names but not at the beginning.
Edit 2019-11-15:
I've just pushed a proposed patch to github (pull request 7402,
This proposed patch changes inside doxygen from the current directory to the short named current directory, but just for the HTML Help compilation.
Edit 2019-11-16:
Code has been integrated in the master version on github.
This is not an answer either. Actually, you found the answer and workaround[s] yourself.
Use OUTPUT_DIRECTORY to specify a directory containing no folder names beginning with periods.
The error you described is a known issue of the MS HTML Help compiler. More general, the HTML Help compiler does not like some folder and file names. Try and stick with these characters _, a..z, A..Z, 0..9. Do not use these signs in particular ., -, # .
Please note that the proprietary CHM file format is about 20 years old (Windows 95, ...). HTML Help is in maintenance mode, which means no new features and bug fixes are expected for either the runtime or the compiler. All mainstream development on HH has stopped.
There is no way to avoid this error if a directory name above begins with a period. Not even if only the necessary files are written by Doxygen and compiling of the index.hhp is done by a third-party tool like FAR HTML using your path that contains .conan. This is because all applications are using the faulty HHA.dll.
The above applies of course to the entire workflow you have described. Maybe you can interrupt it.
Doxygen can be configured not to call the HTMLHelp compiler. Just uncheck the GENERATE_HTMLHELP option (DoxyWizard: Experts > Topics > HTML). You have all files generated by Doxygen in your preferred output directory - but of course without the CHM file. This can be imported later e.g. by HelpNDoc and compiled as a CHM file in another location.
If you can interrupt the workflow and can also make changes to Doxygen's settings, then a preference setting of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY to e.g. C:/CacheMenu/CONAN~1/DOXYGE~1 also works as expected (here used as test case).
No matter what you do, your workaround and copy and paste from another directory outside is a quick solution at this stage. Please note the EDIT in #albert's answer.

Netbeans, phpdocumentor, and custom phpdoc.dist.xml by project

I am using Netbeans 8.0.2 and phpdocumentor 2.8.2 on a windows 7 platform.
I would like to use custom phpdoc.dist.xml config files by project so I can specify framework directories and etc. to exclude from the generated doc. I also want to keep my Netbeans PHPDOC plugin config as generic as possible, without specific output directories, ignore options, config path parameters, etc., so on, so that that the config will apply to all my projects.
The phpdoc.dist.xml file works great. The doc generated is exactly what I want.
The problem or feature, and it seems to be a phpdocumentor one as it also applies from plain command line, is that the phpdoc.bat command (without a specific config parm) has to be run from the same root directory as the phpdoc.dist.xml file, or it ignores it. No problem if I'm using command line as I can change into that directory first, but I would like to use Netbeans. I have searched on this extensively and cannot find an answer.
I considered whether to modify the phpdocumentor files to insert cd /D path/to/myproject/dir to change the directory using some Netbeans variable to represent myproject/dir, but I could not find the right place in the code or the variable to use. Plus, then I'm supporting a custom mod to phpdocumentor.
I did find these directions for a PHPStorm setup, where the author specified a PHPStorm variable for the --config command line option to point to his custom phpdoc.dist.xml.
If I could do the same in Netbeans like maybe "${BASE_DIR}/phpdoc.dist.xml" it would be great, but so far I haven't hit on anything Netbeans will recognize/pay attention to in the PhpDoc script: box.
I have also tried writing a wrapper .bat file to capture my own command line variable %1 and do the directory change to that before calling phpdoc.bat, but Netbeans throws and error and says that's not a valid .bat file. I cannot find any phpdocumentor parameter to configure by specific Netbeans project but the output directory. And I would prefer not to be defining a bunch of projects on subdirectories in Netbeans, just to address phpdocumentor.
Now I am out of ideas. Can anyone point me to a solution?

js source maps disappears after modifying any file

I have a project with coffeescript and brunch.
There is following config for files concatenation:
'js/app.js': /^app(\/|\\)(?!templates)/
'js/vendor.js': /^vendor/
'js/templates.js': /^app\/templates/
When I just clone this project and build it, all works fine - I see all my source files in developer console.
Then I do some harmless modifications in any file in project (like adding a useless variable declaration or duplicating "return" statement), and strange things happens:
A builded code is valid and works fine, but there are no source maps available.
If I disable source maps at all, I still can see some wrong behaviour:
And in the same time, origin build file is absolutely valid (can't post third link, sorry): it has '//#' line in the end, without any trailing spaces or whatever else.
Any ideas what can this be and how to solve this problem?
I've found where I was wrong.
First. About broken files loaded by browser.
As I noticed in comment above, the problem was in environment. My files are served by nginx, running inside Vagrant VM - and it seems, that sync between local files and VM was broken.
My solution was following:
disable caching in VirtualBox (machine settings -> tab 'Storage' -> select controller -> uncheck 'Use Host I/O cache');
edit nginx config and set 'sendfile off' option in 'http' section.
Not sure this is absolutely right solution, but after this correct files was loaded by browser.
Second. About still absent maps for app.js in Chrome.
It's just my inattention. I'm using Webstorm, and periodically it proposes to enable watcher for coffeescript files I open. And if you agree (what I've accidentally did missing 'Agree' button instead of 'Dismiss'), it will compile that file at his own, creating .map and .js files alongside origin .coffee - of course, no matter to your brunch or whatever else settings. These additional files are displayed as subfolders of .coffee file, so it is very likely that you do not notice them. And exactly these files Chrome does not like. Until you remove them all, Chrome will not display any source maps, no matter to .map file created by brunch - while for FF it's not a problem.

How to generate phpDoc documentation for a specific folder in Netbeans IDE?

Due to the fact that we need to integrate the Zend Framework on our project root, and that generating that documentation will be useless and take long time, I would like to generate documentation for all files inside application folder only.
Does anyone know how I can generate documentation for a specific project folder, trough Netbeans 7.0 interface?
The best I've found so far was to:
Open the terminal window from netbeans, and type:
sudo phpdoc -d public_html/ -t public_html/
Update 2
Let's suppose our Zend library is inside projectrootname/library/Zend we also can try, by going to: Tools > Options > Php > PhpDoc and place the following:
/usr/bin/phpdoc -i library/Zend/ -o HTML:frames:earthli
At least for me, that doesn't seem to work, because, when I try to generate the documentation, I get permission error issues displayed on the output window.
The -d/--directory option [1] should be used to highlight the most high-level code directory that you want phpDocumentor to start reading from. If your Zend folder is at or above the level of your application directory, then just using --directory /path/to/application should help you document only your application code.
If your Zend folder is somewhere inside your application (e.g. in your app's ./lib folder), then you can use the -i/--ignore option [2] to tell phpDocumentor about any directories that it will see but should ignore, --ignore *zend*. Just be aware that formatting your ignore value can be tricky, so see the examples in the manual. Also, be aware that as phpDocumentor runs, you will see these ignored folders and files being listed in the output... phpDocumentor "ignores" them by not generating docs for those files. It does, however, still need to parse them, in case those objects are referenced in files that do get documented.
[1] --
[2] --

Configuring WPS Workbench to run an Autoexec on startup

Does anyone have any experience configuring the WPS engine to run, essentially an on startup?
I cannot find any documentation on how to implement this feature for WPS. I see that they have the option available to set, but I cannot find where to put the file or what to name it. -- shows that they have the Autoexec option enabled, but when I run proc options there's no value in it.
If WPS doesn't have this working, does eclipse have the ability to run a script on startup?'
Ah! After a little more careful googling, and some reading between lines of the google results I figured this out.
All you have to do to get the autoexec to run is name the file, just as in SAS, and then place it in the root directory of the WPS workbench.
I have found that WPS mirrors the sas command. I set up a shortcut to WPS that says the same as for sas
C:\program files\...\workbench.exe -autoexec "autoexecfilename" etc>
In this I also use the "start in" to point to a directory. In my autoexec I put
libname x '.'; and that assigns the X libname to the specific directory I choose. This allows for one shortcut in each directory, and X is in THAT directory.